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yard sale steal of the month!!! (re-print from the last Gen forum)


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I don't normally re-list but the lost forum and I think this is worth sharing just the same! thanks, Pogue

"I was literally on my way to the store for bread and milk on a gray Saturday morning. I told my wife there were two yard sales and that I wanted to check out on the way home. Before I did my thing at the store I passed the first house and after hitting the second one (in which I picked up a 2 dollar Chiltons book) I debated, then shrugged and hit the first one that I had passed. Everything in every room of the house was on sale....first thing I saw at the door where CD's laying on the floor and that's really what I was hoping for....but realized there where more DVD's than CD's. I spent no more than 3 minutes there...I continued moving right to left looking at drinking glasses (ok ok beer mugs ;) as I hit the last corner in the living room BLAM I hit a set of LARGE PURDDY speakers!!! PLUS a purddy bunch of black components!!! Now for the life of me I don't know how I did notice them from jump street cuz normally me lil brain does the quick "electronic scan" for just these types of goodies!! but here I was faced with about 6' of beautiful black lil knobs...ahhhh.....wonderful!!! The first thing that crosses me mind was White Van...White Van....White Van....then...Sears....then Tonka....then Hasbro...then...Carver??...C-A-R-V-E-R...ba..ba...ba..bob carver hmmm (I wipe a small bead of sweat from me forehead) yup...I drop to my knees slowly but at the same time I move in front of the speakers to protect this find..(as a defender would a goalie)...with the cabinet a bit taller then I now, clearly but with a bit of hesitation I read Klipsch...I look over me shoulder an eye an elder lady fumbling through some quilting supplies...she gives me a faint smile but I eye her as a protective mother with cubs would....no time for niceties now...I knew by this time this could be BIG!! The TFM-55 meant very little to me at this point and the unit above that said TFM-35...still the numbers were bouncing 'round me head as my eyes scanned for that big water stain, the gouging tear in the side of the Klipsch, the major dent... but none did appear. I now peeked behind the right speaker to eye the connectors (a sure give away of cheese-dom) and what I saw next took me from my knees to a type of spinning move-butt fling only seen by those who have take advanced yoga classes in collage. "A Driver"...I felt my lips moving unwillingly...Now aloud..."That's a 15"!!"....."A twelve" I argued..."NO NO...15!!!...for sure!!"...I rip my shoe off and tried to use that for a ruler but realized that I didn't bother to put socks on...you know....to just get bread and milk. I finger the driver waiting for the surround to crumble like something unearthed from some middle eastern tomb...just a bit of dust...I thumb it with my palm..."Oh yes...15" all day long!!"....the 12" defender was nowhere to be found...I was on my feet fumbling through my wallet 10...20...5....6...8..9..blue card...drivers err....gold card...flip flip....'nuther 20...61...BLAM....

I hold up my ATM card like He-Man held sword at Castle Greyskull....then I eye the ole lady again...as she attempts to slip by me. Her life was spared only by the timing of the organizer of this now grand event...whom walked over...and clicked on the unit...I really don't remember what was playing on the newish looking Magnavox CD player that was perched just above the double cassette player (not unlike all those that get a whopping 15 bucks at any number of sunny day sales) and the Carver C-5 Pre-Amp. But I do know each one of them powered up!!!...And there WAS power.....she said with a heavy southern draw.."My brother paid 1800 dollars for them speakers alone"!!...."but he's dead now"..With eye's glazed over I peer up at a sign that until now had gone unnoticed..."SPEAKERS COST $1800" and right below was the tip of the arrow..."350 FIRM"....I dropped the 67 cents in my hand..then quickly hip checked a 14 year old looking at toys with his dad...I pulled the "sister" and plopped all the bread and milk money I had left in her hand....I told her I was going to go rob an ATM machine...her middle aged hubby laughed....I didn't. By the time I hit my ATM, I was hitting button like an Vegas gambler at 3 am. I pulled the cash and slip so fast the light had not changed at the intersection that sits by my bank. Just before I tossed the receipt I glanced at the -131.00 balance and giggled....who needs milk and bread anyway....now music, there's a NEED.

The break-down and packing of the equipment was fast and professorial. I did get a bit of a fret when I saw the 16 awg the now deceased audiophile used and the lack of any exotic cables didn't go unnoticed but I struggled through just the same. As the husband helped unloaded the last speaker (from HIS truck ;) within minutes I had thing kicking in the kitchen!!! No bread...No milk....but one hell'of'a grin sandwich...and Pink Floyd "The Wall" making use of a shweet pair of Chorus II's and over 650 wpc thanks to Bob and company....

I think I'll get breakfast from now on, IF the wife lets me. But that's another story."

Thanks for listening to me rant. Pogue

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You're lucky. After reading you origional post, I went scavaging through town, going to every pawn shop and garage sale within 30 miles. All I found was a pair of KSF 10.5s and a beat up HK amp (which had a very unreasonably high asking price). Anyway I was really disapointed that I didn't have a similar find. I guess I was expecting to find the holly grail of Klipsch stowed in the back of some pawn shop, Cornwalls and K-horns for as far as the eye can see, but no such luck. Oh well.

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Deals come when you can't afford them. Right after I bought my RF3IIs, a buddy of mine offered me his Denon 4802, as he was getting seperates, for $800. I didn't have the funds, as I just dropped all I had into the towers, tuition, and rent. Needless to say, he sold it elsewhere and I missed out. I just wrote out the check for tuition for the summer classes I'm taking, so i have a feeling I'll run into another fine deal I can't hop on. that's just my luck. Sometimes it just sucks to be me.

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My "NEEDLE" in the haystack was my curent rear center. Academys were hard to find, let alone buy. I waded through countless e-Bay pages and was tired of finding the "true sound" way out my price range - to the tune of nearly $600 at times.

I did a Google search that produced a short list of e-mail addresses of possible owners, from bulletin boards to on-line garage sales.

I got a reply back with a phone number. I called back and found that one owner who still did have one stashed in a closet that he really had no use for after upgrades. He said he would part with it . . . .

I did not offer, but asked what he might want for it (with my heart in my throat), I was met with . . . . . . . . . how does $75.00 sound . . . . , . . . . that is, if I would pick up the shipping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Houses really do need higher ceilings at times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Well I think getting my '88 Oak Oil Khorns offered to me for $1250, then finding out he had a pair of Lacquered Birch Stained La Scala's as well and wanted $400 for them, plus picking up a Velodyne F1500R Servo Sub as well for $400 was a hell of a deal, plus finding a single La Scala for $300 from a guy that had it stored in a barn makes me pretty damn lucky I'd say. Oh I also sold my Belle Klipsch on eBay for $1625 which just about paid for the Khorns and La Scala's combined. Being in the right place at the right time and doing alot of digging and searching on the internet, plus placing wanted to buy ads does pay off eventually.

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