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Well while still waiting for my Fisher 400 to arrive I called the local repair shop here in Chicago and asked if they knew anything about a upgrade kit.

I was told not really and it most likly would be a waste of money. They said that the would go through the unit and replace any bad caps and align the amp and tuner etc and checking everything else.

I went on to tell them there is a kit online for about $80 ,they told me they would install it no problem but asked if I had any idea what was involved and what needed to be changed?

Would anyone have the instructions? I do not need the service manual or anything. I would like to show the shop it and get some type of estimate what they would charge me to do the necessary work.

The Fisher 400 I purchased off Ebay and is supposed to be in perfect working condition (yeah like I never heard that before14.gif ) but I will not know till it arives.

So any info would be greatly appreciated.

BTW I did talk with the Fisher Doc a few days ago, I had a call into him and he returned it about 1 1/2 weeks later. He ratteled off what the kit was but I did not have time to write it done and most important most of it was over my head anyway9.gif

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Stay away from VTV kits the parts supplied are no where near wirth the price.

If your in Chicago head downtown to Bizzybee tube audio www.2baudio.com and at least chat with Paul about your 400. I would never even think of letting someone that has to ask what is required to freshen up a vintage piece of gear touch my stuff.


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Just send your "Fysher" 400 to Craig with the "right" price and your receiver will be as good as new. The only "caveat" is that it may take a LONG while for Craig to get to your 400 since he barely has time to attend to all of the pieces in his "full house" of tube gears. 2.gif.

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On 7/26/2004 5:39:53 PM NOSValves wrote:

Stay away from VTV kits the parts supplied are no where near wirth the price.

If your in Chicago head downtown to Bizzybee tube audio
and at least chat with Paul about your 400. I would never even think of letting someone that has to ask what is required to freshen up a vintage piece of gear touch my stuff.



Talked to Paul and he is not taking in any new work period.

Believe me I have a MOST EXCELLENT shop here in Chicago who does excellent work. I have used them for a qazallion years.

If its ok to say the name of the shop here in Chicago the name is Deltronics and is a legit shop not sombody working in his basement at his lesiure.

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On 7/26/2004 5:39:53 PM NOSValves wrote:

Stay away from VTV kits the parts supplied are no where near wirth the price.

If your in Chicago head downtown to Bizzybee tube audio
and at least chat with Paul about your 400. I would never even think of letting someone that has to ask what is required to freshen up a vintage piece of gear touch my stuff.



BTW Deltronics knows exactly what to do, the problem is I asked them if they know of the Fisher Doctor mod kit.

They replied NEVER heard of it or him. I was trying to explain what came in the kit to the phone person not the tech, I was told if you want print out what I was trying to explain and bring it in when I brought the unit in.

So they could look it over.

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On 7/26/2004 6:26:43 PM neo33 wrote:

Just send your "Fysher" 400 to Craig with the "right" price and your receiver will be as good as new. The only "caveat" is that it may take a LONG while for Craig to get to your 400 since he barely has time to attend to all of the pieces in his "full house" of tube gears.


Sorry I will not the unit anymore once its here. I have had enought of shipping. I have a fully qualified shop here only minutes from my house.

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On 7/26/2004 5:32:49 PM Seadog wrote:

VTV sells a Fisher 400 kit for $80. Maybe this was the one you heard about.

FWIW, I have never bought anything from these guys, so don't take this as a recommendation.


The kits I was refering to was some person who goes by the name of the Fisher Docktor.

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"Sorry I will not the unit anymore once its here. I have had enought of shipping. I have a fully qualified shop here only minutes from my house."

JjR, I am not recommending that you send your 400 to Craig. Had you stay on this forum long enough, you would have understood my post. 1.gif.

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The Fisher Doctor is good, at least in my experience. I ordered and installed the Resto-Kit from him for my 500B. The instructions are straight forward and anyone with any technical knowledge who can solder should not have any problems installing the kit. It took me about 2 hours to install all the mods.

