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About dtr20

  • Birthday 05/21/1985

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  1. In case anyone was wondering, I reached out to Terry Hanley Audio to try to get more info on my speakers. He told me that his company was in charge of Aerosmith's audio for touring arenas and stadiums. He cannot guarantee that my speakers were used for these tours, but there's a good possibility. He usually ran Scalas for wide sound I believe. He used a mix of Klipsch and EV speakers for concerts. His history in the live music industry is very impressive. My speakers were made in 1980, so they missed some of his more notable concerts, but none the less, I am sure they rocked some good crowds at some amazing concerts. https://www.terryhanleyaudio.com/Our History.htm
  2. So here's one for the historian. We just picked up these split LaScalas. I am hoping Jim can tell me the year they were made and hopefully who they were originally sold to. Supposedly they belonged to Aerosmith at one point, so that would be some really cool provenance if I could find a link to connect it story! One bass bin is serial 1391, and the other is 1744. One top hat is 1604, and the other is 1511. Thanks
  3. Honestly, I've never compared the 2 models. I have the klf30s in my home theater and haven't done much stereo listening with them.
  4. SOLD I haven't been on here much in awhile. I haven't been using these much and that's not fair to them. These are in great shape. One grill has one scar, that's about it. They sound great. The original spikes and covers have been removed, but I have replaced them with threaded inserts and plastic feet. I will include adjustable feet for the front for tilting. I'm asking $1200 for the pair.
  5. I have not used a horn loaded sub. I've never experienced one. This SB16-Ultra fell in my lap for less than half price new and it's been working/sounding great. Like I said, I needed to change how it was wired and configured because of going to a new preamp. I either need lessons in xconsole or someone to help with the dsp on the SVS.
  6. Oh I completely agree that Xconsole is a very powerful tool, I just don't understand enough of it. I need someone to offer a class or 2, or 100 😕
  7. I don't know enough about crossover settings to actually do it properly.
  8. Yea, he's been awesome, I just haven't heard from him. Hope everything is ok
  9. Yes, I have a umic1 microphone and all the software, I just don't understand the programming. I can take measurements and import setting configs. I've been having Chris A help me but he's been busy. I just started this subwoofer piece last week.
  10. That could work for me, but I don't understand programming the xilica enough to do this.
  11. I'll play with the svs crossover some more. Everything I was reading about setting a sub crossover was to set it around 10hz higher than what the speakers can do. As far as having the xilica handle the sub, I still don't really understand what I'm doing as far as settings, so I have been having someone help me with that.
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