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Everything posted by grasshopper

  1. there has been a marked drop in commercial flights. The AirForce and AirNationalGuard still keep it noisy. Now that you mention it, I don't notice near as many contrails.
  2. if that is the same odor they put in propane, it draws flies like crazy ------------------------------------------------------------------- When I lived across the street from the park one morning I hear a loud hissing noise. Look over to the park and see a spray coming from the immediate area of a 300gal propane tank. on closer inspection, it was a frozen water pipe Whew!
  3. another day waiting for rain. There are a few cumulus clouds and an outside chance of... it not being sunny all day. a break from the sun is nice... some rain would really be appreciated and Yes , this is a desert... but it is dry, even for a desert.
  4. I liken them to a toned down ELP ...sort of
  5. wife's aunt lives over there. HOA won't allow it... sorry
  6. couldn't have said it better/nicer
  7. yeah buddy AZ had to have mmj jammed down the state's collective throat/s
  8. ironically that is part of the circumstances that led me to HI... long story
  9. thnx Don't need a pre amp now. This H/K is ready already.
  10. @MicroMara has surely heard this something else off my shelf
  11. let's hope so.... Looks like it's gonna be an active Atlantic/Gulf season. ---------------------------------------------- since our monsoon is a bust this year, all we have hope for, is the remnants of hurricanes. We can get them from the Gulf and the eastern Pacific. No fun for the folks that see them while they're winding down
  12. Getting things cleaned up, @Tarheel?
  13. I won't challenge how large it can get. That particular pic looks manipulated.
  14. the cart had been replaced just before I "retired" it. It stayed here when I went to HI. Started on the other discs when I went there. Not to mention my newer amp/receivers didn't have phono section user ready. The tt is the last remaining piece of a stereo I bought in '76. Curiously the vintage of what I have now...
  15. it's Friday I wonder if HumblePie "Rockin' the Filmore" stood the test of time? Haven't listened to 4 Way Street CSNY either? It's been quite awhile since I've had a tt...in any capacity. I resurrected my Technics SL20 [?]
  16. prolly been by your place... many years ago. We used to deliver clay pigeons to a shooting range between SanDiego and LA. Then we hauled produce from LA. I got to see some of the best LA has to offer... the truck stops many stories from those times...
  17. one cup of stabrix last me all day. I can't drink it straight can't drink it stoned, either no wonder they put al the "extra" ingredients in it. bet the coffee from that machine was better... cheaper, too Was browsing on spot. Revisiting some old groups. Vanilla Fudge today. They went a direction I would have never thought. I have/had some of their old material, it was rather dark and the newer stuff is almost pop. cover of a Monkee's tune, "I'm a Believer" sheesh
  18. lol we aren't that sophisticated out here. our place is akin to Crocodile Dundee's "Holiday getaway house". An average dwelling for here. Arivaca has a deservedly rough reputation... which we embrace
  19. it's a classic nice to see it featured
  20. it will be an adventure I don't think a month trial is adequate, though. You might be too busy to see what is going on around you. @babadono that's classic never been down that path. Went to LA a lot... never to LV from there, though
  21. great?!? I live in the "sticks" if the exodus from the city continues, it will become "rural" and cycles around to what caused folks to live at the site of the city originally. water, good farm land, etc
  22. I'm looking forward to seeing the situation in our house. Only 20 kids in the school my wife teaches, but .... A friend's kids brought it home [from work], and it made the route thru the whole family. None of them required hospitalization, but she took it bad. Said she was quite sick for a couple weeks.
  23. ya wanna make that drive at night.... Not much [anything] to see between LA and Vegas or Phoenix metro...
  24. Hi @Mr Derph welcome aboard.
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