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Everything posted by forresthump2

  1. SJ Socialist Jackass. Another Loon MooseMunching Leftie. When he was born the Doc slapped his Mother. HAHAHA
  2. Colon glad you agree we do have the most Troops where they are needed best Now. We dont want Iraq to become another Nuclear threat to the the World like happened with North Korea Under Slick Willy Clinton. But you are one Scary, Kooky Misplaced Canook Leftie. You should get naked and Contort your body to a peace sign in protest. I wont Add anymore to your war protest Hippy. LOL
  3. By TBone Hoffa, "How charming to make fun of the poor and powerless at Christmas. " Like I say, look who started the Politics like always. One of the whining Liberals. Take note. 9 out of 10 times if not always its the desperate cry baby Libbies bringing up the Class Warfare politics. Jeeeze dont they have any other outlet for their crap than an Audio board? Colon. Sure hope you're not idle. Give them all your money until YOU at the same level. Freakin hypocrits want to take everybody ELSE's money so they can fell righteous. Go back to Canada MooseMuncher. LOL
  4. "BTW...what is the name of the sweatshop you run? LOL!" Hornblower you right it can be a sweatshop at times. We have to towel off between shoots Quite often. LOL You are all free to do your Liberal whining, but know I am lurking. MUHAHAHA
  5. More Liberal Bases covered. Ignorance and Lying. HAHAHA I have been here for years before either of you clowns and have many audio posts. I like to read Audio on an Audio board. Is that a crime? LOL Doesnt matter what I write. I see too much whining from Liberals here and it cluds the board. Like I say, its no coincidence that All these Politics rants are started by Liberal deadbeats on an audio board. I have a business to run and not all the time in world to spend reading politics on an audio board. I have Klipsch, SVS, and Mac. I come here to read and post on Audio and instead see all this dribble from desperate Liberal deadbeats right along with how they have a pimple on thier Butt. LOL Don't get sour grapes because your politics Get shot dead in the water and Get a life clowns. LOL
  6. HornBlower you now have the All the Liberal bases covered. Now Hypocrisy. LOL Your Fathers's Advice worked on you. Obvious Growing up You were surrounded by Liberals like here and never wanted to rock the Lib boat. LOL Now look at you. Say Baaaaaa Liberal Sheep. LOL
  7. Hair Brained logic HornBlower if you noticed that these Nonaudio threads and Posts on this board start from the Lefty Liberal Scum. I'd say do some research but you'd have to be More neutral and Less of a Liberal Socialist to understand. Try reading the Washington Times for a change. LOL Shows how desperate Liberals are today when the have to go spreading their Politics like Minimum Wage, Law Suits, Unions on an AUDIO bulletin board. Nothing wrong with stepping in to Quell the spread of DISEASE. Chumps. LOL
  8. Another thread that has nothing to do with Audio. These are the themes I see here and problems with the Liberal mentality in this Country. Corporate america and the Liberal Gov OWES me a job. A garbageman is making more than a Teacher with a Masters and 20 years of tenure but there is Amazement when he gets laid off. "I got laid off but I'm getting unemployment". As if Working and unemployment are the same good. Sue, Sue. Another way to easy money for the Unproductive. The deadbeat's way to win the lottery. No wonder Liberal Democrats and Tort Lawyers are in the same camp. Unions. These days Nothing more than Liberal PACs for extorting and stealing money from Companies, Consumers and taxpayers. Good work Libbies You have all the bases covered hear. Only Takes a little emotion to bring it all out. LOL
  9. Is T Bone going to state his solution or only ***** about it??? What raise the Minimum Wage which raise our prices and INCREASES unemployment. Unionize Min Wage workers which does the same? It IS a fair market if the workers are taking those jobs with that pay. If it wasn't fair then there would be no workers there in the first place. The question is does the COMPANY want to pay higher wages for better workers. If they don't then you do get what you pay for and vote with your own dollars. But I do believe when once you take a job you should try and be the best that you can be. But the point is Its between the workers and the company and not for the GOV or Unions to interfere with. Anybody with sense knows that anything the GOV or Unions mess with creates economic inefficiency. This is a capaitalistic economy as much as those like T Bone want it to be a Socialistic or Communistic one. Love it or move to Cuba. LOL
