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What first experience with Klipsch speakers got you hooked? And what happened?


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It was 1974, Wauwatosa,Wis. just married and we were looking to out do a buddy's JBL, Crown system. Listened to alot of different set-ups, then, the wife said (at that time) to the salesman "got anything better" (yes! I'm a happy camper now). We went into the back listening room and a whole wall of Mac, Crown, Marantz, all good. There they were. Khorns, Lascalla, Corns and Hs. (no Belles). We both wanted the Ks but our cape cod house had no room for them. Scallas and Hs did'nt cut it, she looked at me with a smile and said we'll take the Corns.

We were then told it would be 6 to 8 weeks before Flanners could get them in, ok, not a big deal, signed the paper work and left. 3 days later the phone rings and we could come pick-up the CWOs (buyer back out, good for us).

Became a "x" in "96" but the corns are still with me and someday will go to my son (he's already got Hs and Crown). Daughter has Hs and Marantz. Step-daughter has kg4 and Marantz. Think I'll keep buying more, one can never have enough. There's the voices again.


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Technically speaking my first experience with Klipsch wasn't with one of the speakers, but a publication describing various audio equipment at the time, .........around 1974, 1975. Along with many other speakers, the Klipschorn was described in some detail. It was pretty apparent from both the description and pictures that it was something special, and definitely stood apart from most other speakers. I found it intriguing. During that period of time I really didn't have any money, nor a place for large speakers, so.............nothing. I just lived with some decent equipment, turntable, receiver, and bookshelf type speakers for many years.

Fast forward to 1996. I got the bug to hunt down some replacement tubes for a couple old radios that I owned. That in turn led to being exposed to, and subsequently acquiring some vintage audio equipment. In 1999 I went to a local garage sale touting old audio equipment. I quickly grabbed a few goodies. Fisher 50c preamps, Dynaco ST70 and MKIV power amps, and other various items. After paying for the items I asked the person who was having the sale if they had any other equipment laying around. I was taken to a room in a basement, and there in front of me was a dusty, dirty Klipschorn. We struck a deal. Came back a few days later with my truck, and my wife and two of her girlfriends got the beast loaded up, taken to our house, then unloaded in the garage. I ran a quick check on the speaker and it sounded good, but was lacking in high frequency output. And then.......nothing. The speaker sat in my garage. About a year later I had a chance to pick up another Klipschorn of a similar vintage, and it too just sat in the garage. I now had two but realistically nowhere to put them

Fast forward again to 2006. After a couple years of discussions and discarded designs, my wife and I finally add on to our house. One thing I insist on is having a large family room. By 2007 the room is inhabitable, but it isn't until Jan. 2009 that it's finally carpeted, and has new furniture in place. I go out in my garage to retrieve a file cabinet to put in my home office area, and .............there they are. Virtually forgotten. "NO MORE" I say. I've got a new family room with two corners just SCREAMING to be filled. So I have my son help me get one into the house. I knock off the cobwebs, wipe and vacuum off the dust, hit it with a little furniture polish,then into the corner it goes. For two days I listen and am beginning to get excited. This thing sounds good. So next..... I get my wife and boys to help haul in the second. It gets the same treatment and into the opposite corner it goes. I scab on an auxiliary crossover and tweeter on the one with no HF output. I spend the next two days planted in front of these for hours on end listening. THAT'S what got me hooked!

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only a few years back really.

I have never heard of Klipsch before, anyway had nothing to do on one Sunday morning, so I called a good friend to see if he wanted to go to an audio shop just for fun and hear some quality speakers. we went and they showed us Klipsch. they just put on some music.. some U2 song and a few other songs from various bands.. anyway to cut a short story shorter, I thought they looked and sounded amazing.. better than anything I have ever heard for personal speakers.. then my Klipsch journey began from there.

Am I an Audiophile... most definitely not... but with Klipsch I can see how many people can become one.

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I first heard Klipsch around 1981 when a buddy of mine came home from the Navy with a pair of Heresy speakers. He invited me over to his parents place and cranked up "Marie, Marie" by the Blasters. Best pair of speakers I ever heard. Took me awhile before I got my first pair of Klipsch. In 1990 I went to Continental Sound over on Queens Blvd to audition some Klipsch for my first apartment. I listened to Forte II's and said if these sound that good I'll take the next model up, which were the Chorus II's. Paid $1500 plus $100 for some groovy speaker wire and have been thrilled with the sound ever since.

I had two of my buddys help me move into my studio apartment on a Saturday, the bummer was the one elevator in the building was out and wouldn't be repaired until Monday. My boys were not too happy about carrying 90+lbs speakers up six flights of stairs! [:$][:(] Let's just say that little incident cost me several rounds of cocktails.

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n the early 70's the Mrs. and I went to the Federated in Mission Viejo, Ca. I was raised on my parents custom built JBL D-130's speakers and was never satisfied with what I could afford at the time. Anyway we went into the speaker 'showroom' that was loaded with product. The place was pretty empty and the kid was bored. We listened to stuff in the price range I could afford and I was blase about them. Then he perks up and says, "do you want to hear something really spectacular?" They had a pair of Khorns set up in the corners and that was that. Could not afford them then but I got em about 15 years later.

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