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Selecting your right audio cable


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Check any good handbook of physical constants and you will find that silver has much lower resistivity than copper. In fact silver has the lowest resistivity of anything which is solid at room temperature and is thus suitable for making wires. However the practical solution is to use thicker copper wire. Still, to avoid the debilitating nature of skin effects, the best solution is to use silver plated copper wire. Of course, not to be overlooked is the fact that copper is reddish, and so will tend to brighten or warm up the sound; while silver, being white, will tend towards a neutral presentation, which can be tweaked towards brightness by selective use of gold-plated jacks and plugs.

The type of wire insulation used can grossly affect sound quality. For example, rubber-type insulations act as shock absorbers that dampen dynamic peaks (such as turning the crack of a rim shot into something more like a thud). They also have a high coefficient of friction which slows the passage of sound through the wire causing the musical pitch to be lower. To counteract this effect, musical groups have to tune to a concert A as high as 450 Hz in order to for the correct musical pitch to be reproduced through the sound system. The best wire insulation is Teflon which is a very firm material with a very low coefficient of friction. This allows the sound to slide easily through the wires without dampening the peaks or slowing it down.

The colors of wire insulation should be selected according to light spectrum wavelengths and absorption. Generally bright colors are reflective. Therefore bright colored insulation will reduce high frequency loses by reflecting HF audio back into the wires thus maintaining clarity and brightness. Dark, absorptive colors should be used for low frequency wire insulation. By absorbing and carrying some of the low frequency energy dark colored insulation actually increases the effective diameter of the conductor - a good thing for improving the high current flow needed at low frequencies.

You should also rack your signal sources above your amplifiers, and rack the amplifiers higher than the loudspeakers. This is so that the electrons don't have to struggle uphill through the wires to get the sound out. You'd be amazed at the difference that can make. Also, both speakers should be off to the same side of the amp, so that the loudspeaker cables are subject to the same Coriolis forces owing to the earth's rotation; failure to observe this can result in truly nasty phase shifts.

Found on Charlie's Web Site http://www.thisplace.com/charliehughes/

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What direction does electron flow cascade in the southern hemisphere?


About color.

Color that we percieve is directly related to vibrational speed of a surface medium when bombarded with light waves.

Does the color exist when no light source is present?

How could color of a dialectric affect elecromagnetic induction?

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Charlie Hughes is a talented engineer, please note this quote comes from his "Humor page"...which includes the joke :

"The Salry Theroem; Engineers and scientists can never earn as much as business executives and sales people."

This theorem can now be supported by a mathematical equation based on the following two postulates:

1. Knowledge is Power.

2. Time is Money.

As every engineer knows: Power = Work / Time

Given that: Knowledge = Power and Time = Money,

Then by substitution: Knowledge = Work / Money.

Solving for Money, we have: Money = Work / Knowledge.

Thus, as Knowledge approaches zero, Money approaches infinity, regardless of the amount of Work done.


Shakti stones rule! Just like Pet Rocks!

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Its simple for me. I just throw everything in the middle of my home theater room and let the shape of my pyramid dictate the polarity of everything from northeast to southwest. I never worry about that hemisphere stuff because I dont use fluorocarbon products in the tomb. As far as the cabling is concerned all I do is route that mess of spaghetti in the same direction as the toilets flushing. A regular Clockwork Orange you glad I brought this up. Gotta go. Need to give the amps in the crawlspace and the DVD player on the roof each a three quarter turn before the next twelve oclock high.A proud foot above the rest home. Monkey6.gif

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Yo! Sancho!

What are you doin hangin around here? Well, I really should have known. I thought I told you stay off the roof! The attic is high enough for the DVD player,and you are just an accident waiting to happen. Dont worry Quasimodo wont mess with it, just give him the football to play with. Oh yeah, that toilet bowl subwoofer that Dpig and the Ears dreamed up JUST DOESNT WORK. Everytime I flush, the bass completely drops out. Better get back to work on the Hoss II. I ordered the calphalon speaker wires from Williams Sonoma, Ill let you know how they work. I tried to get the banana plugs too, but they were back- ordered. Oh Yeah, Alex was here looking for you, he stole my mascara and left a quart of milk+ here. Hope you dont mind, I fed some to the cats. Right now they are sumo wrestling the subwoofer, they think its alive, great entertainment, I have to admit. More fun than a barrel ofwell, you know. Gotta run, the linseed oil is boiling over on the stove, and I dont want another of those nasty explosions

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Well I think the ballast design blew the Bowl of Bass concept right out of the water. Quasimodo gave the football too hard of a squeeze and the laces just disappeared off the pig skin so now I have a frightened monkey cowering in the corner clutching his banana plugs for dear life. Hey! Its not my problem. Yo!Adrian ! Get Butkus offa da roof would ja. Ive got enough trouble with the blue bird of happiness dropping me messages.

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I dont use colored wire. Im an equal opportunity employer of different types of cables. To differentiate between left and right I just label them as either republican or democrat. I blame one if my system is too loud on one side and the other if it costs too much money to fix. Now video is another story. In that case I have to use the green party issues and some independents together with the present cables that have control of the system. Its amazing how it all comes together with one clear distinct sound considering that most of their interconnections are made to what is primarily Japanese in origin. Thats because Klipsch owners have a voice out of Arkansas that still speaks for us all ! So register your Klipsch today so your listening will be better tomorrow! Sponsored by the Klipsch for King of the Hill committee for BS-less audio. Thank you. 2.gif

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Oh No fini. Forget about cutting anything off.One never messes around with the fickle finger of fate.Besides,how's old Bugsy going to give himself directions onto the fast lane while speeding down the middle of the highway of life.Living the life of a road warrior teaches you that every digit is a potential trigger.Lock and load and head em out. Rawhide! Oh Oh . Where's the chicken wire for this stage.

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will you just shut up, holy crap, ive never heard anyone sound so stupid in all my life, you think that just because you use somewhat big words that people will listen to you, die, stop trying to sound smart and go have sex with tony lewis from tweeter, maybe you should go screw the ports on the speakers with keith jensen too, how about you just die

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