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Everything posted by Tarheel

  1. Thanks Dave I wasn't familiar with Walter Trout but I likes him. Just loaded 7 of his albums from Amazon to my Node.
  2. Doc wrote me a RX for PT to address balance issues. Salem my physical therapist is helping quite a bit and has me walking every day. A pleasant 70 degrees for a change so no sweating. Think I will enjoy getting in a little better shape! Slow at first.......
  3. Tarheel

    What I Got Today!

    Kevin sold a ton of these with his video.
  4. Yesterday afternoon I watched a couple of Tom Selleck/Jesse Stone series on Amazon. Each time Jesse poured a Scotch on the rocks I did too. A little fuzzy this morning.
  5. Tucumcari...brings back an old memory. Headed to California from North Carolina in my 68' Mustang I stopped for gas at this humongous station. Saw a Praying Mantis trying to make his way across the pavement and knowing he would be squashed I picked him up and put him in my toboggan. Gave him a ride down the road a bit and put him out. That was 1972.....wonder how that young fella is doing?
  6. How's the toaster holding up OT?
  7. Hot and humid at 9:00am. Washed the Bubble anyway and cleaned windows inside and out with Invisible Glass. Ready for shower #1 for the day.
  8. Meandering into the world of room treatments slowly. Installed 16 sq. ft of Owens Corning 703 rigid insulation behind a tapestry and two diffuser/absorption panels on the opposite wall. Next step will be panels behind the speakers and a bass trap or two. Still working on cup #1.
  9. Nice work John! Looks like a McIntosh ML-1C speaker in the corner?
  10. Many years ago I thought I would chop up a stump to get rid of it and get some exercise to boot. On the second chop I felt a sting and by the second sting realized what was going on. I ran to the back porch with the ax still in my hand. The door was locked and my late wife with her hands to her face panicked and just stood there. Seven stings and after a call to my neighbor, a doctor, took a couple of antihistamines and all was good.
  11. Welcome Tim Sr. I see you over in "Right This Minute" often as I'm catching up with Gary's pics of his systems. Don't be a stranger!
  12. Speaking of cocktails....just had the first slushie while watching golf at Quail Hollow in Charlotte, NC. LF is in the hot tub.
  13. Anyone using them? Happy with results and how many are you using? Guessing they are for the back wall corners? Tips for a treatment newbie appreciated.
  14. 3 Wild Turkey 101s. Think I'll go to bed now.
  15. How will your stereo gear be disposed of once you're pushing up Daises? Does your significant other have any idea what its worth? Have you written instructions? Has anyone given this a thought? Do you have a relative or friend who would value it as much as you do?
  16. There is a guy in Kernersville, NC that builds Dynaco ST-70's from scratch. Great reviews and very nice work. Saw his ad on usaudiomart. Tempting though I have no use for more gear.
  17. Where am I? What's the name of this cemetery?
  18. Yes he did. Temporarily at Carolina Beach but just bought a house about 12 minutes from me.
  19. Do we need to send out a search party for Grasshopper? Poor little Swanky is getting several teeth pulled today. Periodontal disease. Second time he has been under sedation for extractions. Dad's on pins and needles!
  20. The girl at the BP station gave me 2 three dollar power ball tickets when I asked for 3 two dollar tickets. Accepted them anyway. Pretty sure that missing ticket was the winner..........
  21. Beautiful day here 68 degrees, sunny, and a nice breeze. Getting a few little items done. Wish me well I'm going to lay off the booze for a bit to see if I notice a change in sleep/energy.
  22. I paid first time he paid next time. Ate at The Smokehouse.....had brisket.
  23. C. is a perfectionist with his Slushies. Good is close enough for me😆 We had that shoot out at the 2018 Pilgrimage.
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