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Iftach Landau

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  1. I should emphasize that when alone, the Denon performs perfectly. Problem occurs when connected as pre... To power amps it was OK, but when an Integrated amp (I tried Rotel, NAD, Arcam and Naim, that my loyal pals let me borrow) enters the scene... hello hiss. And I want an Integrated amp to improve stereo performance. I tried disconnecting all sources (the only RCA cable is the pre-out, and various interconnects for that), no improvement. Hiss fades only when the Denon is set to zero level.
  2. Hi, We are using Denon 3802 as HT core, Klipsch Synergy (front: SF2). Recently added a NAIM integrated to improve 2ch performance. And what a difference: the control over the speakers is amazing! Detail, punch. My SF2 finally came to life (with better low-end detail than I had with the Denon and SW12 sub in stereo mode). And yet, I have a problem: using the denon pre-out to channel the front information to the Naim for surround mode, very nasty hiss is audible as soon as the volume on the denon rises above "infinite". The Naim has a "unity gain" feature that turns it into power amp for surround applications. I did some research, and most suggested earthing the denon - no luck. Other suggested it is the Klipsch sensitivity and horn-related detail that expose the hiss. Did anyone experience such artifacts from any of these components? Please help. Thank you.
  3. Congratulations! You have been a dear voice here for the past 4 years I was aboard. Your pal from Tel-Aviv
  4. Hi, I have posted an Arcam question here as well, but we are alone...
  5. This is perhaps more appropriate to the 2 channel stereo than the home-theatre! We are now using SF-2 with Denon 3802. Not satisfied with music performance and consider adding an integrated amp, bypassing the Denon's pre. My wife is keen on British sound, and so am I. A favorite is Arcam (suggested models - A85, A90). From the team experts - is such a match desirable? Our budget is limited, and adding an amp is more feasible than changing the speakers (as it might have be a better way to go). Thank you in Advance.
  6. We are now using SF-2 with Denon 3802. Not satisfied with music performance and consider adding an integrated amp, bypassing the Denon's pre. My wife is keen on British sound, and so am I. A favorite is Arcam (suggested models - A85, A90). From the team experts - is such a match desirable? Our budget is limited, and adding an amp is more feasible than changing the speakers (as it might have be a better way to go). Thank you in Advance.
  7. All relevant questions. I wish to use the external amp as supplement to the Denon receiver, so it will drive the two front speakers. I am not totally satisfied with the receiver's performance in music. It is hard for me to pick a price, as it will change drastically here. Do you think it would be wise exceeding the orignal price of the Denon (around $1500)? Thank you.
  8. Hi Guys, I am running a set of Synergy (SF2 for the front) via a Denon 3802. I realize this might seem a modest set in US satandards, but in my location customs make electronics about twice the amount as in the US. I want to add an external power amp to highten my system performance in music applications. What brand and model would you recommend? Thanks in advance.
  9. I apologize if I repeat a topic that was discussed before. I want to add an external amp (Carver) to my Denon receiver (3802) for an added value in music. I am not sure how to configure, as the Denon setup allows front speakers to be big or small - but there is no null (phantom) option like the center or back surround. If I took the line out for the front and run the front speakers through the external amp, will the receiver "know" it is not suppose to drive the speakers? I think I once read of a special termination required... Thanks in advance.
  10. There is a reason I check the forum everyday, and it is you guys. I am always amazed by the earnest, critical response. Thank you Boa and dndphishin. HornEd, you are the list Guru. I wanted top clarify some points. I live in Tel-Aviv. Here, Klipsch is not a household name. Friends who come over like to toy with the funny name; they shut up when the music starts, though. As a matter of fact, it took 3 years of anticipation till the local distributor of Pioneer started importing Klipsch speakers. Over here taxes on electronic entertainment are considerate 170 percent, to be precise, and I am not counting distribution and selling fees. This is why a pair of SF-2, 300 bucks in the States is about a grand here. This is why upgrading my sub is not an option now, nor is the Denon the 4802 is more than $2K the 5802 costs like a small car. As a matter of fact, I have the Radio shack analog SPL meter. Confused that I am, I am not sure how to use it correctly anymore. How can I measure the blend I am striving for? Thank you guys again. Iftach Landau
  11. Boa, Thanks for both replies. I should note that when the front speakers are set to small, 5.1 does sound nice (LFE). My problem, as I mentioned, is the right blend in stereo mode, i.e. with out a dedicated bass channel. I never tried setting the cross on 120Hz will it sound correct in stereo? I am never sure if the sub sounds right, or just humming along
  12. To cut a long story short, I have replaced my Denon 3801 with 3802 (I was waiting for the 3802 black model, and local distributor can only supply gold, so I had an interim display 3801 model). I am using a full Synergy set (sf-2, sc-1, ss-1) and ksw-12 sub. The 3802 offers 3 cutting points to blend the bass: 80, 100 and 120 Hz (the 3801 was fixed). Ever since, I am in hell, toying and tweaking, changing the fronts from small to big and vice versa, changing the volume and threshold on the sub itself, I just can not find the right blend anymore. Sound is either shrill and thin, or totally boomy. Please help - Im going bezerk. P.S. Gold is not that bad if black is not available, right?
  13. Kain, I have read that Denon and Marantz have joined forces. Perhaps it is already reflected in your local distrubutor. I am using 3802, and thank g-d, no hiss.
  14. To cut a long story short, I have replaced my Denon 3801 with 3802 (I was waiting for the 3802 black model, and local distributor can only supply gold, so I had an interim display 3801 model). I am using a full Synergy set (sf-2, sc-1, ss-1) and ksw-12 sub. The 3802 offers 3 cutting points to blend the bass: 80, 100 and 120 Hz (the 3801 was fixed). Ever since, I am in hell, toying and tweaking, changing the fronts from small to big and vice versa, changing the volume and threshold on the sub itself, I just can not find the right blend anymore. Sound is either shrill and thin, or totally boomy. Please help - Im going bezerk. P.S. Gold is not that bad if black is not available, right?
  15. SDDS offers up to 8 discrete digital channels, in a 7.1 configuration, adding 2 screen channels, between center and front left and right. It calls back to on-screen dialogue pan that was common in road-show presentations of extremely wide formats. While Dolby SR*D is placed between the sprockets of the 35mm print, and the DTS time-code is placed close to the analogue optical stereo track, the SDDS data is put on both rims of the print. I experienced various films in SDDS, and it is indeed stunning. Some claim that an outboard matrix decoder used to extract the surround back data from discrete surround channels might yield pleasant results in creating hard channels out of the front left right center data.
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