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About NADman

  • Birthday October 7

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    Great White North

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  1. NADman

    What I Got Today!

    Weird-coincidence. I moved from where the seller is now (within 10 miles) a few years ago, and seller moved from where I am now (within a few miles). But we are over a 1000 miles apart. Great deal on speakers but a Bit-h in shipping cost. All in all, Happy.
  2. NADman

    What I Got Today!

    Yes. JBL L19 Flawless in every way. I don't think the walnut has ever seen daylight. At least a 9/10. I haven't hooked them up yet. They are way bigger and heavier than I remembered.
  3. 57 years ago today. I was very close but across the border. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=black+day+in+july+gordon+lightfoot
  4. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=black+day+in+july+gordon+lightfoot 57 years ago today.
  5. NADman

    What I Got Today!

    I've been looking for "nice" pair for many years. Had a pair years ago and loved them but it was always on to newer, bigger and better then. Boxes are marked "heavy" by Canada Post. I'm to bushed to unpack them today. More tomorrow.
  6. New local listing today. OUCH! https://www.canuckaudiomart.com/details/650065175-1985-luxman-k-05-alpine-al-90-silver-copy-w-original-manual/
  7. Paired. I'd like to control Chromecast on laptop from phone.
  8. Silly question. How do I control my laptop with my iPhone?
  9. Costco just set me up with the Jabra Enhance OTC aids. (first time in my life) They were (and are) really helpful. Work great with my Iphone. Settable to different situations via app. 3 band EQ for when I'm watching TV. Awesome warranty, 2 year replacement for loss, damage or theft etc. Online adjustments. The fact that my provincial Govt is paying up to $2000. to help seniors paved the way for me. The price of the Jabra's is $1999.99. So they only cost me the penny that I didn't get in change. Good luck
  10. The Godfather for the second time in 50? years.
  11. Not here. Northern Pike is Jackfish here. Smaller ones are "hammer handles"
  12. Walleye. Or Pickerel as we know it.
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