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I wish I could remember the timeframe as relates to WDST/pro-logic.The WDST technology wasn't created for pro-logic,I can tell you that.Ya think Klipsch thinks everyone is using their RF-7 system with a pro-logic receiver? Gimme a break!

IMHO,some don't know what the hay they are talking about.I have read,I believe at the DTS site,that they recommend full range rears.If I could choose one or the other for HT only use it would definitely be the RS-7's.

The WDST's do exactly what they are designed to do,give envelopment.The difference when listening to a monopole and a WDST surround can fool some.The monopole will give more sheer volume,albeit directional.The WDST will,as designed, disperse the sound. Sorta like comparing two speakers,one being more efficient than the other.

I personally use both.Both have their place.IMO.

Hope you enjoy your new speakers ladyklipschfan!


This message has been edited by talktoKeith on 03-28-2002 at 01:22 AM

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An update: The klipsch dealer actually dropped off the black RSW-15 at my place early in the evening (apparently a late shipment has arrived). This thing is HUUUGE. My cousin and a neighbor made all the connections and setup. I can probably take care now of the fine tuning (of course with your help guys). Question: At the back of the RSW-15 is a toggle switch labeled LOWPASS ENABLE / DISABLE (LFE MODE). What would I choose? LOWPASS is set at 80 and POLARITY 0. The sub cable is split via a Y cable and connects to both inputs of the RSW. My receiver?. Oh dont' ask me yet, I'm looking at the users manual right now. Anyway it already sounded good. Again, thanks.

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maybe I don't know what the hey I'm talking about, but I think I repeatedly stated enough times that it was my opinion. I listened to both, and for me there is no comparison, I like direct-radiating much more for modern home theater. I found myself preferring the WDST for prologic and even prologic II, as well as most DSPs, because those systems don't have discrete rear channels, they are only designed to give an additional enveloping feeling.

like you, I believe both have their place, simply because some prefer one while others prefer the others. I also never said that WDST speakers were designed FOR prologic or before discrete formats arrived, when PL reigned master of its domain, I simply said that I THOUGHT they are more appropriate for that use.

also, I know Dolby and DTS recommend full-range rears. that is why in an ideal world everyone would have ref towers in the back. However, money is an issue, and that is why I prefer the RB bookshelves for surround use. plus, the RS-7s are definitely not full-range either, they only extend a few Hz lower than the RB-3. it has to be remebered that going overboard with "full-range" rear speakers brings VERY diminishing returns on investment, especially if, like most, you are going to set all your speakers to small.

guess I was fooled by the difference between the two if I prefer direct-radiating!



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This message has been edited by Seb on 03-28-2002 at 01:05 PM

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Originally posted by Q-Man:

Wow! Look at all the quick replys of these Klipsch gentlemen, running to the aid of a Lady(:-).


well, what can i say? a girl with horns... what more could you ask for?



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Ladyklipschfan -

About the Lowpass Enable/Disable - LFE:

When listening to a 5.1 DD soundtrack through a surround receiver, the Subwoofer out on that receiver will send out an LFE (low frequency effects) signal to the RSW-15. Those LFE sounds contain bass information at 120hz and below. In "Disable/LFE" mode on the RSW-15, the reciever is handling the crossover duty, and allowing the LFE signal to come into the sub at 120 hz and below. The idea here is to let the sub play the full LFE signal (all LFE dedicated sounds are 120 hz and below). The bypass mode is used when you are using another crossover, other than the one that is in the sub.

Enable mode is used when you wish to use the crossover in the sub itself. This is frequently used when you want the sub to blend in with the main speakers, without "duplicating" any of the frequencies between the mains and sub. For example, your RF-7's extend down to about 40hz or so. In 2 channel, ideally you want the sub to pick up where the RF-7's drop off, below 40 hz. This prevents both sub and RF-7's from playing duplicate frequencies, which can give too much bass in the duplicated frequency range (creating what is known as a "peak") - the audible result is more "boominess".

In short:

Bypass/LFE - when you are using crossover/bass management outside of the sub.

Enable - when you want to use the crossover in the sub.

Bass management is a complex issue, but it's not calculusSmile.gif - mostly it depends on the capability of your gear, and how you intend to use it. The RSW-15 (and most other powered subs) have such controls for user flexibility.


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