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Posts posted by derrickdj1

  1. It is common to put some type of damping material in a sub.  Just think, it is a box with styrofoam tuned to a certain frequency based on the driver.  Simple to make and can cost an arm and a leg, lol. 

  2. The above is not good advice. Yes, two subs will make the base response better in the room setup properly.  The delay does not matter unless they are equal distance and the room is a perfect rectangle without non-symmetrical furnishings .  I use multiple subs that are not the same with harmony.  See graph attached to the post.

    3.6.2018 FR.png

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  3. I have not read any post on using an electronic XO and measurements to align the drivers.  Using a passive XO system results in the excess energy from the amp dissipating in heat.  The tweeter needs very little power compared to the woofer.  I've tried it and switched back to one wire of a nice gauge  and sold the extra amp, he, he.🤑 

  4. On 10/5/2019 at 2:27 PM, hootowls said:

    I've come to realize that I'm years out of date in documenting the configuration of my main rig.  Dual Rythmik sealed subwoofers (E15) have been on the screen wall since May 17.  Not shown is a third generic subwoofer on the back wall, which I will someday replace with a Rythmik, possibly an L22 (dual 12-in sealed).





    The room looks great!

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