  10. T Bone Hoffa Might as well be from North Korea. He's the last of a dying breed. A communistic Union member that thinks the people owe him a job and its his job to Extort more money for less work. Plain and simple. He knows economics like a hooker knows Virginity. All he knows is Marxist economics. I wish he take his negativity rants to the JBL board because he hates Klipsch and only trys to stir up trouble when he's not being a Peedant. Hit the road JBL chump. My SVS Utlra blows the glue off your JBL Woofer cabinets. Ypu wouldn't know 25HZ or under if it knocked your hard hat off. Hee-he-he
  11. Cattle Prod, Like Puff Daddy did You should change your name to Grandmaster P Dingleberry. LOL
  12. So you won't give up a small degree of privacy for the greater good of our security? That all you have to complain about Libby simpleton?? No complaints against Osama and Al Qaeda I see. LOL You Liberals are soooo transparent. When we get down to it the fact is YOU want another terrorist attack to increase your dismal chances of getting another DEM in the White House. What else explains such Intellectual neglect? See you clowns later when you're eating crow and trying to change your story. LMAO
  13. Look the Liberal fools just keep coming out of the woodwork with their Nonsense and Lies. Good first post Clown. He-he. But Thanks for noticing that W has done everything in only 2 years when Slick Willy did NOTHING in 8 years. First Sore losses and now look at the last election. LMAO The American voters are leaving the Crybaby Libbies with no Solutions behind to cry in their Soup. HAHAHA
  14. Prod how would you know? Did she have her Burka pulled up over her antlers? LOL And I meant in the flesh not in Penthouse. LOL Do something usefull and go pull your Penthouse pages back apart. LOL
  15. Hey Look now they are quoting Omar. Who's next Stalin and Hitler? LOL You sorry assed punks should be living in Alex Baldwinia. HAHA Shouldn't you two be out sniffing glue and trying to feel a booby. Get a Real kid's life. LOL
  16. Your nothing new Prod. In my day you were called a hippy and a beatnik. And you're nothing progressive. Progressive is what I'm talking about. You just a damn brainwashed liberal. LOL You too Socialist Moose Lover. If you haven't noticed there is a new Sheriff in town. More liberal intellect in action. Because we had a PC pacifist president and sorry CIC known as Slick Willy and didn't do anything before then we shouldn't do anything now? You Libbies and your Logic are too much. LOL Let's just say you are clueless Clowns and move on. LOL
  17. Nobody has to call Prod any names. He only has to let out one of his brain farts to know he a Jerk kid stupid POS. But everybody here has know that since your insult thread on my buddy Ears. You're the American, if you can call Minneapolis American LOL, version of Kain. You're one jerk 12 year old with a lot to learn. Trouble with Liberals and those that follow them is they have no common sense. Oil is a commodity fools. That means PRICE is key. Oil companies WOULD NOT want Iraq liberated and the spigots turned back on. MORE SUPPLY=LOWER PRICE. They make more profit at $30/BBL & Iraq under Saddamn THAN they do with Oil at $20/BBL and a piece of the action there. GET IT? This is Economic common sense but all I see from the Libs is Economic nonsense. HornBuilder says "We need the oil they have over there, so that we don't have to pump our own oil out of the ground at higher cost to the consumer, and lower profits to the oil companies!!" Pretzel Logic at best. Cost to the Consumer is known as the PRICE. The higher the PRICE the Higher the Profits to the Oil Companies. The Lower the Supply of Oil the Higher the PRICE. So HornBuilder Please explain how a higher Supply of oil AND more Secure supply of oil helps Oil companies to make more Profits. LOL Its moot anyways because what i said in my last Post. What it's Really about is safety to our citizens. Saddamn is critical because he sits on all that oil and potential $$$. Not because we want it but because Oil & $$$ make him a great threat. The oil companies sure as hell don't want all that oil supply from Iraq flooding the markets. SO you could say the Pacifists are an the side of the Terrorists AND the Oil Companies. They'll do or say any stupid nonsense to oppose this Pres and CIC. Pure politics. HornBuilder you're welcome for the Economics lesson. Maybe you can tell me more on the Laser Warfare now. I preferred My machete. LOL AND don't get me started on Somalia. That was another Clinton and state dept fiasco. One of his PC Low Profile moves. Wouldn't send in the 130s. Clinton was the worst CIC in history. Worse than Johnson.
