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Guarded remorse


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I had dinner with a prospective client a couple weeks ago. Seems he's been diagnosed with lung cancer and was initialy given a 10% chance of survival (I don't know if that means over the next year or for a normal life span....didn't want to ask)

He then went to chemo and now they've upped his odds to 40%.

He's done all the investing for the two of them, is 60 years old and realizes his wife knows NOTHING about their family investments. He's now out interviewing various people to...how shall I say....take over for him and that's where I came in.

during our innitial visit, I knew it would be at best, an intersting meeting because I already knew of his diagnosis. During dinner, we talked about a lot of things when the idea of "do you have any long term health insurance" came up...

They both smiled, she told me they were self insured. He went on to say rather cryptically, his long term health policy was a one way plane ticket.

I smiled but was totally befuddled....I guess it showed in my face. He went on to say "To Oregon" (or was it "to Utah"?? I don't remember)

I smiled again but think my face still gave me away...I was totally clueless.

They went on to say that this state has legalized assisted suicide and when he felt it was time, he/they were going to fly to the state and he was going to go out on his terms.

He's an engineer (dealing with engineers is always interesting!) and just like when he was ingineering, he's being meticulous with his game plan.

I was jaw dropped... I said "you're kidding???" and they both smiled and said nope.... he evidently knows the 'final path' he's on, realizes that during his end times, he could be in the hospital for months (my grandmother was in / out for 2 years) and he knows they could blow their entire savings to do what? Add 6 months, 1 year onto his life with each day being the worst one he's lived yet?

Evidently he / they want no part of that since it would only put off the inevitable and kill their fortune so he evidently figures he'll go out on his terms. They're already preparing for it.

He told me near the end of dinner that he 'must get this right' (finding an investment advisor) because if he screws this up he will not be around to fix it.

It was one of the most interesting meetings I've ever had with someone and frankly, my admiration & respect for them both is way up there. As Winchester said, this isn't a "woe is me, the world hates me so I'm checking out" situation, he's taking a methodical look at his end of life and simply wants to control it rather than let it control him and ruin the financial package and last days memories that he'll leave his wife/family.

Like I said.... dealing with Engineers is always interesting. Usually among the most interesting of any I deal with!!

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