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Sometimes you don't realize how you miss it!


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After spending yet another weekend at the ski resort, I never realized how I miss my good sounding Klipsch HT setup. After sitting through three movies (Star Wars Ep. II, Toy Story II, and 102 Dalmations) on that crappy little TV with that junky old VCR we have at the ski patrol barracks (Massanutten is not exactly well known for its night life), only to come home to my beloved Klipsch! Talk about a couple of magnitudes of orders difference! I may have to go donate my old Yamaha setup to the cause there, as well as find a cheap DVD player. At least we could get a somewhat decent sounding setup there. Hell, I would have been happy to even take BOSE!! Yes, it was that bad - ugh. While watching Star Wars, I told the other guys there how that movie should and could sound with a decent HT setup.

It just goes to show how we can get so used to and almost expect awesome sound from our movie experience only to go somewhere that is not so lavishly equiped! It only makes me appreciate my setup all the more 10.gif.

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Did you at least get to ski?

Oh, yeah, I got plenty of skiing in (after all, I am on the ski patrol there 10.gif)! But still, you can only ski for so much before you get tired of it in a given day and it is nice to sit down in the evening to a movie while downing a couple of cold ones.

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skonopa, in the time before stereo but after my first Klipschorn, I was skiing with a buddy in the Sierras when a blizzard hit. All the smart ones had left the mountain but we young and hearty fools figured we would just have more powder to ourselves. Well, a tree crashed through the roof of the lodge in the helacious storm breaking every record in the collection except Bill Haley and the Comets doing "Rock Around the Clock"... and the storm had a snowed in for a week with the wires down! Their were a couple of "bunnies" that were also trapped... they found an old hand cranked player in the attic and played that one record until Bill Haley made my all time "no play" list!

And, yes, was I ever glad to get back to my digs and start the parade of great jazz recordings that sounded oh so cool on that monumental mono K-horn. Having been a devouted jazz and classical concert junkie... that K-horn provided an experience that put me in PWK's Klipsch groove for life! =HornEd

PS: That ill fated trip also gave us a lifelong reminder to be extra careful heading to and from the ski trails. Some friends of ours from school did the smart thing and left before the storm. In their youthful exhuberance, they were driving faster than they should, rounded a sharp bend and hit a dump truck that was sanding the road. Only the dump truck crew survived. So, be careful out there... there's a lot of Klipsch to be heard in 2003!

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