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conrats carl. makes we wonder about taking the leap myself...grrrr...would my wife flip over yet another "upgrade"? LOL, tony

At first, she may be upset. But, after she hears them, she will change her mind. To me, the difference is that dramatic and worth it. And you could remind her, that your Klipschorns will still look stock (from the outside).


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If these are the Al K horns I heard them at NOS VAlves twice now.

Pretty sweet!

Avery good thing one better.

Yes - the Trachorn mod available from ALK Engineering. Some call them "Klapperhorns," "Alhorns," or the "Edgar Martinelli Klapperhorn."

To me it does not matter what they are called - they are very, very, very good.


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I may go that way...I wonder how low they go before they unload a driver? it would be an easier sale if I could envision swapping out the klipsch driver at a later date for an Altec driver that goes a bit lower (288)...maybe al can chime in an fill me in on that possiblity. tony

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There is a lot of stuff happening in that frequency range it begins to thin out as you drop lower, 300, 200, when you get to 120hz you are out of most instruments and voices way...my ideal would be drivers covering the following ranges 20-120hz, 120-1,500hz and 1,500-20,000 however that is nearly impossible with horns. It works the same way going up on the other end I would rather crossover at 800 than 400 or 500...So new ranges would be 20-800, 800-4,0000, 4,000-20,000 for a three way...that is more doable from an mid horn point of view but the bass bin might not be happy, thus the jubilee bass bin from 32 to 800, the altec midrange (288 or 290+ plus the tracthorn or 311-90) from 800 to 3-4,000 and the JBL 2404 tweeter from 4k on up, or you can do it as PWK wanted as a two way with the mid/tweet going up to 16-17,000...at least that is my thought on the subject. My super k-horn project is a three way along the lines I describe at the end of the paragraph. tony

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Ahhhh......I see. Me now understand.

I can understand one of your preferences for the 800hz crossover point. I really like that point with my two-way Valencias. However, I must say that at least from what I've heard prelim-wise, the Trachorn does strong down to 400hz.

Down to 200? I have no idea. Probably doubt it. Al?


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congratutions on the trachorns! Yes they are very nice indeed. From my experience you will really fall in love with them as you cycle through your music collection. They are truly magical!

Magical!! That's the word I was looking for.

And yes, now they are Klapperhorns!!!


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