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On 11/6/2003 10:46:31 AM tillmbil wrote:

So your problems were simple Gary, I on the other hand am going nuts. WHat did Larry do to your TT to make it work? Maybe my VTL or what ever that is is off. Maybe my needle doesn't track straight, how do I check this now that weight is correct?



Gary and I did four things, admittedly forgot a couple of others:

1. We used his very handy "overhang gauge" to set the stylus at the right distance from the tone arm pivot.

2. We used my Shure gauge to set the weight to 1.7 gms.

3. We used his Shure cartridge alignment strip to exactly line up the cantilever (not the cartridge body!) correctly

4. We dialed the anti-skating up to 1.7 gms.

Of these, I think two are especially important: the correct weight, and aligning the cartridge cantilever. Of these, an incorrect weight is more likely to cause your problems.

Do you think you set the weight OK? If your cartridge is supposed to be set at over 1.5 gms., you need to set half the correct amount on the Shure gauge's little slider and then set the needle in the "Times 2" groove, not "Times 1". Please forgive me if you already know all this.

I think cartridge/cantilever alignment is very important for best sound -- things can get tinny fast if it's angled away. We stooped down, and, looking from in front of the cart with a magnifying glass, looked to see if the cantilever was running in exactly the same direction as the lines on the strip. We had to look 3-4 times and twist the cart VERY slightly in the headshell each time until it lined up.

The two things we're attending to after the session:

1. Vertical tracking angle (VTA): this is whether the cartridge seems to be level when looking at it from the side (some carts' rear ends need to be up or down a little). Gary thought it was close tho' it's hard to tell. A cross-check is to see if the tone arm either slopes up or down from the headshell to the pivot -- as I understand it, it's best if it's level.

2. "Azimuth" -- whether the cartridge tips to the side when seen from the front. Easiest to put a small, thin mirror on your TT platter and look at it from the front. Gary and I haven't done this yet.

Finally, be SURE to level your turntable with a small level.

I still wonder if your cartridge is defective.

From what you describe, I would look at these possibilities:

1. The weight is not correct

2. Your turntable is not level from side to side or front to back; a strong tilt could cause the tone arm to press strongly on one side of the groove or skip grooves.

3. Your anti-skating is too strong.

I'm more doubtful about the VTA or even alignment causing what you describe.

I hope other forum members chip in if I've gone astray. My experience is limited to a relatively few items I've bought over the years.

And, I apologize if I told you things you really know very well.

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NO, I pretty much no nothing about TT's. The weight of the needle is 1.75g so I put the weight on the scale to half of that and used the proper groove. Can't remmeber which one from memory. I will recheck it though.

The tracking does not seem to be adjustable, it is a fishline with a weight attached to the end. There are two notches in the back of the TT arm that it hooks onto. I could change that, but I put it in the recommended notch.

I will get a magnifying glass and check the needle next, thanks for the info. Were do I get the SHure cartridge alignment strip to check the VTA or cartridge alignment?

Gee, on the old P-mount Tecnhic's TT you don't have to do any of this crap and it plays fine. Just the sound is not that fine. I can definitely hear better bass, less noise response and better sound even with current problems.

Funny thing, the static gets worse as the needle approaches the end of the record???? WHat could that tell me?

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Klipschfoot, not to appear ignorant, which I obviously am, all I see for my profile is a small square box were I type in my information. How would I go about changing the font? Where does this happen at. I am sure if I type what you say in that little box it will appear on my sognature page and make me look even worse.

Thanks in advance.

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Yes. Type it in the box! And get rid of the line breaks which get added every time you make revisions to your sig.

Also, you may think the technics is easier but my guess is you have a damaged cart and no matter what adjustments you make, you won't get rid of the static. Usually, even when a cart is not perfectly set up, it still sounds pretty good. Those are excellent comments Larry made however and I'd print them out for future use.

Good luck.

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