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Jim Naseum

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Everything posted by Jim Naseum

  1. Imagine that in 1775 the discovery of GERMS was still 75 years in the future! That's one swell aspect of science, it doesn't sit still for hundreds of years. Also in the 1700s it was a common philosophy that animals could not possibly suffer and that any torturous duty, or neglect that men could impose on them was no imposition at all. Come to think of it, thoughtful men reasoned exactly the same about other MEN from other continents. WOW - the smartest men of the day, the acknowledged brilliant stars thought that way. Try to imagine bringing those ideas into 2016, because you know, that's what was known then!
  2. I'll slow down when I ketchup to you! And to think, 20,000 is only a modest number....
  3. .......Let's just hope it never catches on in Medicine, or manufacturing.
  4. TWK123, Your excellent rant points out once more that the populace is always just a resource to be used for generating wealth, and not a constituency to seriously serve. Squirrels in a squirrel cage. Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  5. Yesterday is this moment. Tomorrow is this moment. There is never anything possible but this moment. This moment is eternal and unchangeable. Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  6. The problem is Medical Science has had the last 50+ years to do that and all we see from it is rampant Oxycontin addiction with over 20,000 annual deaths due to prescription drug overdose and a tyrannical government that leaves the one substance with 0 known overdose fatalities since the beginning of mankind on a Schedule 1 list. I dont trust the FDA or the DEA one bit and they have no right to control what I put in my body. "Medical Science" means what, exactly? (Laughter). Most people assume it is some independent and rational institution that can wave a wand with some research and set policy. That's ludicrous. In the world of Scheduled Drugs, by which we mean the War on Drugs, the last people in line with a vote are "medical scientists." Who needs a refresher on how US Policy is made? Are there people who think it's rationalized for the good of citizens? Are there naive people who think scientists make policy in the USA? Are there still people who think "medicine" is independent of commerce and politics? Review: After 30 years of WoD, and $3T spent, and there are more drugs available than in the beginning. Why? It's not a mistake. I think you are mistaken on my intent as I do agree with you. When I say "Medical Science" I am referring to our current fascist system of the symbiotic and ultimately malicious relationship between pharmaceutical companies and the FDA. True medical science in an independent and objective light is nonexistent in this country as it is squashed by our un-elected and Unconstitutional federal agencies that enforce by law a single paradigm of allopathic medicine which enriches the pharmaceutical companies.The tentacles of this system run deep and have entrenched themselves into our education system and scientific journals via advertising revenues. Television direct to consumer pharmaceutical advertising is especially insidious as it both creates an irrational desire for medicine but also provides a steady stream of revenue to the 6 media conglomerates that control 90% of our media. Thus is the triangle of control over our health, the pharmaceutical companies collect the revenue from sales and use its profits to elicit control over the media and government, the government utilizes violence to enforce the agenda of the pharmaceutical companies and the media manipulates the citizens to dissuade them from trying to utilize the narrowing avenues of political change left in our Republican form of government. I am truly impressed!Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  7. I've been a near field listener for many years. My setups have been similar to the Card as, but not quite as far forward from the rear wall. Maybe a foot less.. I am anxious to try the Cardas formula. I've had best luck with tweeters at close to ear height. Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  8. What was the height of the speakers, or say the tweeter? Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  9. If you bought the RS meter in the last 30 years or so, it's probably not a Vacuum Tube Volt Meter! Tuner alignment might be one of the last real audio purposes for a VTVM. GOOD LUCK ON THE LONGER SET OF STEPS! Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  10. The instructions in 24 are for use with a Vacuum Tube Volt Meter (VTVM). A digital multimeter will probably not work for 24. This is because a VTVM has a super high input impedance that will not load down a high impedance tube load. A VTVM is an older, very large instrument. Do you have one?
  11. For all the naysayers who are not educated in the ideas of Shamanism, and expanded consciousness, I invite you to read the Forward here: https://books.google.com/books?id=DBaMkffOGwgC&printsec=frontcover&dq=shamanism&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwip3cLokPjKAhVP-mMKHXSXAK4Q6AEIUTAJ#v=onepage&q=shamanism&f=false Just scroll down a little and read the forward by Jean Houston. In there, is the bulk of my argument for the use of mind altering drugs. If you can read that, you will easily understand the value of the personal journey, and futhermore the democratization of that spiritual journey, that is possible with access to certain chemicals. You will also easily why Establishment Figures and Institutions want so badly to block the populace FROM that journey. It should be obvious.
  12. Here's a rather interesting story about how commercial, that is corporate "drug pushers" created the opiod death epidemic in the USA, while the FDA looked on. http://theweek.com/articles/541564/how-american-opiate-epidemic-started-by-pharmaceutical-company
  13. What I see missing from this discussion is the profound "grounding and insight effects" that various chemicals can induce in people. In the 60s it was simply called "expanding your consciousness." In this thread, all I read is about "inebriation" which actually only seriously applies to boozers. It comes from obviously inexperienced people. Being drunk is in no ways similar to being dosed with LSD, MDMA, or even just MJ. This weird idea that everyone is "drunk" is a grave misunderstanding of the woefully inexperienced. Americans are just not studying history, metaphysics, mythology, literature and wisdom. Everyone's interest is nothing but making a buck. Every complaint I see here is that "inebriated people aren't productive." As if the meaning of life was "making a buck." Well, obviously for some, that's what life has devolved into. The chemical pathways into consciousness are pathways into deeper understanding of life than just hitting the production lines for 8 hours and collecting your pay check.
