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All, So sorry to all as I pulled a humongous goof. My speakers are not bringing near what I hoped so I'm keeping them and the amplifiers as well. Again, I realize this puts me out there in the stratosphere as far as my thinking goes. I thought I was offering things at a good, salable price but not so. So I have to walk away with my tail tucked between my legs and offer a huge I'm sorry. Just to help you understand I offered a $12,000,00 pair of P-37s for $4900.00 and I was told I would get refusals at $3,900.00 They sound amazing and I just can't let them go for that. By the way I thought I had removed these offerings by way of editing so I will have to try again, Thanks, Shake

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So I have to walk away with my tail tucked between my legs and offer a huge I'm sorry.

Shake, you owe no appoligies to us nor any explanation of why you feel justified in pulling your ad. It's your gear. If you are getting low offers and would rather keep the units than sell them that low, absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Unfortunately, it doesn't help that our economy stinks and many people do not have $4900 disposable income to buy on speakers. I believe you had them listed on Agon correct? I would think you would have a better opportunity to sell them there than on CL or even in the Klipsch forum.

Best wishes to you and the future sale of your incredible speakers. When we come to NY in July, maybe I'll be fortunate enough to stop by for a few minutes and say hi and hear and see these beautiful speakers.

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So I have to walk away with my tail tucked between my legs and offer a huge I'm sorry.

Shake, you owe no appoligies to us nor any explanation of why you feel justified in pulling your ad. It's your gear. If you are getting low offers and would rather keep the units than sell them that low, absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Unfortunately, it doesn't help that our economy stinks and many people do not have $4900 disposable income to buy on speakers. I believe you had them listed on Agon correct? I would think you would have a better opportunity to sell them there than on CL or even in the Klipsch forum.

Best wishes to you and the future sale of your incredible speakers. When we come to NY in July, maybe I'll be fortunate enough to stop by for a few minutes and say hi and hear and see these beautiful speakers.

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