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one of those things that makes you go "hmm"


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A few years ago B.K. (before klipschorns), when I had a nice pair of Amrita (now defunct, if not de-funked) Reference Standards, I was playing around one night and had an interesting (to audio-dweebs) experience.

The Amritas were top-of-the-line speakers, big floor-standers with a 13" woofer in rear ported, sand ballasted cabinet and a pair of 6 1/2" mids and a 1" fabric dome tweeter in a quasi-D'Appolito array (MTM). The speakers were bi-wire/bi-amp capable, so of course I had to check those options out. I had these little Rat Shack Minimus 77's in the room for some reason, and I somehow got the madcap idea to try the little shack speakers with the Amrita woofers. So, I sat the little fellers (they are kinda cute - 5"woofer/1" dome tweeter in a solidly built metal cabinet) on top of the big Amritas. I hooked'em up and sat back, prepared to be underwhelmed. I was driving the woofers with one Sony TA-N55ES power amp, and the RatShack 77's with another one. And guess what. Yup, that's right, there really wasn't THAT much difference. Or at least, not like I expected to hear. True, the Amritas were a bit smoother and more airy on top, and of course they would go much louder cleanly than the little $40.00 Radio Shack jobs, BUT at low to moderate levels, the quality difference just wasn't that much.

Lessons learned? Big money buys you big cabinets that go deeper and louder. Drivers of the same basic type tend to sound more alike than different. There is a nugget of truth in the old Billy Joel lyric: "don't waste your money on a new set of speakers; ya get more mileage from a cheap set of speakers"...(from a song on the "Glass Houses" album - can't remember name or exact words...it's rough gettin old! -ha)

Anyway, I always think of that experience when I see little bookshelf two-ways in Stereophool that costs $5000.00. Caveat Emptor indeed! It also reminds me of an old klipsch print ad that the thrust of was that you get a real difference for your money with klipsch. I think it was a heresy ad from the late seventies / early eighties. And very true.

I love music through klipsch!

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Oh gee, I guess I better get that CD down and give it a listen. Fer cryin' out loud, you'd think I could hear the lyric correctly through Sennheiser HD-580's! I'm like, soooo embaras; emberra...M-Bare-Assed!!! -however the heck you spell it! 15.gif

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OK, ya bunch of wise-guys, straight from the CD booklet (duh!) from Billy Joel's "Glass Houses"; the lyrics in question from the tune "It's Still Rock And Roll To Me":

..."Don't waste your money on a new set of speakers

You get more mileage from a cheap pair of sneakers"...

So there we have it. We're all right. Everybody wins. Regardless, the point is the same either way. Uh BTW, what was my point?


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Guilty of this myself. Heard 4 Non Blondes do "What's Up?" this morning and I've always heard one of the lyrics as "I pray at the sink all day for a revolution." Well, of course that really didn't make much sense to me, but hey, it's Linda Perry. I pulled out the lyric sheet from the jewel case to find that it's "I pray every single day for a revolution." Thought of this thread.

Reminds me of that scene in "The Long Kiss Goodnight" (great movie, BTW) where Geena Davis and Sam Jackson are riding in the car and he sings the lyrics "I'm not talking 'bout the linen..."


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Sometimes the "real" lyrics make less sense than anything else you might have thought you heard. Has anyone ever read the lyrics to Bruce's "Blinded by the Light"? Regardless of what you might think he's saying, I bet you're not even close... a couple of excerps:

"Madman drummers bummers and Indians in the summer with a teenage diplomat

In the dumps with the mumps as the adolescent pumps his way into his hat..."

"Some brimstone baritone anti-cyclone rolling stone preacher from the east

He says: 'Dethrone the dictaphone, hit it in its funny bone, that's where they expect it least'"...

"And now in Zanzibar a shootin' star was ridin' in a side car hummin' a lunar tune

Yes, and the avatar said blow the bar but first remove the cookie jar we're gonna teach those boys to laugh too soon

And some kidnapped handicap was complainin' that he caught the clap from some mousetrap he bought last night..."

Well, you get the idea.

This makes an excellent test of a speaker's amplitude and frequency, accuracy, resolution and timbre balance, by the way. If you listen to this song and can actually make out any of the lyrics, then you've got great speakers! My La Scala's were the best I've ever had (or heard) in that regard.

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I really got that cheap pair of sneakers right? I was joking! LOL Sorry, this thread went way off track. At least I found out about fart.com! BTW, that may be the dumbest website I've ever seen. Now don't continue this thread with the dumbest websites ever. OK?2.gif

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