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Everything posted by Dave1291

  1. @MicroMaraI'll see that and raise you 5 toes! Back to the couch for me... The Vinyl spinners are a bad, bad group to hang with. Fair warning 😂 I actually just posted the picture from the ER/burn surgeons work and changed my mind. lol Gotta love those lil heaters... Ughh!
  2. Fremer's new "Tracking Angle" venture? MMmmmmm oooook! https://trackingangle.com/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Official+Intro+Announcement
  3. Think I'll leave Fremer's new link here if anyone's interested. https://trackingangle.com/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Official+Intro+Announcement
  4. Hopefully it's not contagious! lol
  5. Gonna keep this short n sweet but I just pulled the biggest bone-headed move ever. Being diabetic I always take care of my feet since neuropathy is taking over. Last Friday evening I took the grand to the high school football game and my feet got cold. After the game I came home and fired up my lil heater. I didn't think it was that close to my feet but woke up Saturday with a couple toes blistered. By Sunday I was in the local ER with all of them blistered. Tuesday, I was on the way to Cbus and the OSU burn center. I'm still trying to figure out who that lil Japanese Doctor was. He walked in, looked at me and smiled then said, "3 Third Degree and 2 Second degree," and vanished. lol Can't wait to see how much he made. Walking and siting up is out of the question but I'll be throwin some down in you tube. Yes, the pile is getting larger!
  6. Quiet here in Duckburg. Rain all day Saturday and into Sunday. High of 72 coming up and that could be it. We'll get a few more nice days. Then the garbage hits. No place to go either. Florida could be dry again some day I guess. Whoda thunk it??? Lunch? 2 brats and one beer? 2 beers and 1 brat soiunds better.
  7. Ha! W/o pics it didn't happen!
  8. @Emile U2 remember this one? 😂
  9. Good point but ya never know. You're ok up there aren't you @billybob?
  10. Like I didn't know that was coming... 😂 😂
  11. I'm kind of worried about @Emile, Sounds like he's gonna get slammed. I know he's low @ his place and that's never good. Factoring in the 100 years since the last one hit there there. Could be ugly.
  12. I think you all have found your safe spot. The BGE will stand the test of time. Looks like a great time. )(
  13. Yuuuuup, It's Monday! Is there a bounty on rodent pelts out there? If there is. then Frank will have to realize he's working on commission. He'd have to step up his game. Gonna have to break it to him gently brother. You know how he gets. 😂 Push him gently to about 12 a week. I bought a couple bottles of high dollar scotch at Christmas. Kinda hoping the price goes up but then who would buy them? I don't drink either anymore. Sometimes I just look up and see them sitting on top of my right LS teasing me. I really want to crack one and show 'em who's boss. It's all about timing I think. Like right now. I keep looking at them. Poor Frank.
  14. Think I have the majority of theirs. Saw them the other day and thought about it. It'll happen now ya tease! lol
  15. Ahhhhhhh, nice post John and it just keeps on spinning! Thankies!
  16. Not me but welcome to the Forum. Someone will see it hopefully. Enjoy brother!
  17. That's sad to hear. They always pulled it off!
  18. You're pfuuhnny! Actually, plenty of cornfields. lol We've got a couple QB's so don't need Dabo!
  19. All quiet here today but now I'm thinking about Gaucho and Simon... Might just have to fire things up!
  20. Mr Cornfield? I can deal with that! 😂 We're wearin bullseye's on our backs with every game. On to the next! Who knows what's gonna shake out.
  21. Hey there Willis ya'll got a problem w/your lil kitties down there? Only a 6 point win over lil ole Wake Forest? 😂 Dabo must be pulling his hair out w/that team. Gave the oldest 4 tickets and they and took my grandson and one of his buddies to their first game in the Horseshoe last night Naturally, the kid had 3 baseball games before they left for the game. I spent the day with my other grand. Yup, she gamed alllll day w/zero interest in the games. Grandson was in zombie mode when they got home. I was laffin on the inside. Kids! Got Wisconsin 52-21 with 5 starters out. Ya' all have fun next week w/NC State Here's your halftime show... "Grease at 50" You know, the one w/John Revolting and that hot lil Aussie chick who just passed away in August. They put the show together for her. RIP Olivia Newton John. Nice electric car too! O-H!
  22. First thing that happened today... Back on schedule. Maybe! No pods here!
  23. That one's long been a favorite of mine John. Every once in a while it just HAS to go down for a spin.
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