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Everything posted by Anji12305

  1. Same hold for JiminSTL? If not, take your polite request to the nearest flagpole. Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  2. ...neighbors, those that cowered in the can kept their own counsel as it rattled endlessly around the same, familiar walls. It's the same cadre of lifers that decry 'sociaism' while cashing benefit checks and visiting the VA for prostate trouble that suggest, without any sense of irony, that a Theocracy might be a workable method of governance. I always wondered why former shipmates passed on educational benefits and derided the upper ranks. Better to stay in the same berth for twenty and cash out, I guess. It's passed time we treat these dragging anchors like they did us a favor when the biggest risk they ever faced was falling overboard at night. Sent from my HP 10 G2 Tablet using Tapatalk
  3. Is Tapatalk an unmoderated platform? There doesn't seem to be any way to shut the tap on most Geezers without one. It's really interesting, those of us that dared go ashore learned about the rest of our neight Sent from my HP 10 G2 Tablet using Tapatalk
  4. Old enough to remember the Gulf of Tonkin and cranks that stayed aboard ship because they couldn't do anything else.SSDD Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  5. Why is there always a drunken Uncle prattling on about some lengthy, pointless, unsubstantiated drivel about 'Kids these days' on every forum, regardless of the topic? Why are so many of them conservative? Don't they have relatives to irritate? Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  6. These appear to be made of MDF or particle board rather than plywood. MDF doesn't handle the shock of moving, or storage in humid environments well. Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  7. Only when the assembly crew has special sauce with lunch.Sent from my HP 10 G2 Tablet using Tapatalk
  8. do you know how hard this actually is?With the advent of affordable amplification and drivers with high Xmax even car audio installers can hit 120 dB at 1 meter.My neighbor proves it every other Tuesday. Perhaps the combination of high volume output, dynamic response and low distortion isn't so easy to manage, all at once. I think none of these distinctions matter much, unless bounded by the same limitations of sizes, portability and cost. There's a pages rattling around where enthusiasts effectively build house additions to house exponential bass horns of tremendous size. My first home audio could certainly reach high SPL. That's pretty much all it did. Sent from my HP 10 G2 Tablet using Tapatalk
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