Some of the most important mods are safety mods that will prevent the unit from melting down should some of the power tubes destroy themselves.



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On 7/26/2004 7:06:42 PM mdeneen wrote:

If you are taking it to a reputable repair shop, why by a kit of parts that they already have - probably at about 1/10th of the price? Don't get hung up on the "kit" - it's just some caps and resistors. Let the man do his work.



That is my thought exactly! 6.gif

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Only suggestion:

Do not select a repair tech for vintage electronics based upon proximity to your home.

I know a guy who send his from California to Michigan for repair.

Some comment I have heard about VTV were not positive although I cannot remember where I read them.

THis forum or other forum's members can be e mailed for references.

Never owned a FIsher but have heard 2 nice amps.

It is worth a $ 300-600 investment. Tuner sections of tube receivers make them pretty complex to work on compared to just an integrated amp.

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On 7/26/2004 6:51:42 PM JjR wrote:

BTW Deltronics knows exactly what to do, the problem is I asked them if they know of the Fisher Doctor mod kit.

They replied NEVER heard of it or him. I was trying to explain what came in the kit to the phone person not the tech, I was told if you want print out what I was trying to explain and bring it in when I brought the unit in.

So they could look it over.


I guess I misunderstood what you were asking ! I thought you said they didn't know what was needed to freshen up the amp. No big deal if you have used them with good results before why not just trust them again to do what THEY feel needs to be done. Also I believe there are some comments about the fisher doctor on AA that you may find interesting.


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On 7/27/2004 12:17:36 AM NOSValves wrote:


On 7/26/2004 6:51:42 PM JjR wrote:

BTW Deltronics knows exactly what to do, the problem is I asked them if they know of the Fisher Doctor mod kit.

They replied NEVER heard of it or him. I was trying to explain what came in the kit to the phone person not the tech, I was told if you want print out what I was trying to explain and bring it in when I brought the unit in.

So they could look it over.

I guess I misunderstood what you were asking ! I thought you said they didn't know what was needed to freshen up the amp. No big deal if you have used them with good results before why not just trust them again to do what THEY feel needs to be done. Also I believe there are some comments about the fisher doctor on AA that you may find interesting.




Yes I saw those comments15.gif also as I mentioned it took well over a week to return my call.

My dealer would never do that !

BTW any tips on cleaning up the chassies and face of the unit? It is is nice shape already but I would like to go over the chassies with a metal polish ?

I do not how that would react with the silk screened letters? I use Mothers as well as Amsoil metal polish on my bikes, it seems gentle enough but still I would like to hear some others ideas.

Many years ago a close friend of mine gave me a MC 240 to sell for him and we were going to split the money. The chassies was pretty dirty so I decided to clean it up. I do not remember what I was using but did get pretty aggressive and next thing I was rubbing some off some of the printing on the nice chrome14.gif

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wish I could help you with the clean up but cosmetic restoration has never interested me so I have no real experience in what would clean it up and leave the lettering. Paul at Bizzy Bee was real good at clean up not sure if he would share his secrets with you ?


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On 7/26/2004 7:56:58 PM eq_shadimar wrote:

The Fisher Doctor is good, at least in my experience. I ordered and installed the Resto-Kit from him for my 500B. The instructions are straight forward and anyone with any technical knowledge who can solder should not have any problems installing the kit. It took me about 2 hours to install all the mods.

Some of the most important mods are safety mods that will prevent the unit from melting down should some of the power tubes destroy themselves.




I have heard Jeff's 500B and it sounds very good with his Cornwalls, so whatever mods he performed and whatever components he used must have been o.k.

As for myself, I will go with what I know (from personal experience) what is successful. I will be sending my second tube amp (a Scott 99B) to Craig.

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On 7/27/2004 11:02:54 AM NOSValves wrote:


wish I could help you with the clean up but cosmetic restoration has never interested me so I have no real experience in what would clean it up and leave the lettering. Paul at Bizzy Bee was real good at clean up not sure if he would share his secrets with you ?



Paul told me for the face use Windex!

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