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Tom Adams

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Everything posted by Tom Adams

  1. Hey dodger - you left out how these credit card companies send pre-approved cards to every Tom, Dick, and Harry whether they're a credit risk or not. Then wonder why these folks run up huge debt and then declare backruptcy. And guess who subsidizes all this? Yup. Us responsible folks. I agree, the whole credit card industry is a rip. I'm as much a supporter of a free enterprise system as anyone and federal regulations IMHO should be the last straw, but the federal gubmint needs to tell the credit card industry to shape up or they'll do it for them. It's obscene for financially responsible folks with good credit to have to pay 10%+ over the prime rate. Back on the off-topic...I worked with a lady who had her "identity stolen" just prior to her leaving the US for two months. By the time she got back her credit was ruined and "the law" was after her. Her story was absolutely frightening. Between the legal hassles and dealing with the three major credit reporting companies, it darn near became a job trying to clear things up. Yep - it changed my mind too about shredding documents. Tom
  2. Hey Steven - Like avman, I too have seen my share of hurricanes. In 1965 my parents moved to a little town on the Mississippi Gulf Coast called Pass Christian (they still live there) and bought a home some three blocks off the beach. In 1969 we got to see what it was like to be in the eye of a hurricane when Camille hit the coast packing 180+ mph winds. I literally remember it like it was yesterday seeings how we stayed through the storm. I'm praying for you and all the other folks be they on this list or otherwise. As for me...a sigh of relief seeings how I'm suppose to be closing on our new house (yeah, yeah, I know...I need to post new photos of the HT room. I will soon) at the end of this month. For a while there it looked like Savannah might be in trouble. As for predicting these things, I have a theory. Where ever the Weather Channel sends Jim Cantore, you can bet things ain't gonna be good. Good luck all. Tom
  3. ---------------- On 9/12/2003 10:32:50 AM m00n wrote: Maron, With all due resepect, I think you're stretching it a bit far on your copywright infringement examples... Just a tad. ---------------- Uhhhh...no he isn't. I was part of a project my corporation had going called IRM. As a minor gesture the project team gave everyone a candy jar that had an image of Yosemite Sam on it with the words "IRM'd and dangerous". We got slammed for the image 'cause it was copyrighted. Chevrolet, even though they quit making decals and such for early model cars (and had no intention to ever make them), sued and shut down a bunch of folks that were making reproduction decals. Now, I'm not talking about Chevy bow-tie emblems, I'm talking about decals that said "396 Cubic Inches". I think Maron's point is that at some point in time in all of our lives as kids, we do things that we may/may not know is wrong. But does that give entitites the "right" to make an example of us? Hell, at 14 I was on my dirt bike and had a cop follow me over 100 yards before I realized he was there. After he pulled me over he asked if there was something wrong with my front tire since the whole time he was following me I was on the back tire (was doing a wheelie if you haven't figured it out. Yes - I was pretty good at them). Did he throw me in jail? No. Did I know what I was doing was wrong? Yes. Did he take me home. Yes. Did I get an *** whooping? Yes. My point is that what I did broke several laws, yet someone decided to use their common sense and correct the behavior without resorting to applying the law to it's fullest extent. BTW, I personally think that after reading through all these posts, DrWho makes the most sense. And I'll finish up my late afternoon ramble by saying this: "People in glass houses should not throw stones". Tom
  4. I know this is a long shot, but if any of you here are in easy driving distance of Savannah, GA and are in the market for a very nice 2 year old Mitsubishi 46" Widescreen TV, mine is for sale. I'm asking $1000 even and that includes the matching Mitsubishi A/V base. I'll even entertain offers as long as they aren't insulting. Hell, I'll even deliver if the drive time isn't over 2 hours one way. Tom
  5. LOL....I'd have to challenge the legitimacy of any list that has Prince fer ged's sake ahead of Joe Satriani, Mark Knopfler, Stanley Jordan, Ritchie Blackmore....hell, ahead of anybody for that matter. IMHO, lists like these should have a intro that reads, "Our top 100 guitar players in no particular order." To rank these folks is simply ludicrous. It not only sets oneself up as some kinda all-knowing, all-seeing whatever; but it also discredits some fine pickers. Tom
