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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. Chattanooga was running $2.38 when we crossed the border today. Both our vehicles already still close being topped off. Finally got a new battery for my truck. Been sittin' in the drive for a month. Still had the original, so I'm not really complaining. Six years is ok with me.
  2. Larkin Poe - the Lovell sisters. Lovin' the lap steel.
  3. The Forte versions have a passive radiator on the rear, so you would need a few inches out from the wall. An original pair of Chorus have front firing ports, instead of a PRs. Passives work as ports, but provide smoother response. I would look for a nice pair of original Chorus, with ports on the front. Don't get me wrong, the newer models are better than the earlier versions, but you are limited in placement. Welcome to the madness!
  4. They should be the same specs. Some might suggest buying the pair and selling the single good one you have. Or... using the two you buy and keeping the one you ready have as a spare.
  5. @Dave1291 Thanks to Dave, I was reminded of a couple albums I had in the early '70s. Electronic music was in its infancy, and B&K used early Moog equipment and environmental recordings to make eloquently trippy music. My late wife and I enjoyed listening to 'In a wild sanctuary' and 'Gandharva'. Paul Beaver passed away in 1975, but Bernie Krause and his wife are still working and recording soundtracks and building libraries of environmental sounds and doing research. Some of the B&K stuff is on YT. Great stuff, and thanks to Dave for reminding me of it.
  6. It costs a lot of money... I would go for poly over latex, though.
  7. I figured you would just do a nice duratex job on it.
  8. That is a very sad story, my friend. I saw it on the news last night.
  9. Those look like untouched crossovers to me. Hopefully you can find binding posts that you can just swap over the nuts. A total replacement is probably a pain on those.
  10. Marvel

    The Other Discs

    @Dave1291 our Summer Nightfall series is free. The variety gives l a chance to hear things you might not listen to. Bare Naked Ladies was outstanding. Richard Thompson was superb. David 'Fathead' Newman... awesome. Bela Fleck... of course. Molly and her band will be here. Big venue... can't make it https://www.eventticketscenter.com/molly-tuttle-chattanooga-tickets/971741/e?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIiMzZscSciAMVLzbUAR0tTiEuEAAYASAAEgJkTfD_BwE
  11. Marvel

    The Other Discs

    This was when they started in '88. It's still goin' every Friday in the summer. John Prine John Hiatt Dave Mason Karla Bonoff Butch Cornell Jonelle Mosser Buddy Guy Bela Fleck John Prine (again) Lucinda Williams Leo Kottke Pentangle David Wilcox and Patty Larkin Felix and the Cats Wayne Toups and Zydecajuns NRBQ Loudon Wainwright III Zulu Spear Lillie Barber and Bad Weather Maura O’Connell Acoustic Alchemy
  12. Marvel

    The Other Discs

    As I recall, the beer wasn't outrageously priced, and you could bring your own food, which we did. The area is pretty open, so they couldn't restrict access. Those were some fun times. Saw some great acts. Always opened with a local group before the main attraction. @Invidiosulus I was being generous with the years and not wanting to admit how much time has passed.
  13. Marvel

    The Other Discs

    I have the first two CDs... saw them live a couple times here in Chattanooga. We have a free outdoor concert series in the summer. Whew, that was over 20 years ago.
  14. You can (and should) edit the title of the post to indicate SOLD. BTW, nice drivers.
  15. I always hated filming the results of accidents when I was working for the tv stations. I saw some pretty grim scenes back in the day.
  16. Marvel

    KP-600 stuff

    You could pick these up before Winter arrives in Connecticut.
  17. Not much... the last bloodwork I had (in July) was good enough that the urologist told me I don't need to come back unless I feel like I NEED to see them. The radiation oncologist sent a letter that has a Jan. 2025 appointment date. So they've lengthened how often we meet. So I'm feeling pretty good.
  18. Marvel


    2 I actually have a thick pine table top that is about the correct thicknesses for a tele style body. It has sentimental value for our family though, so I will not be cutting it up.
  19. Marvel


    The wife won't be happy when she gets home...
  20. I am making the assumption that you did disconnect the plate amp from the actual speaker, and connected the Crown output to the speaker/subwoofer.
  21. You fit right in here... Some of the Optimus line sounded really good for the money. There are many satisfying lines/sizes of speakers out there. You are the one who needs to enjoy them.
  22. When did the forum start... I first got on here in August of 2001.
  23. I've done it both ways, too. I think th e Dremel is easier to control compared to the drill.
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