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Posts posted by bhenry

  1. I'm very unhappy with my current set up and have been thinking about this for quite some time. Do you have any other pictures of it?

    I'm located in Royal Oak Michigan (outside Detroit) and would have to pick it up on a weekend. Perhaps next weekend?

    I will be using a KSA 1000 THX amplifier with this, only because I have two of them. What's your opinion on that?


  2. My dad used to yell at me to "Turn that sh!t down!" and would sometimes pull the fuse out of my stereo when report cards came out.

    My mom used to complain that my stereo would make her pictures crooked on the walls.

    Bruce Jenner is now a woman.

    My parents would always tell me that the neighbors from across the street (a pretty fair distance) would tell them that they could feel the bass from my stereo and my bed room was on the second floor of our house.

    • Like 2
  3. It's like you're a brother from another mother, I do that too!

    That book you spotted is a dealer ordering catalog.......very hard to get one of those (eBay score!).

    I'm doing a job at a Breitling dealers house today and she said she "has some Breitling stuff" for me, It's like Christmas in April!

    I suspect you're also a car guy, huh? Just a wild guess.

  4. It might be easier to pick a spot or two where you will be putting your equipment and running new, grounded circuits to those areas.

    There were many correct statements above such as HIRING A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN and being able to trick those plug-in testers by jumping a neutral to the ground screw in the device which is not a wise thing to do and should be corrected if that's what they did.

    Code also allows the use of grounded (3 wire) receptacles on ungrounded circuits when they are GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) protected.

    Good luck.

  5. I don't beleive in "General Rules" and I'm well aware of what it does when setting the size of your speakers.

    I have tried it with my speakers set to small (the "correct" setting) and I have tried them set to large. I like them set to large so that's where I keep them. Don't much care what the "General Rule" is. What I care about is how awesome my Klipchorns and subwoofers sound when I'm breakin' those rules! It's my house and my rules.

    Hey everyone, Have a Happy Easter!

    Stay classy.

  6. It might actually help smooth out some room nodes by supplying different sources of bass throughout the room.

    That is exactly what it does. When the mains are set to small you can start to notice where the bass is coming from, but setting the mains to large (and then adjusting the crossovers on the subs accordingly because it does create some issues by setting the fronts to large so you have smooth it out), you bring some bass to the front and it just sounds better.

  7. I have the crossover set to 80 and I'm using two KA-1000-THX amps which have all of the controls right on the front which makes it super nice when making adjustments.

    The THX Ultra2 system is nice because the subs are front ported so you can tuck them away into cabinets if you want to (which I did for two of them-makes for a nice, custom look) and the phase, crossover, volume adjustments are right on the amps. I have the sub crossover set to external on my pre-amp so I could tweak the subs quite easily.

    I am by no means an expert on this topic, just a guy that has a hobby and enjoys listening to some sweet tunes. It has taken me a very long time to tune the subs in but I'm not using any measuring equipment, just playing with things until it sounds right to my ears.

    I am using a trick that I know most people on here would disagree with by setting my main speakers to large instead of small. I think it actually helps with the "localization" of the subwoofers by bringing some bass to the front of the room. Does that make sense? I just can't bring myself to set Klipschorns to "small".

  8. Please explain the issue with having subs behind you.

    I have all four of my subs behind my couch because that's where they sound best. I have two built into a wall to the right rear and two tucked into a corner to the left rear.

    I have tried different locations (including along the front) but they don't sound as good in that spot. I have Klipschorns so my front corners are occupied and placing them next to the Klipschorns does not work well.

    I have two sets of the KW-120-THX that are supposed to be placed side by side for best results, and I don't have the room for four of these things along my front wall so behind the couch they go!

    The bass fills the room nicely and there is no way to tell where the subs are.

    I respectfully disagree with your comment about subs being behind you and yet you don't have a problem with subs being above you. With proper set-up there is no reason you can't put subs behind you. Or above you.

    I could be wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised if movie theaters often have subs behind you. And how many concert venues have subs floating in mid air? What works, works. Just sayin'.

  9. If I should ever need to replace my plasma I wouldn't hesitate to buy a Panasonic. It's too bad plasma didn't make it, it makes for an awesome picture.

    Mine is strictly a monitor......no tuner......no speakers. It needs an external source for video and audio but it's exactly perfect for me since I have the pre-amp to provide the source material to the TV and have no need for speakers on the TV.

    Enjoy your new TV.

    • Like 1
  10. I have a 50" plasma Pioneer Elite (no HDMI and I don't need it and don't miss it. In fact, my TV's that do have it I still hook up with component. Not a fan of HDMI) and they will be prying it out of my cold, dead hands.

    And, because of the awkwardness of it's size I would ABSOLUTLELY make it a 2 man job. 50" and 97lbs doesn't sound like much until you're trying to hang that in the wall all by yourself.

    • Like 1
  11. I'm just curious, I have this same one.......are these really worth that kind of dough? I'm NOT bashing his asking price, I would just not have known the value of this thing. I hope he gets the full $600.00 (or more!).

    Good luck, man.

  12. What about the people that actually ENJOY driving a car?

    Kids can't dirve cars anymore because it's too dangerous? How on earth did I survive this long while driving my own cars AND riding a bike without a helmet?

    Instead of letting some computer be in charge of your child's safety, why don't you actually teach him how to drive a car and hang up his cell phone and pay attention to the task at hand? My 6 year old and myself will be going to a professional driving class when he's ready to drive a car. I actually look forward to the experience that I will enjoy with my son.

    There will always be a risk......automated cars can and will be hacked and driven remotely by complete strangers just for fun. How would you feel if your 13 year old son were injured while driving a hacked automated car?

    And there is no chance in h-e-double-hockeysticks that the insurance companies will drop their rates by 90%. Who in the world would ever believe that. When my cars that were purchased new are worth 10% (or even 50%) of their original price does that mean that I would then pay 90% (I'd gladly pay even 50% less at that point) less for my insurance? I've never seen that happen.

    • Like 2
  13. I hope,you had ear plugs in when you got that reading!

    I have a dbl meter on my iPhone that I took a reading at a concert and "only" got 98db's. A good distance from the stage for sure but I found it interesting that I actually was getting more than concert level sound.........right in my own house! How sweet!

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