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Everything posted by m00n

  1. Jack being right about what? Elizabeth being a pirate? I wonder if Will realized that she kissed jack only to get him shackled to the ship. The two of them were very distant after that seen. I need to go back and see the movie again. there was a lot of dialog between jack and Elizabeth that I didn't quit catch.
  2. Just got back from seeing it. Loaved it. It was a lot darker than the first, there seemed to be the same amount of comedy and adventure, but, there also seemed to be a bit more real drama. Oh and yes, the movie is definitly left wide open for the 3rd movie. **** WARNING SPOILER QUESTIONS BELOW **** So, I'm not sure whats going on with Elizibith. Is she falling for Jack? I know she shackeled him to the Black Pearl, but she must be one of two things, falling for Jack or she feels major guilt because she sent him to his doom.
  3. So, as stated my tv is high def ready. Bought it about 3 years ago. Right out of the box with my satalite dish it has an incredible picture. Anyrate, what does HD ready mean? Also, I'm getting a XOBX 360 next week, it does HD. Does that mean that when I plug in the 360, that the image will be in HD on my screen? Thanks all
  4. But, they look happy, their version of happy and what makes them happy may be different that what makes others happy. Materialistic stuff does not always promote happy. You can be a very happy person and not have much at all. Money makes my world spin; I never have any so I'm always pissed off. []
  5. Right on... Good to hear the positive reviews and I'm very jelous of you guys that got to see Pink Floyd live. Something I never got to see. The Wall must have been an amazing concert.
  6. I'm hoping to hear some honest feedback on this DVD regarding the sound quality and audio quality... I hope people don't just say "it's the best thing ever" simply because it's Pink Floyd.
  7. You're referring to putting your booze induced watermellon in the fruit punch yes?
  8. LOL... Nice! I have to try this. Just gotta think about when the next time we will have several friends over. Oh and BTW, are we talking a full 5th or what? What size watermellon would you suggest?
  9. She has a few good songs. Never purchased any of her music. I do like that one song... The video is of her on the beach and the little murmaid guys. Lets get it straight... I like the SONG, not the murmaid guys... K? []
  10. I highly doubt it was the forum software itself.
  11. Huh... I guess I don't know my Pink Floyd history very well. I never even knew of him. [:$]
  12. I would suggest to taste or what ever you normally salt something. The salt really brings out the taste of the watermellon.
  13. So that really works? I've heard of it but always thought it was a myth. What do you do just cut a hole in the rind (sp?) the shove a 5th in it and let it sit?
  14. Maybe he is getting old. But look... Don't let the little fella go to waste. Give him to your cat as a new chew toy.
  15. Wife thinks i'm in the rare minorty regarding salting my watermelon, so, I'm forced to ask you all... Do you salt your watermelon?
  16. http://msn.foxsports.com/nba/story/5766288?FSO1&ATT=HMA
  17. Very impressing, she has a lot of tallent!
  18. Just got back from Disneyland and California Adventure park. Went to The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror ride. When you're standing in line you watch a short movie about the history of the hotel which is done using the same host as was on The Twilight Zone TV show and has the same feel and what not as the show. Thus my question, was there a "The Hollywood Tower Hotel" twilight zone episode that this ride is based off of? *EDIT* Guess I should have searched a little harder before posting. Guess there was not an episode. http://tzone.the-croc.com/tower.html
  19. Bingo! And not just with someone seeking an partner, but in an existing relationship as well. My wife has told me many times that confidence is very attractive. My wife and I almost divorced a year ago. In fact it was July/4th last year. There were fireworks going off outside and fireworks going off in our bedroom at the same time, and I don't mean the good kind of fireworks in the bedroom. A very serious, ominous gut wrenching talk between us. We decided to stay together and try to work things out. While we still have some issues, our marriage is better now. Recently I was talking with my 28 year old female cousin, she was talking to me about her boyfriend. She really loves the guy but one of her problems with him is that he is too much of a people pleaser and never stands up for himself and what he wants. Women don't like this as much as we may think they do, they really want a guy to be and act like a man. Take charge. She was explaining to me that he is very sexually intraverted, that if he is told no, he does not speak out or make an issue about it, that he's not very sexually stimulating. I told her to leave some porn up on the computer screen, do something to bring him out of his shell. She did one better, she went out to an adult store and made some purchases. She called me and was very excided about the results. Looks like my little bit of advice has started to turn that relationship around. One situation that's been a hard thing for me at times is that my wife tends to be a situational control freak if you will. On the outside she gives off the impression that she wants me to bow down to her and let everything be her way, but at the same time, she wants me to be a man and put her in her place. I guess what I'm trying to say is, be a good man to your woman, treat her well, but do NOT let her run your life, stand up to her and be firm - be a man. If you don't she won't repsect you and if she does not respect you, the love she had for you will fade and you will end up sepparating.
