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CD Vocals / Jazz that make a Klipsch sing...


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Just to share some CD titles that really move me and others might enjoy. I have only recently discovered XRCD and am amazed how good a "normal" CD can be made to sound. Would love to hear any vinyl lovers reactions and comparisons:

Jacintha - Tribute to Ben - XRCD recording. This is an OMG recroding and a half. I have never heard anything that comes close to her rendition of Danny Boy (as the choice pick of the album).

Three Blind Mice sampler disk (JVCXR-9001). Track 8 - Brdige Over Troubled Water/Ayako Hosokawa - both her voice and the sax are just incredible (as long as you can ignore the "Blidge over trabelled Wah-ter)(LOL). Watch out for the end of the song - she holds the last note for a seemingly impossible time and eventually lets it drop off so casually it is just incredible.

JVCXR60158 SONNY ROLLINS/SAXOPHONE COLOSSUS . The whole damn thing. Oh god it this good! Nothing reproduces a Sax like a Horn and this recording has some of the best Sax I have ever heard. Strike that - this is the best Sax I have ever heard.

If people are interested I will share more.

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Yes, please. share more. I'm always on the lookout for rec's on exceptional recordings, no matter what the genre.

A good recording can stop me dead in my tracks and have me listening to a type of music that I might never have given the time of day otherwise. I would have never thought that I would sit still for Diana Krall but, my goodness, it's like she's in the room with me (almost). I'm still looking for Patricia Barber, Cafe Blue. Noone around here seems to have it, but I hear it's quite the masterpiece.



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I'm a vinyl fan who is truly impressed with XRCD. They sound better than HDCD. If they only mastered all cd like this I'd probably be vinyless.

Anyway I would like to recommend Basie Big Band. Excellent and very near true to life dynamics along with excellent transients. BTW, the music is good too Smile.gif This cd can be had off the pablo label for $16. They use the same licensed JVC 20 bit K2 mastering technique but can't be called XRCD because I think that trade name is for cd's from JVC. JVC also has the same cd for $26.

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Where do you get these things?

Could you hear a difference on a standard mid level CD player?

How much do they cost?


Sony Trinitron 27" TV

Yamaha RX-V1000

JVC HR-S3800 Super VHS VCR

Sony DVP-S530D DVD Player

Sony Tape

Sony CDP-CE345 Cd player



Synergy Rear surounds

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Originally posted by bensilb:

Where do you get these things?

Could you hear a difference on a standard mid level CD player?

How much do they cost?

They run anywhere from 15 to 26 bucks depending on the cd and if it's JVC or someone else licensed to do the same thing.

The good thing is the difference is discernable on even moderate cd players.

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Thank you

That's great. I am going to look into this.


Sony Trinitron 27" TV

Yamaha RX-V1000

JVC HR-S3800 Super VHS VCR

Sony DVP-S530D DVD Player

Sony Tape

Sony CDP-CE345 Cd player

RF-3 Main

Monster m1.4 Biwire Cables

RC-3 Center

SS-1 Rear

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Head over to www.elusivedisc.com for any audiophile cd you want.

The site is not the easiest to use but their selection is very good.

Check out the titles under JVC xrcd, JVC xrcd2, JVC TBM xrcd and JVC TBM xrcd 2.

I am also in the process of trying to find out where you can buy some audiophile Turkish music. Although fairly bizzare some of it is unbelievbly fantastic musically and some of it will really work out your system.

Will update this site when I find out availability and pricing etc.

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Diana Krall is a fave of mine. Any CD but here is a track to try on your new RF-7's (assumed close) Track 9 I'm Through With Love on the CD "All for You" is a knockout. Slow rendition with extrordinary detail. You can plainly hear the difference between the close mic recording of Ms. Krall's voice and the miking on the accompaniament. Just before Diana sings the first word, you'll hear her tongue come away from the roof of her mouth. Don't hear all that? Get RF-7's.

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The Holly Cole track is "I Can See Clearly Now", from the album "Don't Smoke In Bed". If you like that, then get all of her CDs, 'cause they all sound great. I'd recommend "Temptation" to start, but you can't go wrong - she's fabulous!



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