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Everything posted by mungkiman

  1. Leader? If he's the answer, how dumb was the question?
  2. Here's South Dakota, for example.
  3. Here's New York in the same format I first posted. You can search any state you like on the website, as well as choose from several dashboards to show different data sets.
  4. 198,000 + people might disagree.
  5. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm
  6. Agreed. Why do you think so many people play 'follow the leader' with regards to not wearing masks?
  7. I think Cake knocked their I Will Survive rendition out of the park. Same song, different genre. Very different videos. Gaynor was obviously incredibly talented.
  8. One person's choice for abstinence or "safe" sex usually doesn't lead to the potential for sickness or death of the person next to them at the topless bar, unless they go home together.
  9. This only covers through last week, but the curves are similar between testing numbers and positive cases.
  10. Don't forget that testing is also down, so fewer cases will be found. Deaths might be trending downward, but they're still a long way from 'rounding the corner.' I'm taking a wait and see approach while hoping for better news.
  11. I'm more concerned that the attendees dispersed far and wide after Sturgis to return home. College students are being encouraged to stay where they are, limiting exposure to others.
  12. I'm surprised you're not more famous...
  13. Yet maskless gatherings are still being televised and even encouraged by some.
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Post_Millennial https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-post-millennial/ Decide for yourself.
  15. The Air Quality Index hit 375 last night in my neighborhood. Portland had (has) the worst air quality of any major city in the world.
  16. https://firesmoke.ca/forecasts/current/ is a Canadian site I use that provides smoke forecasts (and currently known fire locations) for Canada and the northern half of this country. Might be smoky out here for a minute... Sending positive vibes to @BigStewMan and other members in the area.
  17. Trendy doesn't typically age well... If any of you are considering new shower or mirror glass, insist that your contractor install low-iron glass so that it isn't tinted green.
  18. Pre-fab panels do less for me than tinfoil under the burners.
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