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Everything posted by Dave1291

  1. Ok, now that I've seen the rest of the scroll I'll throw this in for ya @AndreG. Prolly 5-6 years ago I picked up a pair of 4.5's for I think for 300 w/200 shipping also in ash black. Posted a couple pics cause I picked them up at auction and wondered what they were since the tags didn't show in the o/l pics. Some of the guys chipped in with their thoughts but we really weren't sure til I got them. TBH I didn't have space in here w/my LS and Heresy so they've taken up residence in my garage w/a lil 100w Yahama receiver and cheapo CD player. Those things ROCK! I sit outside and have it cranked a bit w/a CD in and turn heads when the neighbors walk by and hear it. A few have even stopped to listen. If they only knew what I had inside. hahaha You're gonna love 'em brother cause they cook! Let's see... Bottoms... Hey @001 what's your take on bottom speakers for 'em. Give the man the skinny. Klipsch parts shipped to Germany??? Or??? The other thing you can do is a WTB the bottoms over in the garage sale section. Cross your fingers but ya never know in here. Someone might have a pair laying around that will ship to ya. They might even trade ya one of those 17 turntables you have sittin around. 😂 😂 😂 I HAD too!
  2. Well congratulations you old curmudgeon! I was snickering just a tad but I knew you were gonna step up that game in due time! Gotta be killin it at your place now! How's she sound cause we all know you were werkin w/George on the build and takin notes from the rest of us. hahaha I'm happy as schiit for ya brother ^5's ya! Welcome Home! PWK's prolly grinnin too btw.
  3. Got a source for that info? i'm in CYA mode here and haven't asked about it but kinda knew it was coming down the way it has so far. I haven't even looked at the tour stops yet but it sounds logical. I got the word this spring about Cleveland but nothing then about a full blown tour. So dunno.
  4. Welllllll, that @001 is reading again, which is good. Lightens my load in here. Their ain't gonna be no more. Think what you may but factor in this. This is the way to go out. The RIGHT way to treat their fan base, which is HUGE or maybe I'm wrong? It's the way they roll and remember I'm from Ohio and I'm ancient. I've seen a thing or two and KNOW a thing or three. Life's about respect imo. They began the "Hotel California" tour w/an 11 stop pre-tour just to get the feel. Full orchestra and full choir @ EVERY stop. Additionally EVERY former member of the band played those stops with the exception of Glenn Frey and Bernie Leadon. I flew into Phoenix and had a date w/my youngest who knew every darn song they did by heart. She was amazed at the show done by a bunch of old guys. lol She's learnin thank God! Had one of the best times of my life that nite with her. Simple. Then comes the tour after that w/zero downtime cause they hit every stop on the planet paying back to the fans. Their best album EVER! A wallet rape? It takes a huge amount of money to tour and they basically make some money. Then after that Joe's out doing his Vets Aid gigs and killin it donating the money to his foundation. Just like he promised he would when he started it. Now we're into the final run of "The Eagles" as we know it. Couple all that up w/Steely Dan playing with them??? It's a darn no-brainer for a show. Joe's almost 77 and for the last 10 years he's been bustin his balls fulfilling EVERY promise he's ever made (that he can remember lol). Joe has NEVER made an idle promise that I know of. In fact, when he did his Vets Aid show in Columbus. It wasn't just Joe but he brought back his original band The James Gang one last time. They flat out killed it! He also brought in some great bands from Ohio one of which was The Black Keys from Akron. Check 'em out if you haven't heard them. I also know he fulfilled a promise he made years ago to a guy to play at the Toldeo Zoo??? A 2-3k seat venue outside. Yup, he sucked it up, lost money but fulfilled his promise. That's Joe! Check me out if ya wanna. Have at it cause I'm laffin. The reason he played there most prolly isn't there. A promise is a promise to him. Period. I really debated on posting this but we're ALL in this together for ONE reason or maybe i'm wrong on that. lol This is it. Hit their site, make the drive and enjoy the show cause it's gonna be one heck of a bittersweet moment for me. They're never gonna stop and there could be some spot gigs down the road but the tours are done. Joe will play anywhere for money. lolol That's Joe! Choose your poison wisely. Drop the cash and take your wife or whoever and enjoy the show and re-live the memories. Like it,or laff at it cause I don't care. I'm already in.
  5. Atta boy George! The big dawg is a grinnin now for sure! Always a great feeling when you can help someone out. We need more people in the world working together instead of some of the things going on today. Would be a much happier place imo.
  6. @Invidiosulus Great idea and sounds like a good time!
  7. @Full Range I'm waitin on him to run out of storage space. It won't be long...
  8. @grasshopper I KNOW you didn't pick it up! Bait! lol Heard the new movie out is great.
  9. @JJkizak Oh it's crystal clear. Spot gigs perhaps but as a tour I'd be VERY suprised to see it. It's the last wallet rape. Never say never though.
  10. Since that video was blocked I used my telepathy to zero in on this one, which I think,, is the one he's talking about... We'll see. One of Glenn Frey's favorites. May he RIP 1948 - 2016. His son, Decon is once again standing in for his dad. This is it "The Long Goodbye" tour WILL be their last.
