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Forte II Crossover (upgraded)


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Looks very nice Dean. Now another cap has been thrown into my interest mix. I was going to buy Hovlands for my Chorus II crossovers per Leo's advice and condition them somehow by finding a DC power supply. But now the Thetas seem interesting if I dont have to run any DC through them first. Also I have been looking at the Auricaps too, they seem to be a little cheaper priced than the other caps and I like the way they sound in my Scott. Either way they all are made in the values I need..6uf and 2uf.

Tough decision but the price of the Auricaps is pulling me that way. Anyone have good results with them in Crossover applications?


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On 2/10/2004 3:41:47 PM leok wrote:


Have you tried the speakers since the mod? Did I miss your comments? What were the results?




On 2/10/2004 6:49:39 PM Strabo wrote:

I'm extremely happy with the changes. In summary, the HF is much more defined and soothing. I don't know how to describe it, but cymbal crashes and bells sound more real than they ever did, less white noise type shoundsh.

The Mids are smoother, but I did not notice the huge change as in the HF.


Review updated.

The mids are much better. What I really noticed when listening to Patricia Barber Cafe Blue tonight was that the echo is wetter. I use that disc to test how the midrange on a speaker replays the reverb and echo.

Last year I made the mistake of listening to some Meadowlark Heron's and was astonished by what I wasn't hearing in my Forte's. Specifically in the echo department. Since I can't affort $6,500 for those two speakers I've been trying to replicate it the best I can without breaking the bank.

(Sidebar, I was also able to repeat that wetness on some Soliloquy 6.2's. The 5.2's and 5.3 wouldn't do it either. Neither were any of the Paradigms that I tried.)

I can say the that Forte's now are much better at recreating that magic midrange than they used to be. They're still not perfect, but at 1/6th the price I wouldn't expect them to be.

Maybe the next step will be tube amps to try to sweeten them up some more.

I'm much happier now, but we'll see tomorrow. The reason I pulled out that disc again is I am headed off to audition a used pair of Heron I's with a friend. He's thinking of bringing them home and might need my truck.8.gif

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