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LotR:The Two Towers Extended Edition - In-Friggan-credible!


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Just last night, I finally got to watch my copy of The Two Towers extended edition. WOW! A couple of my friends came over because they wanted to see it. They both could not believe just how good it sounded. Hell, I cannot friggan believe how good it sounded. This is the first full-length movie I got to try with my new amp. I did watch Animatrix on there as well as a part of Star Wars - The Return of the Jedi on VHS (mostly because I wanted to test the Composite to S-Video upconverter I got off the 'net). I was impressed with how both of those sounded, but man, that Lord of the Rings!

Also, the movie itself was really good. All that extra material really does help fill out the story and seems to bring it closer to the book.

I also thought it was funny when my friend saw my amp the first time. He saw it and asked, "What the hell is that big thing! That was not there the last time I was here." I told him it was my new space-heater, and he replied, "No way - that is an amp is it?". I then went and told him about the amp, i.e., seven channels, 200 watts/channel and so forth. He than asked, "How much you get that for? $500?". I told him, a bit higher. "$800? $1,000? $1,200?". When I told him how much I really paid for it, he just about $#!+ himself!

Anyway, if you don't have this Lord of the Rings DVD in your collection, I would highy suggest getting it. At the least, it is definitly worth an evening's rental.

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Noticing a big difference in dynamics and clarity using that B&K Ref 200.7 outboard amplifier I take it. Big leap in performance over the Denon 3802 internal amplifier's I am certain. I have been running outboard amplifiers for a couple of years now. I was running 5 X 400W for a short time but decided to reconfigure the system so that it is running at 125W X 6, and 400W X 1 to the center channel. I have been using my Denon AVR-4800 as the pre/processor but just ordered the B&K Ref 50 this morning. I can't wait! Enjoy! 9.gif

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I would be very interested in hearing others comments on the overall sound quality of this new release compaired to the previous release from people who have not modified their gear. I remember a while back several of us though the midrange on the first 2 towers dvd was a bit weak. I just bought the new DVD myself yesterday but have not had a chance to watch it.

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On 11/24/2003 10:53:30 AM Frzninvt wrote:

Noticing a big difference in dynamics and clarity using that B&K Ref 200.7 outboard amplifier I take it. Big leap in performance over the Denon 3802 internal amplifier's I am certain.


Oh yeah! To be honost, I was a little skeptical if getting that amp was really going to make that big of a difference, especially for price. Everybody, both here and elswhere, was saying that it does. Now having heard the difference myself, I can fully appreciate it! I noticed it when I put that first CD in after hooking up everything.


I have been using my Denon AVR-4800 as the pre/processor but just ordered the B&K Ref 50 this morning. I can't wait! Enjoy!


I saw the "United Radio Pissed Me Off" thread where you said that Denon themselves may finally take a look at it and so forth. I am glad everything is finally working out in the end for you. Eventually, I plan on getting that B&K Ref 50 myself, but it'll be at least a few years. I bet that thing will be sweet on your setup. 10.gif

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On 11/24/2003 11:36:10 AM m00n wrote:

I remember a while back several of us thought the midrange on the first 2 towers dvd was a bit weak. I just bought the new DVD myself yesterday but have not had a chance to watch it.


I don't recall the mid-range being weak myself when I watched it. But than again, it was a little while since I last watched it. I'll have to go watch it again and see. However, I definitly did not think the mid-range was weak in the extended edition. I could easily make out the dialog and everything came out with incredible clarity and detail. At the risk of sounding snobbish, I just simply cannot imagine watching and listening to this on the regular TV speakers, or even on something like a Bose Lifestyle system. One of the guys at work said he rented the original theatrical release of The Two Towers, and he said he had a hard time understanding what Gollum was saying. I can clearly hear and easily understand what Gollum was saying on my system.

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I agree here,LOTR Two Towers extended edition is simply top flight in terms of sound quality.I did watch the movie three times Sunday!

The first on my PC sound system,second on my Klipsch/ATI/Sunfire system and last(best for last remember)on my Dynuaudio Contour/Celeste MOON/Krell monster.

The sound was never right(dynamics untill I did pump the voulume up)on the smaller PC systemm,however the Klipsch/Sunfire system showcased the sonic glory of the movie.Very impressive to say the least

My Dynaudio system was an absolute delight,ah the sound.With the three large subs it dug as deep as deep goes with no audible effort.

Another great LOTR

Now time to wait a few months and get my hands on the last LOTR extended edition.

For sound quality I give a solid 9/10 here.

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I watched it Saturday as the first feature on my new big screen. Quicky calibration on the new speaker arrangement (we rotated the room 90' onto the long axis) and settled back.

It was great. But to be honest, I don't recall much about the sound. I'll pay more attention on subsequent viewings (and as various new components show up). But one particular: I noticed that the overall bass of the battle with the Balrog wasn't quite as deep as I expected. More evidence that my subbie is lacking in delivery...

Interesting thing about the Extended Edition. With all the additions, the "narrative pacing" has definitely changed, and now the movie feels less like a theatrical release and much more like the middle of a long story.

To PJ and crew, "WELL DONE!"

Watch the first Appendix Disc in its entirety. (Play All). It's fascinating!


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