  14. The problem is Medical Science has had the last 50+ years to do that and all we see from it is rampant Oxycontin addiction with over 20,000 annual deaths due to prescription drug overdose and a tyrannical government that leaves the one substance with 0 known overdose fatalities since the beginning of mankind on a Schedule 1 list. I dont trust the FDA or the DEA one bit and they have no right to control what I put in my body. "Medical Science" means what, exactly? (Laughter). Most people assume it is some independent and rational institution that can wave a wand with some research and set policy. That's ludicrous. In the world of Scheduled Drugs, by which we mean the War on Drugs, the last people in line with a vote are "medical scientists." Who needs a refresher on how US Policy is made? Are there people who think it's rationalized for the good of citizens? Are there naive people who think scientists make policy in the USA? Are there still people who think "medicine" is independent of commerce and politics? Review: After 30 years of WoD, and $3T spent, and there are more drugs available than in the beginning. Why? It's not a mistake.
  15. Sure, why not. How many people have taken courses beyond Newtonian "billiard ball" physics?
  16. Is it about inebriation? You say. But then you'd have to ask why doctors prescribe psychoactive drugs to many millions of people, wouldn't you? Is it about recreation? You say. But then you'd have to explain why Shaman through the ages have found the deepest wisdom by using psychoactive and psychedelic chemicals, wouldn't you? I asked earlier what principles you were trying to invoke to support your argument. You seemed to not even understand the question. My principle, is the principle of natural human liberty. It is a well understood philosophy, and it is completely credible. I still can't see what yours is? Is it simply your will to "dictate" over others? Is it "democracy" wherein you think the majority should rule, and that the majority is against drug use? Is it "socialism" wherein you think the public has vowed to be each other's keepers in all matters of health? At this point, the only conclusion I draw is that you assume to dictate by your will what is right and what is wrong for the rest of society. If that's your principle, you'll have to face the "dictates" of 310M other dictators.
  17. And yet it was left to many other gifted writers to adequately explain his work to the masses. Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  18. Unlike Einstein, Hawking bravely took on the task of trying to educate and enlighten the lay population, the non scientist, by producing popular works accessible by a mass audience. Trying to explain real science thru analogy and simplicity is rife with danger. You can't simplify real science without making assumptions that serve to simplify. Otherwise, you'd have an actual science text book, which Joe Six pack isn't going to understand. If the only works you read of Hawking are his popular works for the masses you could easily come away saying he is frivolous. I say, first read his scholarly works, critique those, before passing him over as a frivolous scientist. Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  19. I had never heard that, but it's no surprise. Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  20. That's fantastic! Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  21. In ancient, and often wiser societies, the Medicine Man, or more commonly, the Shaman, was the wisest and most revered and respected member of the group. How could that be? The man with the drugs had the keys to keeping the group sane, together, and prospering. Modern societies have killed the Shaman off, legally barred the wisdom and medicine, and worse, thrown him in prison. And what do we have in place? More murder, more crime, more endless punishment, more sociopathy, and far, far less wisdom. We think it was smart to cut man off from this kind of ancient wisdom so that we could turn them into more efficient tools of commerce, machines that are only useful for wealth building. It's a phase that will fail. Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  22. I realize pain and loss are very real and personal things, but I am not talking about that. I am talking about progress. Eventually, buggy-whip makers are going to have to come to grips with progress, the same as ferriers. I never said it's easy, but one thing for certain is it is progress... and who really doesn't want progress? Count me out of that group.Edit: The grand hypocrisy is often seen when the well-wishers want to see big companies like Microsoft take it on the chin. They feel for the little guy, but not the little guy's employer. Don't they realize the little guy depends on the health of the employer so he can get a paycheck and pay his mortgage? We're not always making progress just because time is passing or TVs get bigger. Stability and security are unspoken demands of most societies. To the extent that there is no job security, there is no progress.Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk How do you promote job security by boycotting employers and doing things to jeopardize their existence?You promote job security through economic policy. I don't know why you are suggesting boycotting.Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk It's not me suggesting boycotting. It's people who would align in your camp. Boycott Wal-Mart. Boycott Microsoft. Boycott Chick-fil-A. Boycott whatever capitalist de-jeur.TBF, I am not saying you are urging boycotting, but you present these big outfits as evil demons which need to go away. My advocacy is for economic policy that benefits American working class. Policy is intentional. So, when it hurts or helps workers, that is by intent. Example: The NAFTA was an intentional policy, and it intentionally hurt American workers. So, I am against such policy. That's way way different than saying, boycott Company X. Policy is how governments are supposed to direct the beneficial life of citizens. Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  23. Draconian drug policy is prolonging potential cures for PTSD. MDMA is currently Schedule I. Meaning, no useful medicinal purposes. And yet, it has been shown to be the most useful drug we have for treating PTSD. Treatment with as few as two doses has been an effective cure. Millions of people have stress related symptoms similar to PTSD. I have no doubt most of them would benefit from Ecstasy. And if it was legal, these people would be leading better lives. Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  24. Maybe time to take a look in the mirror. I already did. Maybe it's time for you to contribute something to the subject matter instead of attacking other people's character. Did you never hear, "tackle the ball, not the man.?" Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
  25. Yes. That propaganda machine is huge, well funded, and has had 50 years of unchecked reign. Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
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