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Star Wars question. Was there a 7-8-9?


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So, I've heard in the past that there were actually 9 episodes to star wars. That he started in the middle with 4-5-6. Then we all know he came back and did 1-2-3, and that he never indented to do 7-8-9. Does anyone here know for sure or not if there actually WAS a 7-8-9?

If so, does anyone know the jist of the stories and how they go?

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No....just 1-6

the original plan was to make on movie back in late 70's....and this story was based on 4-6...Lucas realized it was bit too long..so he shortened it and made 4....Orginal Star Wars....At the time he had no plans to make more...

but lo and behold ha made $$ with 4 so then he decided to make 5 with the profits...then he made 6 with profits from 5....afterwards...he saw more potential $$ and made 1 then 2 and 3 will come out next summer...to complete the story....

Some special Star Wars show on Discovery Channel explained this....and I think it is also on the 4-6 DVD issue....not sure have not watched that yet....

PS he made even more $$ on the toys.....hehehe

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Officially sanctioned novels on Episodes VII ("Heir to the Empire"), VIII ("Dark Force Rising"), and IX ("The Last Command") were written about ten year ago by Timothy Zahn (notable sci-fi author).

I read the first two, but couldn't bear to read the last one b/c I didn't much like the arc of the story or the writing.

It is generally accepted (and it is included in the above novels) that certain things do occur: Han and Leia marry and bear Jedi twins. Luke turns to the Dark Side about mid-way through then turns good again. The Emperor does come back (but not physically, more like when Ben Kenobi, Yoda, and Anakin Skywalker return as "apparitions"). General Thrawn (not mentioned in any of the previous stories) takes command of what is left of the Empire (it is about 1/4 the size/power of what it was in RotJ. Oh, and the gay droids (C3P0 and R2D2) continue their homoerotic relationship into the last three episodes.

George Lucas swears that the story concludes once and for all after Episode III is released. I say don't believe him. Word is that the geeks at ILM and the Lucas Ranch have already signed non-disclosure/confidentiality agreements about the follow-up projects. Also, Lucas, while being a creative genius, really hasn't created anything worthwhile other than Star Wars so he'll continue to build on that legacy.

My two cents: he shouldn't have even made the prequels. But there be money to be had so those three sequels will get made (probably in about six to seven years from now, I figure).

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On 9/27/2004 11:19:50 AM ygmn wrote:

No....just 1-6

the original plan was to make on movie back in late 70's....and this story was based on 4-6...Lucas realized it was bit too long..so he shortened it and made 4....Orginal Star Wars....At the time he had no plans to make more...

but lo and behold ha made $$ with 4 so then he decided to make 5 with the profits...then he made 6 with profits from 5....afterwards...he saw more potential $$ and made 1 then 2 and 3 will come out next summer...to complete the story....

Some special Star Wars show on Discovery Channel explained this....and I think it is also on the 4-6 DVD issue....not sure have not watched that yet....

PS he made even more $$ on the toys.....hehehe


actually from the interviews on the THX version (mid 90's time frame) of the original 3 star war movies, he stated that he wrote one story and it would take about nine movies to write the whole story, but he had only done the middle three at that point. he had only originally planned to do the first (a new hope) movie though. And that he was thinking about doing the first three (since the THX versions were out before the first three were out.)I have heard him say in other interviews that he has no plan to finish the last three. the timothy Zahn trilogy is general accepted to be the story of the last three though. even though they are directly from george lucas. I can't wait to get the money to get my grubby hands on the dvd version of the original three. The best format i have them on now is laser disc (thx version which i have on VHS also).

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From the couple interviews I seen or read, the official line is Episode 3 is the final movie, but, I quote "I wouldn't be surprised if the last three get done in the future". Presumably after Lucas plows his way through a barrage of groupies, drugs and Ferraris and needs more money. :) Kind of like the Rolling Stones. Just kidding Mr. Lucas. :)

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I just know that I would love to see the story continue with 3 more movies. However, I'd like to see him do it the same way Andrew Jackson did with Lord of the Rings and film them basically at the same time and release them 1 year apart from each other, rather than the 3 years it generally takes from one episode to the next.

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