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Everything posted by ZEUS121996

  1. I ordered these Thursday and they arrived today (Saturday) If there is something wrong with the packaging, IDK what it is. Definitely a richer sound then the S4 buds without the highs. Thanks for the heads up Mark
  2. N/A http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/ele/4675280222.html
  3. jimjimbo Posted 18 September 2014 - 01:44 PM Ah yes, here we go again....I really wish you would take your rude, selfish, personal attack attitude elsewhere....I really don't care how long you've supposedly been here, how much stuff you own, how much money your have, or how many "posts" you have, I for one would breathe a sigh of relief knowing that I could post or read other posts that didn't contain your excrement. There. I said it. +10
  4. Jim Is your last name Schu? In all seriousness?
  5. I'm not as precise as Michigan fans, sorry
  6. Can the Klipsch express get these somewhere near Chicago please? TY Mark
  7. Can anyone help get these to me in Chicago? TY Mark
  8. I can wrap them and pallet them if you don't mind the shipping cost. They weigh 107.5 pounds each so it would have to go freight. Where are you located so I can check on shipping charges? Mark
  9. No I didn't get them. I forgot to put a snipe bid in and my gf didn't seem to interested in leaving early Mark
  10. I am putting my CF-4s Version 1s in cherry finish up for sale. The speakers sound great, condition wise their is some minor wear to the cabinets, one of the badges is missing, the grills are perfect. 5 inch ports with the gray horn. Consecutive serial #s, sorry the second picture didn't turn out. I need to turn these so I can buy Gorm's RF-7s and RC-7 I'm located about an hour north of Chicago, if you have any questions or need more photos, shoot me a PM. Shipping quotes have been about impossible to get so local pickup is preferred TY Mark
  11. Sorry for not giving you the proper recognition for your find on Ebay Schu. But I tend to not pay attention to anything you post. And I apologize in advance if that hurts your feelings. Regards, Mark
  12. These are about 15 minutes away from me. One bidder so far, opening bid is $1799.00 They look really good N/A http://www.ebay.com/itm/Klipsch-Klipschorn-Vintage-Stereo-Speakers-1985-Tested-/351162219808?pt=Speakers_Subwoofers&hash=item51c2e63d20 Mark
  13. OK I talked to him and he said he put in Crites crossovers. I will offer him 1200 and see where it goes.
  14. Thee are about 5 minutes from me, seems reasonable. N/A http://chicago.craigslist.org/nwc/ele/4654649097.html Mark
  15. I have a set of RF-3,RS-3, RC-3 with the sub. Some creases and dimples, they still sound fine. Oh BTW, the RF-3s tweeters are out. If someone offered me $350 plus shipping, they would be gone today. (OK tomorrow)
  16. Thank you both, now how to set up a 9.2 with all Heritage.
  17. 9 Channels @ 150 Watts per. Bill, Have you dealt with people before and are they solid? Mark
  18. N/A http://chicago.craigslist.org/wcl/ele/4646723536.html
  19. Klipsh SWV Subwoofer FOR #40 Absolutely NO AFFILIATION lol The description tells the story For sale is a Klipsh SWV Subwoofer. The speaker works great but does cut occasionally, when it does that I normally move it around or hit the top lightly and it begins to work again. This is a great sub woofer when it is working and I'm selling it for a great price. Cash only http://chicago.craigslist.org/nch/ele/4634011411.html
  20. YUP $100 gift card offers from every company out there Can I say c*** s****r here?
  21. http://chicago.craigslist.org/nwc/ele/4634707029.html n/a ALSO HAS NOT RETURNED THE 3 CALLS I Made so far. Another zoo monkey busy pulling
  22. In 1988 weren't they Chorus IIs? The tags say Chorus so I'm guessing 1s?
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