  11. Eagles/Steely Dan info! https://consequence.net/2023/07/the-eagles-farewell-tour/ Next week they're on sale!
  12. Eagles/Steely Dan info! https://consequence.net/2023/07/the-eagles-farewell-tour/ Next week they're on sale! Vince Gill is out with them and Glenn Frey's son Decon is standing in for his dad. There will not be another tour. Perhaps something random but they're packin it up. RUMOR has it this song's on the playlist in honor of Glenn Frey 1948-2016. One of his favorites. Factor in Steely Dan opening? Time to get off those gold cards.
  13. https://consequence.net/2023/07/the-eagles-farewell-tour/
  14. Here we go w/part 2 of that lil girlie girl's likes who turned me on to Dave Alvin. The Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio, which I think is CRAZY GOOD! Lil Booker T/Billy Preston kinda maybe. Nice run starting at 34:00 let it roll man... Gonna get you!
  15. Hearing aids? Today's a bad day to discuss those things. I'll just leave it at that. lol By 1 tomorrow I'll be hearing a lil better in my left ear. Maybe. If not, it's time to find me an ear dude instead of someone that hangs 'em on your ears. 😂
  16. New Oregon to Ohio transplant just yelled at me from his back porch and gave me a thumbs up. Imagine that! 😂 I'm cookin! Ahhhhhmazing!
  17. Years ago when I was shooting stringing sports and spot news for the local papers I had a scanner running 24/7 for 20 years. Had all the freqs to the key services etc. so I was there many times right after something happened. Drove me insane but I learned to dial out the garbage and key on the adrenaline rush hearing those involved. That's the LAST thing I'd ever put on my system. lol If it works for ya have at it though. 😂
  18. Lawdy, I just had a revelation. July 4th today already? Independence Day the Fourth of July) is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the Declaration of Independence, which was ratified by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, establishing the United States of America. So yea, big day for the USA but it all started w/the Boston Tea Party in 1773? Fast forward to today almost 250 years later. Sittin here drinkin my coffee and not tea shakin my head. WHY does everyone drink coffee and not tea? Yet we trusted the Beatles, Stones, Floyd, Stewart and lots of others to guide our lives? THEY drink TEA! 😂 Just a couple weeks ago summer began and this is the biggest day of the summer? Next up? Labor day? You're birthday? Just decided to roll with this in here as opposed to posting it over in the Vinyl Record Spinnin for the gaggle there. So there's a bit of history, as I see it, if you're not from the good 'ole USA! Now, I'm outta coffee and time for another mugga. WHY? Gonna be drinkin an ice tea later today w/the temps here pushin 90. Confused on how many bags of tea to throw in the coffee pot when I brew it though. Wait! Iced coffee??? Problem solved! Hey @Tarheel I think we outta add "Crap" in the thread title. 4 hours til D-Day when the gaggle shows up for steak and everything else that goes with it. 15 minutes later and it's either out the door w/them or layin in the fridge callin my name. Guess I'd better suit up but I'm tellin ya @grasshopper that sarong idea of yours is starting to look better everyday. You don't drink tea do ya? @Invidiosulus would the Rubik cubes work? I KNOW the old Nintendo killed it when I broke that out a couple years ago. Yea, today it's layin in a box or God knows where @ their house never to be touched again. Yea, it's all just CRAP! Perfect timing too I'm outta coffee. Happy Independence Day everyone!
  19. I'm confused enough on this machine already. 😂😂 7:30AM around here, all quiet but since it's Independence Day here in the US everyone will be celebrating. Just had a revelation over coffee. Something I just thought of but it's more appropriate over in the Cables, Coffee, Cocktails thread. So if you want to drink my Kool-Aid slip on in. 😂 Gotta get that thread up to par again.
  20. The things you find on youtube. Sheesh! Yea, it was CRAZY looking up seeing that fly by! People wonder WHY the Rock Hall of Fame is in Cleveland? BOOM! E v E R Y T I M E 😂 Yea, it really was that low too. Today the FAA would just own the jet and the pilots for sure.
  21. Man I was a happy camper when Floyd dropped Division Bell and Pulse a couple years ago. Two STELLAR shows but then again aren't they all? I remember one of the early shows @ Cleveland stadium when they were up on stage and brought their painted up jet down low and banked a low left-hand a turn. Totally insane night for sure. Don't think I've ever missed one of their tours. Those wimmen just turned to putty in my hands. Slayed 'em all. 😂 Today I just smile and watch their wheels turning. I gotta get my stripper pole up in the living room I'm tellin ya. One more time around the barn. hahaha As if.
  22. Not bad George, not bad at all. 😂 Loading up the grill tomorrow w/t-bones and rib eyes so that should be interesting. Took the easy way out w/some mac n cheese for the kids. Keepin it simple cause it'll be an eat n run I'm sure. I'll be eating well for the next couple days. Who knows who might stop tomorrow though. Gonna blow the neighbors away for sure. It's time.
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