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Everything posted by MicroMara

  1. Too bad that Cyprus still belongs half to the Turks and half to the Greeks. This beautiful island should be given to the Greeks. My best friend is also Greek, he was born on Crete and has been living in Germany for 40 years. I myself have been to Crete, Kos and Athens. Greece is so breathtaking beautiful. It´s a small World. Let's do the sirtaki dance , drink Ouzo together and listen to some Music from the greece Composer VANGELIS my Klipsch brother Happy Easter
  2. MicroMara

    Marantz 15

    I love the Marantz classics
  3. It works now again with the listening and you tube sessions, but I'm too tired at 02.25 a.m. saturday morning.Had an intensive working week, see and hear you tomorrow again
  4. unavailable ???????????? What´s going on ????????? Gonna restart my laptop , it may works better than ???? Check it out right now
  5. But nowadays there are very high quality hearing aids available that allow you to hear speech and music in a natural way. In addition, these hearing aids are ergonomically adjustable to the ear and hearing profile. Can't imagine that these are not available in the USA
  6. Well, it's not like I need hearing aids ........
  7. @JohnJ Unfortunately I could only see and hear the first two rock music videos, with all the others I suddenly have no sound ...????
  8. MicroMara

    Marantz 15

    The optimal solution would be to crimp the cable ends with copper ferrules, then you also have the best contact connection between cable and fuse module
  9. MicroMara

    Marantz 15

    You could get yourself these fuse modules and then connect the wiring to them. Looks like a clean and safe solution.You only have to insert the 2 ampere fuses into the fuse modules. Are standardized 5 x 20 mm https://www.ebay.de/i/391869812449?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=707-134425-41852-0&mkcid=2&itemid=391869812449&targetid=897014132573&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=1004611&poi=&campaignid=9857991980&mkgroupid=99713680709&rlsatarget=pla-897014132573&abcId=1145982&merchantid=7541962&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwaPFk8Lw6AIVicx3Ch1ydgjxEAYYAyABEgJ7PPD_BwE
  10. MicroMara

    Marantz 15

    You mean this Marantz Model 15?
  11. MicroMara

    The Other Discs

    @Dave1290 @oldtimer Thanks to you two, great tip.
  12. MicroMara

    The Other Discs

    @dirtmudd Thanks for this further excellent tip . I also have an album from the group UK where he plays. I discovered it just a few days ago .
  13. MicroMara

    The Other Discs

    One of my favorite bassists of jazz Mr. Marcus Miller
  14. MicroMara

    The Other Discs

    a little bit of blues ....
  15. MicroMara

    The Other Discs

    There is from the German forefathers of the electronic music group " KRAFTWERK " a collection of all their musical works, acoustically completely revised and remixed " The collection is called " 3 D " The Catalouge " and is from 2017, this collection includes 8 CD's . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Catalogue
  16. Wonderful equipment, I love Micro Seiki TT, is it the DDX 1000 or the DQX 1000? Which tonearm do you use? Which cardriges do you use? I think you also have a separate phono tube preamplifier. I am thrilled
  17. Now I know your preferences... Porsche, France , $20,000 Klipsch and beautiful women. And now I know what music you like.
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