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Everything posted by MyOwn

  1. Chris, Get the best what you can within your budget. My 2 cents worth...Have a look here in your future.... Per Member sailor Just got the new newsletter. WOW!!!!! Hold onto your hats, Bruce is on a roll. Changing the 300B OTL to DC and lowering the price and introducing a 300B push/pull Way to go Bruce. Per Owner Bruce You see guys, I'm the anti-establishment amp company. The old line establishment companies give you the same thing year after year, put a different box around it, and tell you its something new and improved. Then they boost the price because the new box is supposed to be better when its really just the same old thing. Then the audio press chimes in and glorifies the new box because they get their money from the same companies that make the same old thing in the new box. People have been swallowing that manure for decades and they are fed up. They are tired of spending their hard earned money on things that never did work well and cost a fortune. Then they come to me. Thread http://tubehifi.websitetoolbox.com/post/new-newsletter-7958577?trail=15#11 http://www.transcendentsound.com/Home.html
  2. You in my eye's are a lucky twistedcrankcammer
  3. I never got to see him
  4. Anyone here roasting their own coffee beans????
  5. I can now bear to look at him ummm her LOL
  6. Damn I feel like a dumb @$$, when I posted it I did a quick search "I'm mean real quick"...It is still funny as hell LMAO
  7. If this doesn't make you laugh nothing will...This is NOT real... :lol: https://www.youtube.com/embed/3V9QHBgrPNY
  8. MyOwn

    Yeah Baby

    You gotta listen to this...
  9. MyOwn

    Cheers To All

    It's Friday Cheers folks :emotion-22:....My dream....To see as many live concerts I can possibly see in a lifetime...Would love to travel the World doing just this....
  10. thebes, How are you? I'm not familiar with these guys, but like all things I'm learning...
  11. How about these guys??? Seen them twice
  12. This is very interesting https://www.yahoo.com/tech/five-dimensional-glass-discs-store-183747050.html
  13. Some more good information http://www.leap.cc/for-law-enforcement/police/
  14. Smoking POT...Because I choose to do so and why should anyone else care if I do.
  15. Here's a link with some great information. http://www.marijuanadoctors411.com/weedpedia-home/how-to-legalize-marijuana/
  16. i find this interesting...very interesting actually. I too have Asthma and have wondered how my lungs would handle vaping. glad to know that (it sounds) like that is much easier on the lungs. I was given a inhaler a few years ago due to my Asthma, and I have not used it since vaping. As a matter of fact I saw my Dr. yesterday and he was shocked when I said I use MJ with Asthma...he looked at my xrays, did some tests to check my lungs, and said they were clear. He also told me the only thing he has a problem with is irritating the lungs with Carcinogens. I have actually felt my lungs expand since starting treatment of MJ. I'd prescribe a brownie, or if your twisted and don't mind a TWIST....A suppository...LOL
  17. I wish I could say the same about Colorado. My wife any I are trying to move back there but ever since legalization it is impossible to find a house. The market is so hot that houses are literally going under contract withing 12-24 hours of being listed. Its crazy. Ahhh Yes....In time for someone to figure out that there is Money to be had...And it is grown by Mother Nature...To bad Tomatoes didn't produce the same affect POT does....Grown by Mother Nature...People have the ability to change things for the Worst...Take the Coca leaf... http://cocaine.org/cokleaf.html
  18. Invite some Good friends over, Cook, Drink , Have some FUN....No One Drive Home...Stay and have Breakfast
  19. MyOwn

    Yeah Baby

    This is Yeah Baby too
  20. MyOwn

    Cheers To All!

    Yeah Baby!!!! Cheers to Al l :emotion-22:
  21. You mean civilization as we know it didn't come to an end? INCREDIBLE! Or maybe it did, and was replaced with something like REAL civilization. Dave It is this... A lot of human beings want to leave "what we perceive as reality"...Been this way "most likely" from the beginning our being...
  22. Complications with a hair curler made him look that way. Three time winner of"The Terminally Lame Award" Almost everyone whoe recorded with him has gone out and strangled themselves afterwords. Tom Jones is the panty guy. I once threw my tighty whitties at him... ...He threw them back... ...I threw a stone at him... ...He threw a brick back at me... ...I reached for my pistol... Tom Jones???? My Mom Just Turned 86...She Loves Tom Jones...This is some FUNNY Shit....LOL
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