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Need help replacing binding posts


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I would like some technical help in replacing the binding posts on my Forte IIs. I bought them used, and on one speaker, the binding posts were broken off at the medial hole, leaving only about 1/8 inch of threaded post. Also, the plastic nuts had been replaced with some generic ones which have a large diameter hole too big for banana plugs. I took out the speaker terminal cup to examine the posts, and see that the crossover is located directly behind the posts leaving only about 1/4 inch of space for the base of the binding posts. I looked at the binding posts on parts.express and another site, and many look like they would protrude inside much more than 1/4 inch. I contacted Klipsch parts, who said they do not have original replacements, but offered another type, at $1.88 plus $5 shipping. At that price, it doesnt seem like they would be of particularly special quality, so would it really be more or less equivalent if I just bought generic posts at Radio Shack for $3.99? Does anyone recommend any other binding post (with less than 1/4" inside protrusion)? Thanks for the info.

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As long as the binding post is capable of making a good contact with the speaker wire, I don't think there is much of an acoustic difference from one unit to another. Durability is a different thing... but under normal use this is not a big factor either.

You are probably right that the Klipsch part isn't anything special... but for resale value, I'd go for them anyways. An upgraded post won't add anything to your Fortes (acoustically or value wise) and if you buy the RS part you'll have to two (to match) at 8$ while two from Klipsch cost only 9$... I think it's worth the extra 1$. 2.gif



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  • Klipsch Employees

Rob is right . The bp-3 is verry close to the orginal...only gold plated.

there were 2 different post used. one was the 113008 the same as the pro binding post. the 113068 is the closest to the other...

call parts and order if you want.

The Radio Shack does have a post that is very close as well.

There are very little difference in the shack part and the klipsch part...

the shack part will get you working faster.

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I'm constantly amazed at the advice from the "horse-sense" folks that states that one type of connector or cable is just the same as any other. This might be true if you are using a low to mid-priced receiver to drive your speakers, or even if you are using a not-very-revealing amp\preamp combo.

There is another range of components that makes all parts of your signal path crucial; better interconnects, connectors, speaker cables, binding posts... even the internal connectors in your components and speakers are going to alter the sound in some form or another.

I know from being on this board for a few years that this opinion is in the minority... many suggest using home depot wires and el-cheapo replacement parts. Go with them, if that makes you feel more common-sensible, or if you do not consider yourself as having a good ear... and many people will probably never hear the difference.

There are those of us, however, who CAN hear the difference, and are willing to pay a little more for it. Many of the other camp think the differences we hear are psychological, and they are welcome to their opinion. As for me, my ears know better... and my incredible Klipsch speakers are prepared and capable of showing me the differences.

As for myself, if I were to replace the binding posts on my Fortes or Academy; if I could not find the originals, I would look into Cardas gold or rhodium-plated.

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