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Everything posted by Buckeye_Nut

  1. Chris, You might want to consider taking a closer look at your surround processor because it sounds like yours isnt doing it's job very well. Most if not all 5.1 action movies that contain a lot of sound effects, should translate very well into a 7.1 matrixed back soundfield. If yours isnt, you have issues with your sound processing.
  2. To be honest, I have no freaking clue what in the hell they've been singing most weeks. Whatever it is, it sure isnt what the primary Idol target audience listens too.... that's for sure. It's definitely not anything that I would ever listen to. Whether it's the "Golden Oldies, Gold Standard or whatever they call some of that old crap they've been singing. It's all the same to me..... It might as well be jibberish for all im concerned. What in the hell was that crap during Rod Stewart week, anyway?? Like who wants to listen to that crap? I thought this was an "IDOL" contest???? Nobody will become an american idol singing 60 year old "GRAND-MA-MA" music.....LOL Blaaaaaaa...... Im done with idol until the fresh hilarious auditions begin next season.
  3. Yea, I saw queen week. That was probably my favorite theme of the season even though a couple contestants chose dumb obscure queen songs to sing.
  4. What do I like besides the sound??? 1.Reliability 2.speaker appearance
  5. I probably made it through the first 5 seasons of survivor...LOL I watched it through the "All Stars" or the 2nd season with Rupert(whichever came last), and I have not watched an episode since. It was definitely the biggest show in TV for those first few seasons, but I've since fallen off the survivor map. As of right now, there are only 2 shows that are on my "Must see" list. 1.Lost 2.Invasion
  6. I watched every episode of Idol this season until about 4 weeks ago when I quit cold turkey. I felt that the weekly themes were especially boring for me, and couldnt bear to watch anymore. One week.......love songs, then 40s show tunes, then Kenny Rogers, then Manilow...etc, etc..etc. It cracks me up how the judges will criticize contestants for choosing songs that dont 'bring it', and then the show goes on and chooses terrible song genres for several weeks at a time. Watching them sing a bunch of crappy showtunes or stuff I've never heard of week after week got a bit lame. It seemed that previous seasons tended to stick with cooler weekly themes, but this seasons theme choices were by and large awful. Watching the hilarious auditions at the beginning of each season never gets old!!
  7. I think that is the best animated movie ever made.....LOL "Incredible" soundtrack too!!! Pun intended.....
  8. I totally agree..... The funny thing is that 7.1 over 6.1 doesnt have to be costly. Nowdays, 7.1 receivers are the norm and dont necessarily cost more than the 6.1 models. Most people use smallish speakers in the back anyway, so buying a pair instead of one speaker is no big outlay. For example, you can get a pair of RS10s for about $200 for the back, and they would suit your needs for that purpose. Of course...... you could always spend more if you wanted!! LOL
  9. Definitely skip the entertainment center. You dont want to limit future screen size because of furniture you wont want to replace. Many new TV stands have places for components & a center speaker below the screen. Or..... You can simply mount the speaker on a shelf or stand behind the TV. It sounds like you're losing dialog because you're attempting to transmit a 5 channel signal with only 2 speakers connected. Your receiver is sending channel output to speakers that arent there. To correct the loss of dialog, be sure to configure you're dvd player output into 2 channels so you dont lose parts of the soundtrack. If you want to add a center??? Either of these work well....RC35, RC52, RC62. Keep in mind that if you add a center, but not surrounds, and keep the DVD player in 5.1 mode...... You'll still be losing the signals being sent to the surround speakers. As for the sub....yep, you're missing a lot if you dont have a subwoofer!! However, if you live in an apartment, be mindful of those neighbors[]
  10. Speaker positioning has lot has to do with room size, and your room layout. For example, if your HT is narrow front to back, and your fronts are near the corners, you'll probably want your back speakers closer to the center to get separation from your surrounds. If your room is 25" wide, and your fronts are positioned 8-10 feet apart, you'll probably want to position your back speakers the same distance apart on the back wall. It's all about the room[]
  11. There is nothing wrong with 5.1. It's just that having two extra speakers working in the back makes it better.
  12. With your room, I would definitely factor in the cost of acoustical room treatments, because anything you put in there will sound bad if the room remains untreated.
  13. If they were smart, they'd be protesting their own government in Mexico City, not the USA. There is absolutely no reason that Mexico should be poor. They have a rich nation with two coasts, lots of natural resources, a large willing labor force....ect, etc, etc... There is absolutely no reason their country cannot rise up and leave poverty behind. They'd be much better served by protesting their own corrupt government. The fact that they protest the US because of their problems brought on by their own goverment is simply mind boggling.
  14. Ditto.... My sentiments exactly!! When we went dog shopping, I was specifically looking for a quiet, non-biter, loving dog. It took some looking, but we finally found that dog. I had to veto my wife more than once during the process.....LOL There were a couple dogs she liked that were absolutely mad-dogs!! hahaha I think choosing the personality traits in a dog is a very important aspect of dog shopping.
  15. You probably wont like my answer, but here it goes......... I wouldnt buy a dog 'just for the kids' if they are already 15-17. A dog is a long committment, and it will be around long after they're gone. They'll soon be off to college and out of your house, and you'll be an empty nester with a dog to take care of. Unless you want a dog too, I wouldnt get one. As for choosing a dog?? I think you can learn a lot about the dogs personality on the first impression. While it's true that a dog can be trained, it will still have it's personality quirks. For example, if you dont like yappy dogs, then dont buy a dog that's yapping it's head off at the store. If you dont want a hyper crazy dog, you can also spot this at the shelter/store. When I went dog shopping, I kept looking until I found the dog that had the personality traits that I was looking for. Once I brought it home, we had exactly the kind of dog we wanted and she was a good doggy for 10 years. We had to put her down last year, and now I have to admit loving being dog-free for the first time in a decade. No more arranging boarding, vet trips, SWEEPING HAIR!! Ahhh.......
  16. The hispanic vote typically favors the Democrats at around 70-30%. (if the republicans are lucky). However, it always leans hard left. For example in 2000, GWB got 35% of the hispanic vote which is quite good for a republican. On the other hand, Bob Dole only got 20% of the hispanic vote in '96 against Clinton. Much of GWBs great results had a lot to do with a smart and efficient campaign targeting that group.
  17. I'd like to buy one of the Klipsch plaques for my HT, but according to the website, they are no longer available[:'(]
  18. I liked Titanic, and I've seen it more than once. [:$]
  19. Yep, I'm glad that some people are able to see this issue for it's face value. It's all about Democrats expanding their voter base, although non-citizens with drivers lisences cannot vote legally in state or federal elections. That's why the media is pressing so hard for amnesty in their reporting because they would desperately like to see millions of Mexicans become legal voters in the US. The whole point is to get them on the path towards citizenship and voting rights so they can cast their vote for the Democratic ticket. However, some of the more liberal municipalities in the NE already offer voting rights to non-citizen aliens for local elections. Most notably, NYC democrats are pressing to change their laws at this very moment.
  20. Yep, the system is truly broken. You'll have to thank the Democrats for that one. They're the 'pro-drivers license' party, and their politics have a lot to do with that specific issue. I especially get a laugh out of all the media coverage. The media describes the rallies as "Pro-Immigration", and describe how illegals are necessary for taking jobs "we wont do" ...etc, etc..etc..... It's very clear which group is pro-illegal & pro-amnesty, and which is not.
  21. That is the key....... Mass deportation isnt the answer. On the other hand, if we can eliminate their jobs, they'll deport themselves.
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