  6. What in blue blazes happened to Projector Central?? Gone are the reviews, industry news, and a whole bunch of other info stuff. Looks like it's now just another "mail order" place. Tom
  7. Just a short note to say that my RC-3 is sold. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program. Tom
  8. Thanks guys for all the complements about Madison. Yeah...she's a cutie. What I find so amazing is how that pretty blond hair of hers manages to hide those horns. Seriously though - she's very good kid. In fact the wife & I are trying for another one. And, according to Madison, nothing but a boy will do. And thanks for the comments about the bike. It's but one of the three I own. And yes, the wife knows. I bought it mostly so the two of us could ride together seeings how my other bikes are a ZX9R Ninja and a Honda NS50. My motorcycle habit is part of the reason for the over-sized garage in the new house. And as soon as we move in there's this very nice Yamaha RZ350 Kenny Roberts edition that I'm dying for. As for the house/HT, well...as those of you who have built homes know, we're in the last two months of construction. Which means that things start going slooooow. Interior trim & paint will be finished this week and so should the exterior stucco. So some updates will be coming in a couple of weeks. Tom
  9. Hmmmm...I'll try this again which will further expose me as a total LOSER when it comes to this stuff. (sigh) Tom
  10. Oh well....until the Cavalry comes to my rescue, you jokers will just have to look at my photo the 'ol fashion way. Tom
  11. This is both a test of imbedding an image and bragging a bit. Edit - Hmmmm....seems my server changes the <> to []. Anyone care to offer some help? Tom Edit2 - HOLY MOLEY!!!! I DID IT!!! I DDID IT!!! Hells bells...I'm gonna go home now. The rest of this day will be all down hill from here!
  12. Action - Some questions: 1. From the photo you submitted, what is the height from the bottom shelf to the ground? Could the DVD be placed there (on the ground)? 2. What height adjustments of that bottom shelf are available to you? What I'm thinking is that if that bottom shelf can be raised/lowered, it might present some better options for placement of the DVD and/or Denon. Man....nothing like having to modify something to make it work, eh? Tom
  13. Another Woman - OMG - how ironic!! I have a Klipsch KSW-15 subwoofer that is looking for a new owner that wants a sub but has a limited budget. And you'll be doing me a huge favor. Because when my wife wants to know why the movies in our new HT have no deep base, I'll be forced to buy an SVS PB2+. Email me off-line if interested: tom.adams.iii@gulfstream.com Tom
  14. Thank you TheEar. And I say this with all honesty - you can be a really neat person when you want to be. I'm fairly certain you want to help people and voice your opinions/observations. And people will listen to you when you show them respect like you showed me with your response. It took courage not to flame me and I respect that. I'm listening to you once again. Tom
  15. I literally walked away from this thread in order to think before blindly replying. So, with a clear mind, here goes...... Though I've not posted very much, I've hung around this BB for a while now. And during my time here I've seen some jerks come & go. But, for whatever reason TheEar just never seems to leave nor does he learn how to get along. His attitude in this thread is both sad and consistent. And to be quite honest it's tiring and unwarranted. Additionally, it's the single factor that made me leave this BB for a period of time in hopes that he'd either leave or learn to get along. Unfortunately, neither has happened. In fact, I had a conversation with a Moderator about this very same attacking attitude of TheEar. So, I'm gonna say it now publicly.... TheEar - You take audio very seriously and we all know and respect that. You've listened/owned a lot of equipment and we all give you that as well. And you can be a great source of information - WHEN YOU WANT TO. But when someone disagrees with you, show them the respect they show you. Sarcasm and belittling will not make anyone want to carry on a meaningful discussion with you. Being condesending and resorting to name-calling is a turn-off. The person you do this to doesn't appreciate it and I don't appreciate reading it. So it's quite simple. STOP DOING IT!!! Tom
  16. Since I now have a Heresy for a center channel (much better match to my Cornwalls), I need to sell my RC-3. It's about 2 years old and in perfect shape. $200.00 (and that includes shipping) and it's yours. Email me off-list if you're interested. tom.adams.iii@gulfstream.com Tom