  18. ""When your as far gone in your thoughts as you are, it would take something that effects you personally (God forbid) to change your mind. Bless your thoughts"" Finster is right here, but I say Sad-damn their thoughts. As you can see all their solutions require Americans to die FIRST before we respond. They are dead wrong in how to fight AND stop terrorism and as you say too whacked to know it. Blame America FIRST "We want their oil". If they weren't so BRAINWASHED by the blame America first mindset they may stop to think that money drives Big Terrorism and what makes money is Oil. We can't stop Iraq from selling oil in the black market now and can't keep them sactioned forever. Iraq finances and supports terrorism and could finance and develop a Nuke in the hands of terrorists. See the Light yet Libbies? You have it BACKWARDS. We're not taking over the oil. The main reason for taking out Saddamn is not only because he's a murdering tyrant POS dictator, its because we don't want HIM to have the OIL and $$$$ and power to attack US.
  19. Dont try to wiggle out of this T Bone. You have insulted all public U's against private colleges on those other posts AND as any fool knows you were talking about Bucky's Dome in Baton Rouge Home of LSU. AND you should apologize to IndyKlipsch now for insulting his Alma MAtter. LOL
  20. Why does T bone Hoffa keep going out of his way to Diss the public universities? Must have been a Private High School where he dropped out. LOL
  21. Sunflowers??? HAHAHA Only answer to this is SVS Ultra.
  22. HAHAHA. I meant a REAL union. One that would REALLY drive up the speaker costs and make it HARDER to hire more workers to meet the demand. LOL
  23. May be they read that You on call for Bagdad AND want to Unionize the workers. LOL
  24. "Invading Iraq will do nothing to protect our country from terrorism...it will likely just create a larger number of fanatics who will resort to terrorism against us." HornBlower, LIGHT infantry laser tag trainer OVER a decade ago "The temporary peace of denial and looking away from danger would only be a prelude to broader war and greater horror. America will confront gathering dangers early before our options become limited and desperate.' George W. Bush, President of the United States If you not a liberal then why do you keep making blind statements from the Liberal Handbook? LOL And Boy I haven't heard as much hot air since those drunk marines down at the VFW lounge. LOL Keep in mind Military are not Civilians. It is there JOB to do as ordered and to protect American civilians as the CIC sees fit PERIOD. Here are the signs of a Liberal and those who are thinking like one. "Its All About Oil" WRONG. Its First and Foremost about protecting the Lives of American Civilians NOW & FROM POTENTIAL THREATS IN THE FUTURE. Its NOT about waiting for hundreds or thousands or millions of Americans to lose their lives & then responding. And the Liberals have it backwards. BECAUSE Iraq has oil, it has the $$$$ and power to be a greater global threat. "Its another Vietnam" WAR was publicly declared on us by OBL himself in the 90s and made clear by the attacks of 9-11. What was also made clear is that a defensive posture alone is not enough to ensure that further massive terrorist attacks will not happen to US. Proactive and preemptive action is not only needed on Past and Present Perps but also against FUTURE THREATS of terrorism and ESPECIALLY WMD. AND The GOP Admins have shown that they have learned the lessons of 'Nam that once the war decision is made Political Restraint is no way to fight. "Its Unilateral" What is Unilateral is the leadership by W. Bush. After 8 years of Slick Willy the world forgot about leadership from a US president. If you Libbies havent heard the vote on the new UN resolution was UNANIMOUS including Syria. YOU LIBBIES don't know the difference between forcefull leadership and Unilateral War. Because Slick Willy let Saddamn break the Gulf War peace treaty doesn't make that any more right than when he refused Sudan's offer to HAND OVER OBL 4 different times. No Peace Loving people want war but the Libbies don't get how to prevent war or WWIII. They only support WAR after the fact. But with terrorism and WMD letting the Enemy hit first NO LONGER WORKS.
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