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Everything posted by bailz

  1. well im off to see it tonight regardless, im still faily excited, will post my thoughts
  2. yeah right jack, thats a classic, show me one with you in the pic, or maybe edit the pic to delete the web address at the bottom hahaha[Y].
  3. awsome wuzzzer! i love fishing for bass in the dams here in Australia, great fun![Y]
  4. sounds great i love deep sea fishing keep your camera close by
  5. i totally agree, and for HT there are so many willing to offer info to help, not just us auzzie's either, just a few that have helped me are youthman, wuzzzer, jamesV, drwho, colin, CECAA850, inventor, islander, Mr.RF62, and heaps more so keep an eye out for em they got heaps of good advice.[]
  6. Well i changed mine to annoy you,[:@] lol.
  7. PFFFTTT!!! GO Queensland!!! just changed my pic for origin season
  8. AH ha! now i get the sandman, i thought either hes got a sweet car or he likes Metallica, probly both seems though your an ACDC fan, i will be at the second Sydney Concert
  9. yeah its a stocked impoundment dam check it out here http://www.lakem.com.au/ thanks heaps and thanks DU thats a sweet shark i bet a good fighter
  10. HAHA, GO QUEENSLAND!!!! i had mine just set right for the last one got to love those big hits im with ya there
  11. bailz

    TWIN SUB 12'S

    ok yeah, makes sence i just read a little more about that and yeah 6db up is right that good to know hey not me[:|] i would think that might be too much rumble
  12. Surely Downunder and i are not the only ones who like fishing so i really want to see some pictures of your catches, boats, gear ect...ect... here is a pic of me with an Australian Barramundi caught at a dam not far from me 2 weeks ago.
  13. too right i do! too right i do too!
  14. thanks guys i found the other threads i wish i could hear em they get such good reviews but for the price they would want to i guess,
  15. thats it for sure at Harvey Norman ( where im thinking you got that system) or any stereo store they do have specific sub leads, these a normaly a bit chunkier than a normal av lead mines a monster sub lead its 5m long and was about 60 bucks yep! good luck post some pics of your set up when you can [Y]
  16. also set the gain to bout 10 o'clock and the HZ to max then adjust the HZ on the receiver for the sub to bout 80hz and see how you like it, and yeah try 0 first then 180 and use whatever sound the best BOOM BOOM!
  17. hi mate, i bet DU will beat me to this but the best way is just one lead from pre out marked subwoofer to LFE port on the back of the 10" good luck
  18. hi Mike and welcome to the forums, well i supose it depends on your budget but if you check out the forum and see what people are using and and what they like, it will give you a good idea on receivers stick with yammy, onkyo, denon, marantz you will be safe and you wont find better bang for your buck than the sub12. good luck
  19. no it didn't! [^o)] i would say add "surfs up" now thats a funny animation movie!
  20. WOW! very nice clean up dude, looks a million bucks on your last photo, no offence. but yeah looks heaps better and i bet it sounds better too with the clean up often if my viewing area gets messy with stuff everywhere it doesnt have quiet the same feel as when its tidy. as for your sub "the inverted woofer [*-)] i have never heard one like that but i cant see how it would be a benifit in HT, i know some car stereos have it like that but its normally in a boot or trunk or a confind space, i think you would not know yourself if you get a good HT sub like my sub 12, the difference would be massive, you already have sweet speakers so why not finish it off with a sweet sub. good luck man.
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