  17. Recently I was sitting on the throne (it's where I do some of my best thinking ) and got to wondering about the speaker level set up once my new HT is finished. My puzzlement is how one sets the speaker levels in a large HT where there are two or even three rows of seats since one is suppose to place the sound level meter at the listening position. Seems to me that if the "King's chair" is in the front row and speaker levels are set for that position, then the folks in the cheap seats might be hearing something different. Am I over thinking this?? J-molotky? m00n? You guys have rooms with multiple rows. What did you do? Tom
  18. Thanks Malcolm - I stand corrected (to some degree ) On my way home last night there was something about my post that was bugging me and it occurred to me that I had my "engines" swapped in relation to the aircraft models. However, I'm sure that some engines were produced by Rolls and that there were some turbo'd engines used. Alas, like so many things during WWII, more than one vendor produced the same product from time-to-time. Worked with a guy who worked at the Boeing plant that produced the B-17. He told me that at the end of the main assembly line there's this huge clock above the final line door. He was told that at the peak of production, the line moved every hour on the hour. So every time the big hand was on the "12", a B-17 went out the door. Simply amazing...with all the technology we can bring to bear, my company can only put out one aircraft every 4 days! Lastly (and I promise to shut the hell up ), there's some dude here in Savannah that has two P51D's that are fully restored right down to the (inoperable) machine guns. I've seen one them and it looks like it just rolled off the assembly line. This guy flies the P51D's each week and if ya ask real nice he'll take ya up on a joy ride. His toys also include a Gulfstream V, a Citation X (I think), a Mig17 (that he donated to the Mighty 8th Air Force museum), and a Mitsubishi MU2. Tom
  19. jt1stcav - Not to be a stickler, but the P51 Mustang did not have radial engines. The earlier versions of the aircraft had UK produced Merlin & Rolls-Royce V12's that were supercharged. In it's latter configurations (the C & D models) the engines were Allison V12's that were turbocharged hence the familiar oil cooler scoop under the plane. And up until a few years ago the Venuezualen (sp?) Air Force flew P51D's as their primary plane. BTW - there's a War Bird restoration/museum place located at the Kissemmee Airport. Neat place if you're into airplanes. Tom
  20. Ho-boy..... I (we) would love to have a MIL problem because my MIL is a very kind, sweet and giving person. Now the Dad is another story. I have never seen in my 47 years of life a man that is more obsessed with a Granddaughter than he is. I'm not gonna get into any detail cause it'll just get my blood pressure up, but here's a glimpse... He has this recliner sitting in a corner that is "his chair" and all around it (floor, both walls, end tables) are pictures of Madison. It's like a friggin shrine. Don't get me wrong, she's a very, very beautiful little girl. But the man can't get through a day without calling my wife and asking how Madison is. And the latest is this digi cam thing he got that allows him to play slide shows of Madison on his TV over and over and over and over and over and over and over...... Shifting gears - I'm not sure if any of you guys know this, but my Ex wife is very very famous. She's where Frigidare originally got cold for their refrigerator! Yeah - I'm sorry to have hi-jacked this thread as well. But I feel better now. Tom
  21. This really isn't part of my HT, but thought I'd share it nonetheless. That big cavity will have an A/V section on the bottom and the Toshiba 32" up top. In the corners of the room will be a pair of RB5's. I've got provisions for a sub on the left.
  22. Here's the rough-in for the A/V stuff. It's not huge, but will be large enough for my needs.
  23. Here's what it looks like so far. Nothing exciting except that it's begining to finally look like a room. You can see an opening where the A/V stuff will go. I've got another pic of it to follow.
  24. I'm sure some folks here will cringe at this, but I converted both my Cornwalls and Heresys to the type of binding posts that will accept banana plugs. I got them from Rat Shack for 5 bucks each. Go here: www.radioshack.com/product.asp?catalog%5Fname=CTLG&category%5Fname=CTLG%5F011%5F003%5F001%5F012&product%5Fid=274%2D630 Pulled the backs off my speakers, layed out the opening, performed the surgery, and installed the jack(s). Tom
  25. I'll chime in with a couple not mentioned. Bruce Springsteen - Live from New York City: What can I say, he's the Boss. Very good video and excellent sound. How the man puts on a show like that is amazing. I got tired watching him. Sade - Live: OMG...she's like, uh, I dunno, the epitome of sensuality IMHO. Oh, and yeah the audio (DTS) is excellent. The video is ok, but I'm thinking it was shot to look a bit grainy. But Sade...OMG, someone gimme a cigarette (and I don't even smoke). Tom
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