  20. Suffocating low? Is that it? If thats not it, I don't get it.
  21. As far as the trip to Cuba goes, as long as you did get something out of it fine, I was just concerned that you took her because you were hoping to respark something. I still think that if it were me, I'd have gone alone, with someone else or just not gone at all and got my money back (if I could). Just keep remembering that YOU are the victim, not her.
  22. Believe it or not... I went with her, as friends, at her request. Condition was we didn't talk about it at all, and no attempts at winning anyone back. It's much harder than it sounds, and as one friend told me... it takes balls. I pulled it off, even if it didn't change anything except earn myself some respect. First I want to say that I'm not trying to be mean and disrespectful to you, I'm going to be brutely honest with you because you have always been a very stand up guy and I respect you and I've felt your pain.... That said, I'm going to be the friend here that slaps the piss out of you and hopefully wakes you up.. Dood. I don't want to hear about gaining self respect... not this way, you acomplish it in other ways. Your trip with her didn't gain you any self respect, that simply prolonged and shoved the pain right into your face. You got nothing out of the deal and she got her trip to Cuba, please tell me that she at least paid for her half. She just ripped your heart out of your chest and tap danced on it with golf shoes, why reward her with taking her to Cuba? Yes, I know you guys already had it planned... Hey, plans change! If you want to gain self respcet, you will NOT show your weekness in front of her, you will show her that you don't need her, you will show her that you can live without her. It's humiliating to do nothing less. You're not friends, you're exes - she broke your heart and you feel like hell because of HER. There is NO reason to be friends. I know the socially correct thing is to tell you, hey, you guys can still be friends. I challenge you to give me one good reason why you should. Maybe in a year or so when the pain stops but not right now. Trying to be friends by having coffee with her, telephone calls and what not is not gaining your self repsect. F that dood. You're main objective right now Rob is to stop the pain, and taking her to Cuba, calling, causual get togethers is not going to help, you must stop this at all costs. As painfull and hard as it is, you have to get back out there and find the inner strength to meet new people and at least casual dating. DO NOT be a pvssy Rob. I know you're thinking to yourself "yeah m00n what ever, it's easy for you to sit back and give me a lecture when you're doing fine"... And you would be correct, it is easy for me, but don't forget, I've been where you are.it's so easy for me to sit back and be hard on you. When I was in the Navy, I married a gal, to make a long story short, she started cheating on me, not with guys just on other ships, but with guys on my own ship. One of my best friends came to me one day and said "Rick, you HAVE to get rid of this girl, people are laughing at you". I'll never forget that day and that conversation. I took his advice and left her that day and divorced her. It was very difficult, but I did it and I felt much better about myself. It's honestly eating me alive. I can't get my mind off him, if she's announced the news, if they are hanging, and if she'll ever tell anyone the actual thing that made her decide to leave? I know I should think about myself, but my mind just keeps coming back to that. I know! There is not a gawd damn thing you can do about it either. But do know, you have a choice. You can sit and dewell on it, or you can put it behind you and go find someone else. Again, I know, easier said that done. As I mentioned Rob, I'm not being hard on you because I don't like you or because I'm an insensitive prick, (well ok maybe I am [], I'm being hard on you because I do like you.
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