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  1. Loved it! Possibly the best 7.1 mix I've heard, lots of chaos and explosions.
  2. I had low expectations for this flick but it turned out pretty good. It's definitely worth a rent.
  3. I really enjoyed watching this movie, good audio and a great story.
  4. That's a great movie, I was very surprised how much I enjoyed it.
  5. Very nice setup Troy!!! I bet it sounds great!
  6. I'll pick this up on the weekend, I've heard many good things about it.
  7. I think its because of the value for the money. There prices are great and a five year warranty is hard to beat. I'm not saying its the end all be all but the customer/tech support is amazing. Just my opinion.
  8. I just got my ERC-2 today and I love it! It was one of there last ones since they are now discontinued. I've been listening to some of my favorite CD's and I'm in love.
  9. I got my strike notice today! US Steel strikes again.
  10. I am interested in the above. Are you willing to sell? PM Sent.
  11. Hello TO Knight, I would call Klipsch technical and Warranty and explain the situation, they will give you a hand for sure. Here is the number 1-800-554-7724
  12. If The amazing Spider man is not spoken for Ill trade that one! Here is a list of the ones I would like to trade. Con Air The Fith Element Green Zone The Guardian Hannibal Rising I am Legand Independence Day The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen The Mechanic 12 Monkeys Safe House 13 2012
  13. Shipping and fees from US kills most if not all deals from online companies. Ive bought a few things and had them shipped up here and the brokerage fee's are ridiculous, when I bought my Klipsch sub 12 5years ago the shipping/brokerage/duty added another $200 on top of it. Sometimes Future shop (like a Canadian Bestbuys ) has the klipsch speakers on half off, but I'm not sure when there sales are.
  14. I think this could be a good leed, RF-82's in mint condition he has the matching RC 62 as well. He's asking $700 for the 82's but I'm sure he might make a deal. http://www.canuckaudiomart.com/details/649043039-klipsch_rf82_and_rc62/
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