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  1. Looks great!!! Like the others said, at the very least angle your center speaker downward if it's going to be that high up. Aim direcly down towards your primary seating position. enjoy...
  2. This is the screensaver you end up with when you buy a new computer and car at the same time.......... Back in Black!!
  3. You'll be fine..... the 64 is a step up from the 82's...but that's OK. You'll love it!! Don't sweat replacing the surrounds yet...... All in time!! ...take one step at a time. For now, you're taking 2 big steps!! The 82's and 64.....big upgrade...
  4. probably not.....your center may roll off and you'll lose some low frequencies....it it won't hurt the speaker.
  5. definitely in the ballpark........... You may be able to save 1-200 if you get anal and scour the planet for a better deal. IMO....go for it. The offer you have is a reasonable value...why not?
  6. "loudness" shouldn't be an issue....... I think it has more to do with how you set your system up..... room layout and room acoustics.
  7. Yes.....been there done that with my father back in the day!! Do a few extra errands around the house...it'll be worth it. My dad talked me into spending extra for a pair of speakers back in 1985, and I still own and use them regularly!! They've since been demoted to garage duty......but they still rock!! Haha
  8. In your budget range, choose an all purpose receiver that fits your needs. my 2 cents.... To experience a true gain from separates, you'll need to spend a lot more than your current budget.
  9. Your profile states you have RF83's? Ok..now I am confused..... I wouldn't bother upgrading from the RF62 to 82.....If you're going to upgrade, either the 63-83 is the ticket. my 2 cents...
  10. You have a SVS sub that is not powered? Do they make that?
  11. Maybe it's a little off topic, but how about HT stories to the night skies????? Toys resting in the garage...... These are my two "Night Sky" home theater enablers......to enjoy "widescreen" panaramas of the cosmos...Unfortunatley...no surround sound is included, but a small portable radio outside works pretty well. HEH. BELOW:: Toys in action......far away from city lights....... Any astro fans out there??...just maybe?? LOL sound off!!
  12. If you're planning on watching any TV on that screen, you'll want a 16:9....my 2 cents....
  13. Oh noooo , I had those same CV's , those things rocked ! Bought them in late 1985 when I still lived with my parents . They survived 4 moves locally and then I took them across country to Phx , Az. . For what I paid for them they where great . When it came time to move back after school they helped finance the trip . Put them in the paper for $300. and they sold the first day . Kinda bittersweet but no room in the car for them on the trip . Then I switched to the darkside and bought Klipsch . I can relate.........the only difference is that I never sold mine!! I bought mine in '85 too[H] How dare you sell such a thing!! Hahah.... These speakers still bring me a lot of pleasure while serving garage duty!! The CV's were always powered by a classic mid-80's Pioneer VSX-9500S. Good'ol 2'channel power I always thought!!!.....I've recently been experiencing shorting problems in the left channel so I replaced my loving good old '80's Pioneer friend with a relatively modern Yamaha RX-V2500. All I have to say is WOW....NEW does pretty darned good with these old speakers........ I couldn't be happier. I just completed some spring garage cleaning this past weekend and this picture was taken while the floor was still wet... long live the CV's!!....LOL PS..is there a simple way to downsize pictures?? The entire right side of the above picture is cropped because the file is too big...sheeeesh...
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