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Everything posted by Tarheel

  1. There are several Primaluna EVO 400s on USAUDIOMART. One in CA for $3800, one in AR for $4000, one in TN for $4000. If you want to pay even less look at the Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP (integrated amp) the predecessor to the EVO series and every bit as good.
  2. Not much happening here....life in the slow lane. Getting Swanky acclimated to his new digs. Funny when LF and I are in different parts of the house he lays down some where in the middle. Just realized I haven't had music going since he got here. How are things in your neck of the woods?
  3. Second cup coming up. May rain after lunch so the top goes up on the bubble. Lunch today with a bunch of old geezers. That's it............
  4. I gave Swanky some light reading but he's holding out for a Lassie or Rin Tin Tin book.
  5. That bucket of lard with her flabby ham hocks would be grist to the mill😁 Rich.....set something up on pay per view. You're tight with the Queen aren't you?
  6. I could kick her butt with one ham hock tied behind me😅
  7. The new "Equalizer" with Queen Latifah in the starring role🤣 Never watched but could a more preposterous casting occur?
  8. Don't need no stinkin carbohydrates just more protein. Thinking about happy hours. Jack Black with 2 drops Proof syrup and a drop of bitters. 30 more minutes!
  9. He has a lot of nick names including Swankster, Swankmiester, Spanky, Swank, and occasionally I accidentally call him Jake.
  10. Swanky.....a 5 year old Norwich Terrier. Have had him two weeks today.
  11. "It puts the lotion on it's skin or else it gets the hose again"
  12. Three hours of yard work (pruning, bagging, blowing) and then some vodkas with soda and lime. Can't imagine building a wall. Save that for you young fellas.
  13. Gosh! We haven't given away a toaster in a while.
  14. Traveled to Alabama Saturday and back Sunday to get the new pup. A younger couple traveled from Missouri to meet me in Oxford, Alabama. Swanky was retired as a stud (kinda like me) by the breeder at 5 y/o. In the course of two weeks he was neutered, transported 1000 miles, and has met lots of new folks. He has slept a lot since then and I'm allowing him to decompress at his own pace. Thought about changing his name to Spanky but Swanky is okay. Don't know the story behind the name though. Here is the big boy!
  15. Tarheel


    Good to hear from you Steve! Don't be a stranger.
  16. Bought a new PC from Best Buy yesterday. A Microsoft Surface Pro. The demo in the store had a key pad but this one is touch screen. Yikes! So I Spent a few hours learning how to navigate and learning windows 10. Fun right? So my post will be shorter with more errors!
  17. So sad to hear of the passing of Sancho.....one of our coffee klatch buds😢
  18. Thanks Jimbo. I talked with Ursula at the NT rescue about two weeks ago and am on her waiting list. Norwich Terriers have small litters and a great following making them difficult to find. Jake was a rescue, a former breeding dad, that we got at age 9. A wonderful dog that we lost too soon. I have been corresponding with a lady who may retire one of her male breeder dads. Just this morning I got the news that they think their dog would be happy in our home so I may be making a loooong drive soon. Keep your fingers crossed!
  19. Oh no.....so sorry to read this. I always looked forward to his post and wit. He contributed to the CC&C thread as a regular and we will miss having coffee with him. RIP my friend.
  20. Get better soon Sancho! We're pulling for you.
  21. Thanks again Mike that is most helpful. I emailed three of the ones you provided just now. Hope the one close by in Virginia pans out!
  22. Thank you Mike I will write them now.
  23. Another afternoon in the pool room with LF. Vodka and tonics again.....going through that half gallon of Chopin pretty fast. Did Keto for a month and lost 8 pounds. Transitioned to Atkins so I made some Atkin's friendly cheese cake muffins. Scouring the country and beyond for a Norwich Terrier. You guys hear of one available please let me know. After the Grammy's clips I saw I dropped Tidal, the former drug dealer Jay-Z, and his hook up Beyonce. Went to Amazon HD and liking it. Making some play list with only ultra high def songs. Saving money too.
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