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brand of an old PA loudspeaker? what is it?


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We had an old PA speaker at school that they wanted to get rid of, so, I snatched the amp and speaker from it. The amp is 125WRMS and doesn't sound that bad... the speaker is a 15" KEI or Kustom Electronics... something like that. Anyone ever heard of it? Any specs floating around on their speakers? I plan to convert the woofer into a PA sub, but don't know the T/S parameters. I thought if maybe any of you had heard of it, you could help, or direct me somewhere where I could find some info. Any ideas? Thanks

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Well, I really don't have much more info. The woofer in question is marked KEI and Kustom Electronics- it is a 15". The horn tweeter (which I do not have) was also marked Kustom Electronics. I forget what is on the amp. I just wondered is maybe someone had heard of Kustom Elec. and could direct me somewhere... I searched for the company, but found nothing of use. I guess I will make up what its specs will be. 1.gif

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Kustom is a guitar amplifier company that also made portable PA stuff for band use. The guitar amps were very good and their bass amps were killer, I don't know about the PA stuff. There is a vintage Kustom web site, I've stumbled across it, do a search. maybe you'll find some info on your gear.

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Did you ever have any of those Kustom columns with the 4 tens that had the pleated and rolled coverings? A pain to carry. Big padded cabinets. How many high school bands used those things? Just for the vocals, while all the instruments went through individual amps. Fender, Marshall, Vox, Ampeg, even Gibson. ... oops, the mind is wandering again.


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Marvel----Used to use Shure VocalMasters, that's going WAY back. I like the Kustom stuff, it sounded good and looked cool (Kool). I've toyed with the idea of buying an old Kustom 200 watt bass amp with 2-15s. The old Kustom stuff is pretty cheap cause it's solid state, that's not cool today. Didn't stop CCR, The Doors and Led Zepelin from sounding good though. I saw all of those bands using SS gear live. I saw Jimmy Page playing through these strange looking Rickenbacher SS amps in 1969. They were in chrome racks, like SuperBeatles (another good sounding SS amp).

I don't need such an amp, my little Ampeg meets my needs, but it'd look Kool, like nice furniture. An old Dual Showman would be sharp too, lots of guys played bass through those.

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Ist Cav----Peavey is solid, good sounding gear but it'll never be cool the way old Kustom, Fender, Ampeg, Marshall etc. is. It's too tainted by it's use by Country musicians to be cool. Though in practical terms I suppose that's in Peavey's favor; Country musicians are generally looking for reliable gear that sounds good and are not "culty" about gear.

My best friend still plays out in a Rock band (at the age of 53!) and uses a Peavey amp and a Peavey guitar, stuff sounds great. He's afraid to take his old Gibson and Gretsch guitars out to jobs, he doesn't want to worry about them being stolen. The Peavey sounds great.

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I played in a band in Memphis with a guy who had an Ampeg Portoflex paired with an original Hofner bass. He pulled the frets out of it because he wanted a fretless bass. It sounded soooo good with that Ampeg. I would love one of those, with the flip top cabinet. I was playing lap steel and dobro.


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Marvel----Yeah, the Ampeg B-15. Ampeg is making it again but it's expensive. It was a very popular studio amp, James Jamerson used a B-15 in the studio and sometimes a Kustom when playing out. I see nice B-15s on E-bay all the time.

I use an R-100; 100 watts SS, 15" speaker, retro look with a "TV" front and diamond tolex. Nice little amp. And a Fender Jazz Bass, I've a Precision too but like the Jazz better.

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