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Everything posted by oldenough

  1. Heres a pic of the carving in my back-yard, i guess they must use a special chain to do this sort of work. apparently it's not an indian head, it's "the old man of the forest". Look's awesome lit up at night.
  2. Actually those bo$e 201's do duty on our deck, really dont sound too bad, (as long as you dont listen to them).
  3. Marvel, believe me when i tell you that i consider myself one lucky man to be married to Elsie. She has an amazing sense of humour, and put's up with all my little quirks. If for one minute i thought that my fetish for all things audio was affecting my marriage then it would all go back to the thrift store from whence it came.[]
  4. Shhhh!. keep it down Oldbuckster, most of it is now safely stashed right above her head in the attic. But thanks for that more than kind offer.[]
  5. That is exactly what was going thru my mind.
  6. Good2Bhome, if that is true then i am truly scared beyond the depths of my soul. But before i take your comment's to heart could you tell me just what your profession is. Worried.....John
  7. Oh man that's gotta work, i'm gonna start digging right away.
  8. Hey you can never have enuff speakers. Go for it!
  9. Jeez, Jay did you really need to point that out? What little credibility i may have had has now flown out of the window. THANKS![] Err actually what i meant to say was, uhhhm there not actually mine uhmmm they belong to my wife...anyone wanna buy them...best speakers in the world you know.... sell em real cheap....
  10. Okay then go the other way, cut a 6"x6" hole into your floorboards and put some sort of post into the sub-strata, plenty of caulking around said post (stops the drafts and bugs from entering your home), place 2ft square granite slab upon post. Seems to me you'd be good to go after this well thought out modification......John P,s Let me know what your wife thinks about this.
  11. Hi, Oldbuckster, yes it's a basement, and now that i have it finished the wife has her eye on it, AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. The telecaster is my pride and joy, it's a deluxe, just wish my playing could do it justice but i just love playing it. Yeh there's a lot of stuff around but most of it get's used at some time, i love messing and changing just for the hell of it.
  12. thanx jeremy. It's a bummer getting old....
  13. I recently moved and now have a room dedicated for music/Ht, could'nt be happier. Just need an Rc-7 and it's complete. Ok what happened to the pictures, anybody wanna help me with how to post pics? Ok i gottit. Huh! they were there ,now they've gone, wassup with that!!
  14. Hi Boston, If Bharej do'es not want your Rc-7 would you give me first offer. Would there be any problem with you shipping to Canada? Thanx in advance..John
  15. About a year ago a neighbour who's wife was insisting he clear out some of his "stuff" gave me a Tektronix 547 oscillator. Now my wife is insisting the same thing of me, you know, with stupid question's like "do you really need 20 amplifiers, 20 pairs of speakers, and god knows how many turn-tables?". So i've cleared out or hidden some stuff that i really did'nt need, or could'nt find a need for immediatley (i just hope the attic floor is as strong as it looks!!). Hey! it seemed a waste to just leave all that roof space empty. Now the only piece of "stuff" that she has her eye on is the afore-mentioned oscillator, the only way that i could get this thing up to the attic is to recruit her to help me, BUSTED! This thing must weigh close to a hundred pounds, but it is a "knob twisters" dream. I've played around with it some, and done lots of "knobtwistin' " but i really have no understanding of it. Question, would/could this be of use to me, do'es it have basic easy to use functions that would'nt require a degree to understand, do'es anybody here have a plausible excuse to give as to why i need to keep this. Even if i can't understand the operation of it, it sure is a cool piece, it's not like it's a piece of junk, this thing is like new, not a mark on it. It will probably need servicing and calibrating. Thanks for any help...john
  16. Can you assure me of any improvements over my Home depot lamp cord????
  17. thanx WPM, yes i did see that site, it does have specs, but thats all. Still, i guess as long as they sound good to me thats all i need to know.
  18. Thanks, hopefully DrWho will see this and respond. I think i am going to use these as a second 2 channel system in my dining room, very nice looking pieces of furniture as well nice sound, there a bit flashy with the grills off. Now i'm going to check them out using all Marantz components, 1152 dc amp, 5025b cassette,6300 t/t, if nothing else it should look nice (gotta keep the wife happy)....John
  19. Due to a recent post regarding luxman amps i pulled out a luxman r-113 reciever to give it a listen, what to use as a source? How about that old denon dcd1520, i also have a pair of Marantz 930 designer series speakers that i had never really had a good listen to. Now i do'nt know if i just hit on a good combination, or if this is some good quality gear? got to tell you i was floored. What really impressed me was the speakers. Over-all i'm really happy with my Rf-5's, but these old things have got me thinking. I do'nt ever remember hearing anyone mentioning or giving great reviews of Marantz speakers on this forum, even though there are a number of members who use Marantz amps, tuners. etc. So do'es anyone have any insight about these speakers, i could'nt find anything on the interweb. Tomorrow i'm going to give them a listen on my 2 channel system in place of my Rf-5s......John
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