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  1. It wouldn't be an unreasonable effort to take a damp rag to them before posting
  2. Unaff https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/2054505244936770/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post
  3. Looks like one driver has been replaced. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1133714924180417/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post
  4. Unaff https://lubbock.craigslist.org/ele/d/lubbock-1982-klipschorn-speakers-pair/7697073780.html
  5. @merkin, I have one in Dallas, if it happens to be on your way. The left side is a bit scratched, but the rest is nearly flawless, and the sound is solid. $250
  6. Unaff https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1134709600442237/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post
  7. I would have grabbed them myself, but got a black pair back in February. Missing labels don't bother me, but this is subjective.
  8. Not much in terms of info or pics, but if you feel adventurous, this might be a decent deal. https://dallas.craigslist.org/ftw/ele/d/keller-klipsch-1973-heresy-speakers/7486216417.html
  9. Not mine https://dallas.craigslist.org/ftw/ele/d/north-richland-hills-klilpsch-rb-75/7485964053.html
  10. I hope whatever you got is in top shape and picking it up is painless. I'm getting mine shipped--too much road trip for me to stomach.
  11. Hey @Gypsy, No hard feelings here; I wish there were more of them so we could get better prices, but an auction is an auction. If I understand correctly you did get the other one?
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