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Posts posted by MicroMara

  1. 14 hours ago, MeloManiac said:

    Well, I think you deserve a prize for your new listening room... 

    But a punishment for not hooking up your turntable first! 😜


    That will teach you for being a granite junkie. 😁

    You see Ivan ...I do remember that your wife loves Music and she´s a musician as well . The wife Ihad is the total opposit from your´s . She was totally jealous about my technical and musical passion and she hated my seperate Listening room. 


    Anytime when I had fun she did her best to destroy that passion . How long can a music lover endure that ? I did for many years , maybe a couple of years too long. I´m 61 now , the last five years she dindn´t gave up destroying my technical and musical interests as well my participation in different forums around the globe.


    However, of course this wasn´t the only reason why I left my house,there were to much other problems with her . All together made me leave the house and the wife. And I can tell you ..I moved into the new apartment only 5 days ago, have work without end but I'm doing great. Should my lawyer now take care of the rest of the story. Life is too short to continue to deal with a poor episode of life, I look ahead.


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  2. working hard to get the new listening room ready, half space and not so high like the old one , the first tries came up with surprising good audible results, I didn´t expected that . Still a lot of work to do in the new listening room as well as the other rooms. Just the SS & SACD are in operation, all other gear isn´t connected yet, may this coming weekend , first pic to show how I proceed in this project. Suprised that the RF7 Evo´s playing so fantastique even in a smaller listening room.


    Pic isn´t that good 😐





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  3. Got the contract for the new apartment since monday , working hard to move from the house to the new life , glad that the troubble with the wife is under control now, because I´m living in another town . Lot´s of handcraftet and creative works are challing me , it makes fun and I´m in a quiet good mood since I left the house. Picking up my belongings step by step , will take a while till the new apartment is ready. I´m sleeping there allready , bought an airbed with electrical air filling system 



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  4. Gonna sign a contract for a new apartment in my hometown where I was born on monday. Studied the local newspaper today . Found an offer which I thought that will meet my demands, called the owner and during our conversation he told me that he wants to see me a.s.a p. because we had a very nice conversation and felt sympathy for each other. So we met.  I checked the apartment and it´s quiet nice , not big , but really beautiful. It has everything I need , incl. a fully equipped kitchen , a garden and a fantastique view into the landscape. During the next week I will pick up my most important apartment furnishings from the house into my new apartment. Than I will contact my laywer to start the war of divorce .  It´s a start into a new life for me and I´m looking forward to live it . Pretty exciting 😂  


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  5. 3 minutes ago, AndreG. said:

    I´m full. How about You, George? Those would make fine specimens for modding, might even give Your EVOs a run for their money. 😉

    I really got other problems right now 🤣, I was looking for the KLF 30 many many years, not available w/in europe at all , now where I don´t know what will happen w/in the next few month it´s better to keep what I´ve got . I don´t sell the RF7 Evos not below 7,5 K€ .

    • Like 4
  6. 11 hours ago, parlophone1 said:

    Finally put it all together.

    It has been awhile since I messed around with cables, and here is the thing of connecting three wires together (3 for L, and 3 for N - seven wires with a ground wire). Since the wires are positioned in a star configuration, all are different lengths when you try to connect them together ... and the space inside the connector is not that big. But one cut here and another there, and we are done 😊




    Very nice , I´m shure that you´ve saved at least one third or more of the end customers price. DIY is the best alternative to save a lot of money , there´re so much nonsense cable products like rca, power cords, Speakercables, etc. available in the world market and everybody is telling you " We´ve got the best " 😂 Spent 1K $ for a set rca and your gear sound better than ever bevore. 🤣

    • Like 1
  7. On 9/24/2023 at 5:12 AM, Invidiosulus said:

    I tried for years to make things work with my wife.

    It’s just not possible when only one of you is actually trying and the other is mentally ill.

    Ja ..even if you´ve got a strong mentallity , like I have , there´s coming a point where you ( I ) give up. It makes no sense to invest anykind of energy into a failed marriage. It´s better to save that energy for yourself ( myselfe ) for the upcoming war from our lawers. The last two weeks I spent by a good friend mine , now i`m back in my house and living in the first floor apartment. She´s living with my son in the sec. floor . Good to have space and rooms enough in that house . 


