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Everything posted by Bennyboy

  1. Pauln, Check this out ! http://davidrussellguitar.com/ Bennyboy
  2. tuned4life, Roy buchannon is one of my favorites ! I have no records of him but still know his music . But i didn't know he past away. Shame on me !!! Bennyboy
  3. Dean , I think the poll was very interesting . But even more when everybody took his vote for stock speakers . I understand you blew the poll . Bennyboy
  4. jbls , Gilbert, Thank you ! I will give it a try and let you know...... Bennyboy
  5. Mike, www.db-design.nl Bennyboy
  6. Gilbert, We are about the same age , so i am 42 ..... ofcourse it isn't that old !![] And yes , it is jimi playing at my Avitar . I am looking for some acoustic guitar blues from the old days . I don't know any names . Maybe Robert Johnson.... Bennyboy
  7. Are we going to old ????? I don't like the "new" stuff either . Although Kati Melua sounds nice ......... But then again she plays old blues stuff ! Bennyboy
  8. When i listen to my Klipsch speakers..................................................... Modified or original ? Ben
  9. If anyone might be interested ? I have an AL-4 network i want to sell , i don't ask much for it.......! Bennyboy
  10. Very Very interesting Alan !!!!!! I am a bit tired of the surround hype because i think it has nothing with MUSIC. As a matter of fact i have a Turntable recently from mine brother . The cartridge isn't used for almost 18 years ! It is a Kiseki Blue mc cartridge and i have send it for repair . Anyway , it is nice to have Art Blakey in the room , great drummer.... and "only" with phono......... Bennyboy
  11. Dear Fred , You are not the only one from the Netherlands. [] You can drive the La-Scala's with tubes because of the high rendement. I think the Heresy's will be better with SS......... Bennyboy
  12. Just what D-man said.......... Bennyboy
  13. Bob, It is the CT-125 so we can name it a "Crites Tweet" .......... Formica was right when he was worried about the "fins" but i am happy the looks are the same. But for the toolmaker are the fins a lot extra work !! Again very impressive.....[][] Bennyboy
  14. Formica, The fins are only to hold the phase plug in the K-77. The new driver has his own phase plug so you will not use the fins in the horn lens. I could be wrong ..............[] To Bob , do we get the same signature on the horn lens ?[] Bennyboy
  15. Now i understand why Dean need the money ....................... Have you seen his KT-88 tube amp ..............
  16. I am agree with Larry Audio will sound better after some time...................... Bennyboy
  17. Don't play it to loud , your amp may start clipping................... http://forums.klipsch.com/forums/659655/ShowPost.aspx Nice drummer John Bonham ! Bennyboy
  18. Just saw this in Italië . A bit far away for you guys but it is a shame that this was spelled Right.......! http://cgi.ebay.nl/Klipsch-canale-centrale-KLF-C7_W0QQitemZ5848100310QQcategoryZ3276QQtcZphotoQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Bennyboy
  19. Thanks Paul. This could offer the opportunity to pick up something that's not up on everyone's radar screen. Daddy Dee, Now we all know..............! Bennyboy
  20. That is why they call it HARD-ROCK....................... Bennyboy
  21. Dean, It is Christmas, and i wish you and all the others a Nice Holliday !!!! When i read mine answer back . It was a bit a shock when i saw the red letters . It looked almost in negative way and didn't mean it that way ! We have had this discussion before. Maybe i can send the AL-4 over on mine costs ?? Let me just now ..... Benny
  22. Dean , In the end, it is the acoustic response that determines if something is "wrong" or not, and I haven't heard anything from the new designs that would indicate they are poorly designed. The sound is not as trasparent and grain free as I would like it -- but they sound very good in their own right. I think you get me wrong !! First , we both use our ears from the beginning. So i found out there was a serious problem in the acoustic output . Not just a matter of taste or what i like....... The measurements which had been taken place shows a serious problem in the crossover between squaker and tweeter. The squawker is rolling of at 3000 Hz and the tweeter comes in at 4800 Hz. And way to loud. The impedance load in that range is 20 Ohm. I bought mine La-Scala's in 2002. They arrived after six month in march 2003. After a while they went back to the importer because of a problem with the "doghouse" assembly , network failure and one driver (K-55-x) didn't match with the other . The importer changed mine La-Scala's with his.The second set was better build. But still "sounded" in a technical way not good....... I went my own way and found a serious speakerdesigner . He run some tests after i took the speakers to his place...... The AL-4 which i have is on a chipboard and point- to- point wiring . But it could a lot better assemled and soldered. I still believe the design isn't that good......... You can't get a smooth output from a horn loaded speaker design. Sure, it is always a bit rough and the frequentie responce is never nice and flat . But i think it is acceptable the way it now is. Bennyboy Have a Nice Christmas !!!
  23. Hello Dean, From mine hearing ??....háhaháha.... I have one record on LP and CD . For some reason it became mine own reference. I have listened to the record for 27 years. The measurements were for me the proof why that record was a mess. Because i have one of the first series with the AL-4 crossover . Maybe i have got an "experiment ". At least it look like a prototype......... Bennyboy
  24. Okay , just what Al said. Buy them ! ! ! [][] Then play that Band of Gypsy's album........[] Bennyboy
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