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God Bless America


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On 6/7/2004 6:11:39 PM chuckears wrote:

My other political post that was scribed as an alternative to this one was locked; since this does not seem to be in the same jeopardy, I would like to simply explain that it is not the "God Bless America" sentiment to which I object, nor the enjoyment of the musical stylings of the late Kate Smith.

Rather, it is tying these to the departure of a former president whose policies did not work; and how the current mess we are in sprang from the same policies and mindset, and how all of it makes this forum look like an extension of Fox ("fair and balanced") News.

I wish my 500th post had more to do with Klipsch, but I did not instigate this topic; I am only responding to it with my own opinion.

God Bless America indeed. I hope He does, before it's too late.


This just proved my theory on politics.

"When it comes to politics, opinions are like @$$holes! Everybody's got one and they all seem to stink!".

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I know you're a cook chuckears and if the recipe I got from you is any indication, you're a fine cook at that. SSH's thread related to the passing of man that was the most popular President of all time and to a great woman who sang what SSh and many of us believe to be a great song. What the President did or did not do and what the song is about or not is not relevant to this thread. BTW, skanopa is right. "When it comes to politics, opinions are like @$$holes! Everybody's got one and they all seem to stink!".

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On 6/7/2004 8:57:46 AM fini wrote:

They're not unpopular with me. Seriously.


Or me. Regardless of how you might feel about Ronald Reagan, I think we can all agree that America will forever be in his debt.


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Woodog made a funny - "America will forever be in debt..{sic}"9.gif

Reagan correctly figured that Communistic USSR would crumble at the foundation due to economic concerns, and the largest military buildup ever in the world in the US did just that. Now we literally have that debt, similar in nature to the one that broke the USSR's back. Our economy is a little stronger, but it is our banking system that has kept us afloat temporarily.

Chuckears, if you are concerned about the state of environmental affairs in the US, one of the most lucrative fields you could ever be involved in is being a garbageman. Depending on how much schooling you can stomach, you can earn between $40,000 to 2 mil a year, and everyone creates garbage. I play with chemical, biological, and nuclear garbage, which for some reason unbeknowest to me, no one else likes to do.

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