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Everything posted by grasshopper

  1. I am the blessed male of my family. Still have a full head [of hair] at 68.
  2. we got a 4% fixed ... and an affordable payment. ------------------- got to meet wife's brother Friday He called me an old hippie... not to my face I will consider that a compliment
  3. yeah ... I know all about the piles of "organized papers". When we had kittens, they would dive into them and make wife so happy. She sets little goals and gets to say "I'm done" ... with this phase... and then has another pile to go through
  4. still windy. That would be the only reason to close the doors. Temp is perfect...85` we have lots of leftovers. Wife's family came here after the funeral ... so, I cooked. A double batch of spaghetti [sauce] and baked bread. Wife suggested not cooking pasta until we see/saw how many were going to eat. If I had cooked the pasta, they might have eaten... note the words "might have"... As it was - nobody ate spaghetti. The bread went away. I made for us and we have a half gallon of sauce in the freezer ... Awwwww. we're decompressing. Wife has school work now ... quarterlies ... er... grade cards coming.
  5. My niece is moving to NYC ... sister said the job paid $100,000/yr. I commented about the cost of living there. Sister said houses in Elkhart IN are renting for near the same price as NYC... More jobs than houses.
  6. thanks ============ The air is moving today. Temp isn't bad. The wind .... If they are correct ... it could drop into the 40's for a few minutes next week...
  7. any wonder why I look forward to my 4:30 cocktail?
  8. w/o going into too many details... this is what I haven't been talking about the SIL that lives in town, here, was diagnosed with cancer. complicating it ... she, and all her "friends", are/were meth addicts... we buried her today.... it's been a messy month. things should be settling down, now
  9. Mornin' All ...any Good [?] news on 2nd wife. She didn't break her hip... just cracked. I think she will be discharged soon... as soon as they can get her outa there. You gotta know this ladies. From da Bronx... Things should calm down, around here, next week. I don't do well when chaos is the normal...
  10. that list of lawn care [and snow removal] stuff makes me glad I live in the desert... I didn't need to mow the property after our [non] rainy season. Grass didn't even grow enough to mow. I could have gotten a lot done around here ... if it wasn't 100`+ all summer. Finally cooling down a little. Not today, though. Sub 90's predicted for Tucson next week.... and the mornings are cool ------------------------- talked to my other wife Sunday. They finally set her collarbone.... she sounded good. Her hip???? That's still in the works. Seems like they need to science hips out before they do anything. The better fix it soon and discharge her ... or sedate her, if they want any peace.
  11. I won't go into what makes/breaks relationships... I was with an alcoholic sex addict for several years, before learning you can't live on adrenaline. ----------------- nothing going in here ... that you want to hear about I'll keep it light watching Back to the Future the terrorists are chasing down the DeLorean ...in a VW bus. that doesn't say much for the DeLorean's performance, does it? ------------------------- When I moved to Kauai, I was living in the county seat ... a city...er... town. On Main Street. Traffic noise kept me up, right after the roosters started crowing. I guess these are special chickens ... brought by the Polynesians... but ... they are everywhere on the island. If you get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and turn a light on ... that is enough to set them off.
  12. sorry to hear about this. I try to keep my stress level to a minimum. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do... I'm at the point in life where if something causes me stress ... I don't do it.
  13. still in the eye of the hurricane. Weather is being closer to normal. Sunny and dry . Just like when it wasn't sposed to be. ------------------------------ had a scare yesterday. You could consider this a PSA My other wife [wife's secretary] Didn't show up for work and wife had talked to her the evening before... Very much not like her.... Wife did a welfare check... The gal had fallen. Couldn't get up... couldn't reach her phone. Broke her hip and collarbone. ....if it weren't for her being missed at work [like if this happened on the weekend], the outcome could have been very bad. I am not endorsing any particular product or service. ------------------------------- on the lighter side when we bought this place, we got an unusual perk. Spaces in the town cemetery........ that cinched the deal -------------------------------- an "on-topic" comment. Mark your calendars drinking this medium/dark roast Kona. A little cream ans sugar makes it pretty good. I need to look at my grinder. The selector for amount the machine grinds has gotten temperamental. Hoping it just needs the coffee dust cleaned from it. We have a couple back-up grinders.... burr mills... hand crank
  14. I managed to put a pair of LaScalas in a Nissan Versa Note.
  15. https://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/ele/d/queen-creek-klipsch-rf7ii-floor/7660885217.html Phoenix not affiliated
  16. I've been in a couple of chili cook-offs. One thing I learned ... call the spice level Medium, even if it is red hot lava. You don't want to scare people from trying it.
  17. the trip to get the oil changed was even less than I was anticipating. got out of the house too late to hit the resale shops... encountered a relay marathon between here and the interstate... lots of flashing lights escorting the runners.... all because I left with just enough time to be there at the appointed time...Murphy strikes again. That's alright. I get to do it again next week. Tires, The winding roads eat them up. A bunch of 20 and 30mph turns
  18. let me preface this with me baking 2 loaves on one sheet pan... so, the loaves crowd each other... I made a couple loaves of bread that ... errrr...welll, I don't wanna sound too perv... but they were so smooth and plump/round and tan ... no tan lines... that I dare say, they were kinda sexy ------------- does that qualify as food porn? sorry - no pics
  19. cocktail time fetched wife from work. I can relax now. told the Dr I am craving whiskey... not that I drink a bunch... One shot.... and I sip it. If I am feeling wild, I might drink a second. She said a shot or two is OK... What bothers me, is craving it. Dinner is looking like fast food. Shrimp fills the bill. Seafood and steak are, what I call, fast food. 15 minutes from freezer to mouth.
  20. oh... saw an ad for a fun toy. a "flyswatter" CO2 gun that shoots salt won't be on the market long. "You're gonna put your eye out with that"
  21. Nothing going on yet, today. I have an outing tomorrow. The car needs its oil change. thinking about doing some grocery shopping while I'm about. Little old ladies, look out. Because I don't get out much ... shopping is a social event I didn't have any plans the other day. You know what happens then? Fun is provided. I had put down for the night ... dark thirty, when I heard wife outside, getting excited about something. Thought she was breaking up a cat fight... that happens a lot...I ask, out the window, what's up... SNAKE!!!! So, I get up, go see... fetch the shovel. dispatch the rattler. Was a medium size. 3 feet. So much for sleep...
  22. can't find the clip ..I saw on tv[?] an electric "car" [looked like a gocart] that claimed 0-60mph in 1 second. I hope you're strapped in.... what I remember.... they did not mention the top speed of this vehicle. 60mph might have been all. IDK
  23. now you can buy the amp you want ... unless you like the one you have and want to get it repaired
  24. I'm a mechanic, not an audio tech, but... there are a lot more things to go bad in an amp.
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