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wstrickland1 last won the day on January 24 2014

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  1. etc are you still rocking the 39s I sold you? If you want my 37s let me know. They're in Espresso
  2. yeah they frown on that at this time of year. When you see your way clear let me know.
  3. Well let's drive up to Asheville anyway. Let me know when
  4. Good grief in Asheville. If you want them I'll drive!!
  5. Well I'm not buying CHIT. Just got back from checking out houses, the branch etc and I'll be selling everything I have extra to afford a house. Anyone need a decent kidney?
  6. I need to get moved first. The timing probably won't work but who knows
  7. I sold my LS2s to a guy in Cape Coral. These you shared are in St Pete so damn I may have to buy them. I also have that single in St Pete. ALSO I sold a single to @Youthman which while not there it was on the way..... I do believe the single will be retrieved at the end of this month and brought back to Charleston where @Peacemakerwill grab it
  8. I sold my LS2s to a guy in Cape Coral, just south of there, because I'm moving to Ft Myers. THESE are down there. I also have a LSi single in St Pete. What is it about me, SW Florida and LaScalas? I have to sort this out
  9. Wow I have the same unit, here in Charleston. Good luck neighbor
  10. The one with the Northstar system, not that they ever used it......
  11. He got them in a smallish/newer Jeep Cherokee. Barely fit without the boxes. He broke down 3 of the 4 boxes and left one big one with all the packing stuff in it. I was going to ship that lone box to him but best price was close to $400. He'll come back thru or I'll end up taking it when I move down there. @scallywagger77 you still are the champ with (4) big KLFs, (2) KLF c7s and that homemade KLF20 center channel thing, your luggage, a wife and an 80 lb dog in the Explorer....
  12. and if all works out it will go (again) for $400 to a member
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