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Invidiosulus last won the day on December 30 2021

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About Invidiosulus

  • Birthday June 9

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    Mr. Lee’s Greater Hong Kong #28777
  • Interests
    Furniture design, Art, Music, Woodworking.
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  1. This afternoon my bourbon buddy was playing some tapes on his reel to reel down in the shop.
  2. I’m more of a Strat guy, but I totally get it. It was amazing.
  3. Hahahaha, No relation. I haven’t seen Grace or Hopper around town since last fall.
  4. It rained yesterday afternoon so instead of mowing the yard I puttered around the house before going over to my buddies(snake guy) place to hang out and play some music. After a while he twisted my arm and forced me to play his beat up old Gibson that was made in 1959. It’s the Les Paul in the middle.
  5. Invidiosulus


    An album by a black woman singing a song about black women.
  6. Busy time yesterday. We had the annual blacksmithing festival in town so the kids and I walked over to check it out. A few blocks further up in town, the City Drive-In was having their annual Ramp Festival. After I walked the kids back over to the house I walked back to the drive-in to check out my friend Dan playing his all request piano show. Then I walked back home and made a sheet cake for the middle child’s birthday party. Apparently she told her friends that she was having a party at the park this afternoon so I obliged and told her I would make a cake and buy some drinks. After the cake came out of the oven I made some beer-battered fish tacos for dinner. Then I walked back to the drive-in, for the third time, to catch the band that was playing. My usual crew was there and had gotten roped into running sound. the setup wasn’t great but we made the best of it and folks had a pretty good time.
  7. I am dad 😆 The past two times I had a bat in the house I just grabbed a cardboard box and waited for it to fly by and smacked the box up in its face and caught it. No tennis racket required. It’s been about a decade since we’ve had that problem as we no longer have an open chimney. Some days my reflexes are still stupidly fast for stuff like that, other days I’m not so sure.
  8. Was that the Audio by Van Alstine board that you first put in?
  9. @Marvel still has an ST-70 iirc.
  10. Sampled some bourbon yesterday. I forgot I’d taken another pic of one of the trains last week. The old footbridge across the river is pretty low over the tracks. you can just about get some shots that look like you are on the train. A bunch of empty coal cars heading north.
  11. Walked over to downtown to grab a beer with my neighbor yesterday evening. Right after we crossed the river I spotted CSX 3028 heading north and I managed to run out on the old bridge footing and snap a pic.
  12. I’m sure Volkswagen AG products can also use Klipsch cardboard over their rear windows when necessary.
  13. No, he’s talking about this one. https://www.schiit.com/products/gjallarhorn?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjww_iwBhApEiwAuG6ccFL3asagcxg7kB0JNyV-he8liuey3mxEiOB_xKCaGeMbXO4nf-0lSRoCOMAQAvD_BwE
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