    You won't meet if you don't want to and my son comes to me when he wants to see me. Nevertheless, I'm looking for a new apartment in another city to really find distance, even from the house. Never would I have expected that it could affect me after 17 years of marriage , like many others. statistically I am as a normal man who has survived the average duration of a marriage in this day and age.   😂


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  8. @Full Range  , Hey Paul ! My doughter is in Sidney till Sunday, than she departs to Canberra , she´s keen to see the symetric city design , and lot´s of cultural sightseeing. She´s fine and didn´t miss her home at all. That´s the way it should be if a 19teen year girl is doing a trip around the globe.

    • Like 4
  9. 4 hours ago, MeloManiac said:

    Them Frenchies know one or two things about music too! 😂

    You see Ivan ..the little Mini Utopia were manufacured in 1999 and they´re vintage speakers now , at that time they cost 14.000 German Mark ( approx 7,5 K € today ) and they reproduce a soundimage and a stage three times bigger than their optical size. Those´re brilliant Speakers and we got so much fun with my electronic audio gear.

    • Like 7
  10. @Full Range   My doughter will travel to Brisbane in october , she will call you early enough that you´re able to be prepared for her visit in Brisbane. I´ll keep you updated . Once again , thanx a lot for your very kind invitation . She´s looking forward to see you , your wife and maybe your doughter as well . 



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  11. Another sign of life from me , have brought part of my equipment to my good friend with whom I currently live. To his Mini Utopia and his Transrotor " FatBob " we have connected my external MI / MM / MC Trichord phono stage, my DYNACO PAS 4 tube preamplifier, my Cayin tube monos, my Marantz PM11-S3 SS , my Marantz SA11-S3 CDP and optionally my GoldNote M 9 Class D monos. We have also wired the entire system with my power- rca as well as speaker cables . The French Mini Utopia sound really great and have even for this size a fantastic bass foundation. We have what the music listening is really fun  😊 We´re playing with the gear and listen to music a lot .




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  12. 3 hours ago, Full Range said:

    Im sure she will have a great visit 

    If she comes up to Brisbane I generally don’t work during the day so she can call me 

    I can see the city from my house so I’m really close at 7 Km distance by road 

    Gonna let her know , thanx for your very kind invitation 🙂, please be so kind and send me your phonenumber again as I can´t find it in our long list of private pm´s .

    • Like 4
  13. 1 hour ago, Dell said:

    Hey guys, Sorry to unearth this, but I am currently trying to get rid of a fuzzy sound in one of my tweeters.  I just bought a set of 3.5's at a Goodwill for $100.  I won't go all into it, but I really just need help with the wiring.  They were both wired differently.  To keep it brief, how do you wire these?  The PCB has WW and TT and then two other wires coming off it.  I assumed the WW were the positive and negative leads that go directly to the woofer, but one cabinet has the W negative running to the input!  I was confused by this, but tried it.  It works, but still getting the fuzzy cracking in my tweeter at higher volumes.  I have no idea if the wiring could affect things like this, but I have tried almost everything else besides buying a new xo.  Thanks for any help on how to get these wired correctly and any other advise is also welcomed.  I removed the tweeter, swapped it, got a new woofer and even listened to the tweeter outside of the cabinet, so I know it's not the cabinet or the tweeter/woofer.  Thanks again!

    Hey Dell


    for me it sound like that the polymer diafragm is damaged and needs to be changed . I´ve seen origin K 84 K spare drivers on ebay usa. Have a look there. BTW you be good advised to order two diafragms to prevent a further disfunction. As well I think that the caps on the board shall be exchanged as well. Don´t have the values from the caps in my mind .   Order from JEM , the values are shown below the caps on the board.

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  14. I left my house again , can´t stand it there anymore because of continuing troubble w/the wife. Living by a good friend of mine in a neighbor town for a while. Due to my accident at work approx. 2 month ago I can´t work and beeing ill still. Have to look for an appartment as intended a couple of month ago. When I´m in better physical condition I have to find a new job as well. Things aren´t that funny here. Happy that my friend welcomed me with open arms and heart, he´s got a brilliant home audio system as well . This friendship is more than 40 years old .


    If the accident at work had not happened, I would have a new apartment long ago. My marriage is now finally over, I had in the summer still hope that my wife and I find together again, this hope I have now finally buried. You will hear less from me in the coming months, but I'll keep you up to date, I promise 🙂

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