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Everything posted by Bacek

  1. Push-pull version has 9k spike not 6k spike.
  2. I guess you will newer find it if you will not measure it by yourself. Some said that use of Eminence Kappa 15C smooths out upper region but I will not bet on it without actual measurement. You can also try to put at least partial (radius) reflectors inside La Scalas internal corners as described by Bruce Edgar for example in The Monolith Horn article. It can be done even temporarily by inserting long, triangle cross sectioned "bar".
  3. I guess it's reference for the thread http://www.avsforum.com/forum/155-diy-speakers-subs/1458686-la-seos-4.html Just reading it. Will be useful because yesterday I came back home with old but new to me La Scalas.I
  4. Kappa 15C looks exceptionally good in Quarter Pie simulations. But for University simulation it's mediocre.
  5. Ok, if so then it means that Peavey is closer to original in simulation.
  6. Check my post with simulation. It's at the bottom. It's for coils in series. This configuration seems to simulate better for HF.
  7. University Classic with, if I understood correctly C15W and K-55 squeaker Measurement of University Dean done by some Russian guys. Looks solid till 500-600Hz. His comment (translated) was: whole thread is: http://forum.vegalab.ru/showthread.php?t=28445&page=1
  8. Monacor looks similar to Peavey, however Fhc=415 is much higher than Peavey. I even like top end of Monacor better. Vb for Monacor is 60 liters. Definitely easier to buy in Europe than Peavey. Slightly better impulse has Peavey. But I guess build quality and price is still on Peavey side.
  9. Run multiple simulations for various woofers. Most of new woofers don't even come close to University C15W (ehhh my friend some time ago was selling perfect pair of those) nor in FR and especially not for.impulse response. From oldies EVM15L and JBL130 seems decent (but may require back chamber volume corrections). Only one current woofer so far looks promising for me and it's Peavey 1508-8 HE BWX, not as good as C15W but I have not found anything better (especially for impulse response). Black - Peavey, Gray/Red - C15W Peavey T&S Revc (ohms) 5.32 Sd (Square Meters) 0.084 BL (T/M) 16.04 Fo (Hz) 51.2 Vas (liters) 182.4 Cms (uM/N) 182.0 Mms (gm) 52.90 Qms 10.60 Qes 0.352 Qts 0.341 Le (mH) 0.34 SPL (1W 1m) 100.3 No (%) 6.70% Vd (cu. in. / ml) 19.5 / 319 Pmax (Watts pgm.) 1000 Disp (cu. in. / ml) 197/ 3229 Xmax (mm) 1.9 University C15W T&S I have used for simulation Sd=856,30 Re=5,52 Fs=58 Vas=232,12 Qes=0,23 Qms=3,4 Le=0,26 Xmax=2,4 When I assumed that horn flare rate is 50Hz (not sure if it's true) and calculated Vb and throat for C15W values where almost same as actual University Classic values so Vb=80l and Fhc is great for C15W because it's 545Hz. For Peavey Vb is 96l and Fhc=300Hz
  10. Yes but Kappa PRO 12A simulation looks almost the same. I haven't found any opinions on actual tests with 3012LFA nor 3012HO.
  11. Unfortunately I will not be able to compare it with the original or even with K31E based copy. That is why I'm looking for a safe bet.
  12. Yes, but same can be said about Kappa Pro 12A. And from JWC's observations there is a significant difference between 12A and K-31E. One more candidate could be Pyle PMW12A. Unfortunately there is no full set of data for it. But with those defined seems to simulates good too.
  13. jwc, Thanks, I guess I have missed that therad. So conclusion is 12A will do somehow but Pioneer 51F and Klipsch K-31E where much better. Has any one had or heard Crites CW1228 in Jubilee?
  14. So has any one used Kappa Pro 12A in theirs Jubilee or there where only simulations?
  15. Dayton it's not wieldy avaliable but I know "local" distributor. Any way sensivity is lower for it than for the other. Not sure why CW1228 seems to be regarded as alternative for K-31. It needs twice of back chamber volume than Jubilee has. STX W.32.500.8.MC is local speaker and it's dirty cheap but sensivity is low. Maybe I'll have to look for some European Klipsch distributors for K-31E.
  16. Hello, I'm reserching Jubilee woofer alternatives. Unfortunately shipping K-31E or Crites CW1228 to Europe almost dubles their price. So I'm wondering if there are any other alternatives I can buy localy. I have extracted equations from Klpisch/Delgado JAES article and from what I see preaty good match should be Kappa PRO 12A. Unfortunately not inexpensive either. Do you have any other proposals not included in my spreadsheet?
  17. I have bought one from the beginning. Unfortunately center hole in mine is too large so it's hard to place it correctly.
  18. What do you mean about that? Same schema on two pages or something else? If something is incorrect and it's my post I can try to correct it. I'm trying to keep heritage or "almost heritage" schemas on top topics so I may have used some schemas published further. Ok I get it, fixed in my posts.
  19. What do you mean about that? Same schema on two pages or something else? If something is incorrect and it's my post I can try to correct it. I'm trying to keep heritage or "almost heritage" schemas on top topics so I may have used some schemas published further.
  20. Thanks mustang guy. I'll post it on top of the tread. Also have to update it a little beat because it seams that some schemas didn't survived forum migration.
  21. Cannot find the link for it. Tring to reset password for my original account but I guess I also used email account that is gone too. So question is if it is posible at all? Regards Bacek
  22. Rudy81, It wont cost you nothing. Could you measure hf200 without that extension to 2'' on you horn? Will see if there is any noticeable difference.
  23. Rudy81, I may be wrong, but what you did to hf200 seems to be sold with name hf140 (few usd less) http://www.faitalpro.com/products/schede/cd.php?id=502020150
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